I'm devestated, first girl I ever had feelings for


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Nismo's posts always crack me up lol

But he's right OP. Get over this b1tch and move on. She's doing you a favor by showing you that you no longer have to waste time with her, she done, gone, ain't gonna happen, go find other chicks

I think you're obsessing over this a little too much. This chick is just a girl. I don't give a damn how hot she is, a chick is a chick. No girl is "giving you a chance" you are giving her one. Or better yet, you two are seeing where things go. obviously this wasn't meant to go anywhere, so she bailed. Which means you count your losses and move on. Do you think she's pining away and posting on the internet about this wonderful guy she just stopped seeing? I don't think so. She's probably out doing her own life, and you should be too.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I cannot believe some guys get caught up with a woman before they are even seriously invovled. did you have sex with her? did she say she really likes you? does he show any of this through her actions? your just infatuated with her, this will happen a lot until you learn to only be invovled with women that actually are doing something for you.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
Well guys thanks to your inspirational words, I went to school today and tried to approach.

I met one girl on the bus, had a good chat with her, she lives close by, I told her I was a superhero and she could be my sidekick, she was digging it and laughing. And as we were leaving i told her my number and told her to give me a call or text me if she wants to keep in touch, we'll see how it turns.

Any experiences do girls usually do anything with a number... or do they prefer to be chased and won't make the move? I don't know why I did that, didn't want to seem like I care too much whether or not she calls so I didn't want to ask for her number. Bad move?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
It doesn't matter whether you care or not, YOU get her number, not the other way around.

You did good with approaching but your follow through is non-existent now. You have to wait for her to call, if at all, and now the control of the frame is squarely on her shoulders. I'd bet that if she does contact you, it'll probably be through a text when she's bored.

I know you said you don't care whether she calls or not, but since you ARE asking whether it was a bad move or not, it seems that a part of you is wishing you would have gotten her number instead. You never know that this sidekick could eventually lead to a first date. She could have been a plate for you, even if she's not all that in your world.

Keep the approaches coming, and GET numbers, don't give them.

Using the superhero theme, you could have used that to get the number with something along the lines of:

"I think I'm gonna need your number, just in case the JackAttack symbol ever flashes in the sky and we need to burst out into action."

Lame, yes, (I wouldn't advise to use this) but YOU get the number from her.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
you gotta find other girls fast. it helps you forget about the previous girls. i'm in that situation almost where i'm jugglin two girls... met and fuked one a few times and i hardly talk to her anymore .. she's always tryin to crawl her way into my life but i call the shots and tell her when she's allowed to catch up with me. while at the same time i'm about to meet up with another girl this week and game her on.. i've already completely forgot about the other girl ;P