Bro. I'm currently in the exact situation with one of my plates. She is a younger girl. And yes, from the beginning until now even after sex, she would not really text me that much despite the fact that when I am with her, she is constantly texting her friends instantly and playing with her social media accounts. So she is definitely doing it intentionally. Despite this non-text situation, she would still meet up with me everytime and if I ask to f'ck she would f'ck and get really horny.
Heres the kicker.....
One time she got really really drunk and confessed to me that she has been witholding texting and generally been on and off to me on the phone/her attention because her friends had told her it's a way to keep me. Push and pull she said. Despite the fact that she has admitted she's playing games, she is still doing it. And to be honest despite the fact I know it's a tactic sometimes it affects me still. I like attention too at times. So it has its efficacy.
But think about it, in a way it is kind of sad. Because some women might like you so much that they've got to resort to all sorts of weird ways to keep you around. And with this non-texting, it is really quite pathetic and most likely a trick.
I started a thread about this girl actually and mind games girls play. Check my profile sometime.
On the other side of the coin, I've experienced serious texting girls. Girls that would text me and voice message me all the time but never meet. Those suck even more.
Remind yourself (and I am trying to constantly reminding myself too), maintain your rationality. Don't let these pathetic behavior pull you down. Rise above it.
Win and tame them in their games.