Don Juan
Basicly the week day i went shopping for new clothes and got a haircut. ive always been a pretty good looking guy, i always had a bad wardrobe choice and my haircut wasnt all that great.
i spent 100s on clothes (nice looking shirts and jeans, my useual style is like sweaters and ****) and got a really nice haircut...
school next day..
well, multiple girls who stopped talking to me all a sudden said hi...girls who never gave me the time of day...well, did. it feels like everywhere i walk i notice at least one or two girls checking me out. im getting my ass slapped by hot girls...girls telling me things liek wow, you look really hot. one girl (used to be a good friend) even basicly began riding my buss again conviently when this all happened, basicly trying to get the seat across from me to again hit on me and check me out.
all of this is something i would have never expected..i have never in my life had so much female attention. It almost feels like a dream.
but its becoming absoulutly overwhelming to me, i am very shy around people i dont know well, but male or female...after a few converations i ease up.
i dont know what to do, i dont know how to take all this in. i feel like i am litteraly being watched everywhere i go now just because i look so much better then i used to be. im actualy getting paranoid about it. its somthing i want..but at the same time its just overwhelming...i just dont know what im supposed to do becuase i feel like i have to like live up to being someone im not....i just cant walk up to a girl checking me out and start a conversation, i dont know where to go after a girl calls me hot, i dont know what to do when im getting my ass slapped.
i spent 100s on clothes (nice looking shirts and jeans, my useual style is like sweaters and ****) and got a really nice haircut...
school next day..
well, multiple girls who stopped talking to me all a sudden said hi...girls who never gave me the time of day...well, did. it feels like everywhere i walk i notice at least one or two girls checking me out. im getting my ass slapped by hot girls...girls telling me things liek wow, you look really hot. one girl (used to be a good friend) even basicly began riding my buss again conviently when this all happened, basicly trying to get the seat across from me to again hit on me and check me out.
all of this is something i would have never expected..i have never in my life had so much female attention. It almost feels like a dream.
but its becoming absoulutly overwhelming to me, i am very shy around people i dont know well, but male or female...after a few converations i ease up.
i dont know what to do, i dont know how to take all this in. i feel like i am litteraly being watched everywhere i go now just because i look so much better then i used to be. im actualy getting paranoid about it. its somthing i want..but at the same time its just overwhelming...i just dont know what im supposed to do becuase i feel like i have to like live up to being someone im not....i just cant walk up to a girl checking me out and start a conversation, i dont know where to go after a girl calls me hot, i dont know what to do when im getting my ass slapped.