I'm fairly certain I'm stepping into the Ultimate Sh*t Test tomorrow night.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
zekko said:
I already gave my opinion on this, but I'm actually kind of disappointed you're not going. I would have loved to have gotten a field report on how this went lol. Or been a fly on the wall or something.

It would almost be fun to go there and totally self amuse. Like eat six onions before you go and pass horrid gas through the whole meal :) Or bring her flowers and a card and read poetry to her, anything weird.
Hahahahaha amazing.

This is how I foresee it going - she's going to call me later and ask if I'm still coming, I'm going to say no and tell her that a girl I know wanted to go see the movie and that I'm doing that instead, and then she'll do one of two things:

1. act subtlely offended, like most girls probably would, and maybe try to schedule something else.

2. act like nothing is wrong at all and then not contact me for a while.

Either way, the ball is still in my court for the next shot.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I just wouldn't answer her call, don't show up to the "dinner," then a day or two later text her or whatever and say sorry you couldn't make it but you're sure it was a blast and you're hoping she'll tell you all about it. Don't tell her what you did, just say "something came up."

I would definitely FLAKE, and by flake I mean stand her up with no warning and no explanation. With any luck both the other dudes will stand her up too.. now that would be funny.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Zarky said:
I just wouldn't answer her call, don't show up to the "dinner," then a day or two later text her or whatever and say sorry you couldn't make it but you're sure it was a blast and you're hoping she'll tell you all about it. Don't tell her what you did, just say "something came up."

I would definitely FLAKE, and by flake I mean stand her up with no warning and no explanation. With any luck both the other dudes will stand her up too.. now that would be funny.
Except that we all know that those guys will show up, will kiss her ass all night (though not literally, they'll get no action) and will probably fight over the bill to look like some big man provider. She'll be happy with her huge inflated ego and will either go off to find some random guy to fvck or go back home to her vibrator. That's my guess on how her night'll go. The only unsure thing is how will the OP standing her up affect her? Will she even care? Only time will tell.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2010
Reaction score
Asking you to attend dinner with one of her girlfriends is bad enough... but TWO of her GUY friends? And one she just met a few weeks ago?

That's going nowhere...

Don't listen to these guys telling you to flake without warning. Text her back "No... I don't do dinner with other guys."

Never let a woman put you in a situation you're uncomfortable with.

Take this as a learning experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Kind of a off topic but how would you guys react if some chick invited you out to meet up with some girls she knows?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
BYW, Yuma, what she proposed with those two other guys and you is not so much a $hit test, as it is a blatant frame grab. She wants three guys to sit around one table and compete for her affection.
Any woman who tries to pull that knows exactly what the guys want , and in the process, she gets to feel powerfiul and in control of three chumps.

This whole scenario sounds like some delusional crAp promoted by one of those by "You Go Girl" magazines.

Actually the way for you to win this game and F this froggie princess is NOT to play.
Let her wonder where you are and who you are with while she plays ego games with those other fools.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Flaking is the only way to go at this point.

If he calls her back and tells her he's not going, it's too late. Looks like he sat around like a dork and talked about it with his pals and came to conclusion it was a bad move.

If he lies and tells her he's going out with another chick, she'll know he's lying and that will make him look like a tool.

The only way to do it is not show up.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Either go with your plan of telling her you will be going out with another girl (probably what I would do), or else just flake.

Flaking could make her speculate that you didn't have the guts to show up and are at home playing video games, so I recommend taking the bull by the horns and saying, "Sorry, I just looked at my scheduler and I see I mistakenly double-booked. I already had promised to take a young lady to [whatever]. Have a great time!"


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Too many places at once
Somewhat off-topic, but if you ever accidentally find yourself in a situation like this, it can still be fun if you just spend your time chatting with the guys and forget about the girl. If you can connect on subjects that you all like, you can have a lot of fun and memorable conversations if they turn out to be cool and knowledgeable. She will probably be unable to contribute. Being the least dynamic person at the table and feeling excluded from the group, despite being a pretty girl, will bring her down to earth hard.

Don't expect to win any points out of this but it's gratifying to see her get all passive-aggressive in public after being sidelined. I wouldn't search out these situations deliberately though -- its more fun to spend your time connecting with fun happy people than trying to outwit bad ones.

BTW, you don't owe her an explanation if you're not interested. She has a brain, let her use it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
wait_out said:
Somewhat off-topic, but if you ever accidentally find yourself in a situation like this, it can still be fun if you just spend your time chatting with the guys and forget about the girl.
That may work some of the times, other times the guys will try to freeze you or undermine you especially if they are trying to tag some ass and they see you as AMOG. After all you are there to pick up girls not guys so if you aren't interested in the girl anymore then at this point you should plan about making your exit.

The good thing about this situation is that the OP learned ahead of time of the scheme and may choose not to be a part of it.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Ha! As much as I hate [and avoid] group dates, I would have told you to go for it. She's obviously OUT at this point (for being a major AW and DISRESPECTFUL) but I'd go just to play with her... by hitting on the other 2 dudes or by picking up another girl in the restaurant and leaving with her! :D

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
If the OP tells her he's going out with another girl she'll see right through it and know he likes her and he's playing jealousy games. I'd just wouldn't repond and if she asks the next day or so why he didn't respond or go simply say "I went out that night, next time well do something fun alone" and end the conversation.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2008
Reaction score
A better place, a better time.
Telling her you just forgot all about it would probably totally **** with her. "This guy isn't just DYING to spend any small amount of time with me that I'm willing to give him???"

Or maybe she was just trying to be polite. Or maybe you are just already friendzoned, along with the other two chumps.

Anyways, this already transpired by now, right? Any updates?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
Kind of a off topic but how would you guys react if some chick invited you out to meet up with some girls she knows?
Don't go simple as that. Guys on here keep forgetting a simple yet golden rule of seduction which is "in order to seduce you have to isolate!"

It's a simple rule really. You shouldn't agree to "hangout" with any woman and other people unless she is your girlfriend already. This includes her friends, male friends, female friends, family, going to parties etc etc. What is "hanging out?" When there is one more person involved besides her which no longer qualifies it as a date between you too.

It is one of the simplest of rules to follow yet guys are so stupid they forget about it. They end up hanging out with the target and her friends making it even more difficult to isolate and seduce the target. Not only that but you are allowing yourself to be included to her circle of friends which is the opposite of what you want her to see you as. You want her to see you as a lover not a friend. You are basically friend-zoning yourself.

I don't think I need to say much about going to hang out with her and 2 other males. This is the most stupid thing any man would do. This is what guys do on dating shows when competing for a woman. You are supposed to put yourself in situations of advantage rather than the opposite.

In fact many women will invite you to hang out with their circle of friends to friend-zone you. They will flake on your attempts to go out on a date and counter with hanging out with friends. They are trying to friendzone you without you even knowing it.

Follow the rule. All your interactions with your target should be on a 1 on 1 basis. You can hang out and meet her friends if you guys become official but for now your main goal is to isolate and seduce.

This also goes for YOU INVITING HER TO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Another stupid mistake done mostly by guys who are afraid of pushing the envelope and asking the girl on a date. No wonder you can't get a girlfriend you invite them out to hangout with friends rather than taking her on a date where you 2 can be alone and you can work your seduction game.