I'm FUKKED.....she wants to know if I want to be her boyfriend


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
I've been trying to avoid this discussion but I knew it would be inevitable.

Went to the club tonite. There I met the girl that I have been seeing (the innocent one), along with her friends.

All was well, I was having a good time, until her older friend asks me "what's the deal between you and XXXXXX". I did my best to avoid the question, but she persisted.

I dodged my way out of it, only volunteering the fact that I realized she wasn't "typical" for a younger girl. Her friend brought up the fact that I had previously called XXXXXX a "baby"; it turns out that she was upset by that comment.

Just so happens that the OTHER girl (the married chick) I posted about earlier showed up too. She saw me dancing close with my girl and kept her distance. I honestly thought I would have a little catty rumble on my hands, but it didn't pan out that way. Whatever.

Then we are all leaving the club. I'm holding my girl getting ready to say goodbye, when all of a sudden ANOTHER chick comes up and grabs me. Turns out it was a girl I had been out with a few years ago.

Anyways, my girl hauls ass to catch up with her friends. I call her cell when I get finished giving my new # to the other girl, LOL...

She calls me back and starts grilling me HERSELF about our status. I told her that I would call her tomorrow and we would talk, that I didn't want to discuss this while I was drinking.

So now I get to have this serious discussion about relationship status with a girl I've only been out with TWICE.

Sucks. I was hoping to get a little further into the relationship before I was forced to justify myself.

Mr. Mystery

Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2002
Reaction score
Right there! mrmystery14@yahoo.com
I recommend honesty.

Just be real with her, tell her you like her and would like to keep seeing her, but you are also gonna be seeing other girls and that she is free to do the same (see other girls that is ;)).

Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Mystery
Just be real with her, tell her you like her and would like to keep seeing her, but you are also gonna be seeing other girls and that she is free to do the same (see other girls that is ;)).
Oh man, how funny is that.

She keeps asking me if I find different girls attractive, and making MANY other offhand comment that would lead me to believe she might be bisexual.

I told her my last LTR was with a bisexual girl, and she perked up asking how I felt about dating a woman that likes girls.

THEN....at the club tonite another girl grab her and starts grinding with her. I sandwiched the two of them for awhile, then left them to do their thing. Funny thing is it looked like she was into it!

My girl finally pulls me back over. The chick that was grinding on her gives me a dirty look and slaps me upside the head! It fukking HILARIOUS. The dike got pissed that I was jumping in on her territory and hauled ass...haha!

Point is, she might actually like girls too.

Believe me, if I have to suffer through some B/S "do you wanna be my boyfriend" discussion I'm sure as hell gonna get to the bottom of this ambiguous sexuality issue while I'm at it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by STR8UP

So now I get to have this serious discussion about relationship status with a girl I've only been out with TWICE.

Sucks. I was hoping to get a little further into the relationship before I was forced to justify myself.
Everything you need to say to her, you have said right here. You are exactly right. Tell her that you would like to get to know her better before making any commitment. This will make you come across as being very sincere about commitment, also. Well, you are. Right?!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
and youre stil with her...??

(read part of your post, i apologize if im wrong here)

if shes being so possessive id just ditch her dude. having a chick nagging around allll the time aint good at all, shes just wicked insecure im sure. and im sure youve delt with moving on(?).

chicks are chicks dude, dont matter what the hell they think, cuz u lose them, all u do is move to the next one.


honesty works wonders, try not to lie :)

hope this helps



Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
The boys gave you good advice .

What do YOU want from the girl ?

Then do so :cool: