jophil28 said:
She was parading you to re-affirm to herself and significant others in her life that she "still has it" - that means her ability to attract and snare a cool guy.
You had served your purpose in re-building her ego by participating in this charade .
She got cold feet when she thought that you probably wanted to have a "real " relationship . To a BPD woman that feels like encroaching "engulfment" - she might have to actually BE in a 'big girl' relationship !! Holy crap ..that means he will have demands and expectations . THat is way too terrifying . She believes that such a deal would never work out and you are surely going to dump her down the road so she pulls out first. The FB deal was her way of "distancing " herself . IT was also a power play to control the connection with you on HER terms.
Good for you that you turned this down and remained true to your ethics .
Thats it right there........that's were she went one way and FORCED you BY DEFAULT, TO GO THE OPPOSITE. Yeah, youre a great guy and tried to be respectful etc, but she doesnt get that...girls like her NEVER will. Ive dealt with this recently and you have to just keep ignoring her. Honestly, i'm sure you have feelings for her still and i know its hard sometimes, even spinning plates...but keep doing what youre doing. I went through this Mike, and it was hard because all along i knew she was a whack job, yet it took me several attempts to FINALLY kick her out of my head. Girls like this are NOT the typical girls that play the game...Like jophil and KNTRX say...they touch the DEEPEST parts of you...say the things that the other AW's dont. This will go on for a bit, stand strong...
For example, you deleted her number, but that wont stop you from looking down and seeing her BULLSH1T text message that gets RIGHT into your heart instantly. It also wont stop her from calling and leaving you a message touching the deepest parts of your emotions. I had even gone as far as blocking her number at one point, but i personally felt like that move was giving her the "power" back as it was stamping into my head the thought that i couldnt be man enough to take her BS text/calls without responding or showing her any emotional reaction. Soon thereafter came the day that i took the block off, and just watched her calls come and go...text come and go...never responding. Text messages would come in, i had stored her number under XXX..that way when i looked down, lol all i saw was X and i deleted...hell Mike i never even looked at her weeks of txts...couldnt tell you what any of them said, but man i laughed thinking about it. The phone calls with voicemails....i just deleted right away, not even hearing her voice. It makes me feel much better to see her BEGGING to see me and getting ABSOLUTELY NO REPLY. Just understand this, if you have a bit of feelings for her still, this is not over yet. She will make more attempts to suck you back in, but you have to keep up what youre doing. In time, you will look back and laugh at her pathetic attempt to play you. Good luck -
P.S..She STILL sends messages periodically, but the calls have tapered off. Just this weekend, she sent me a simple text about a college football game score, as she KNOWS im all about NCAA football.
How pathetic she is, it just makes me feel so good to see her STILL essentially trying to sell her disorder to me...i dont buy from her store anymore.