**** I'm depressed about my life


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
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I think my life is starting to get too ****ed up to the point I'm constantly depressed. Every part of my life is ficked up. Only have 1 year left at school but can't afford the tuition and can't get a loan (so I'll need to save the cash before I can finish). My job's ****, the managers treat me with disrespect and only schedule me when no one else wants to work (I work as a server and only gets the shifts when the restaurant is empty, therefore I don't make any money, which contributes to why I can't finish school this year). I can't find a new job since the job market is **** in my city. I had to move back in with my parents because I couldn't afford my old place and can't find a place I can afford. I have zero women in my life and can't afford to go out to often to meet any. Even this nasty (as in mean) over-weight party slut that I know can get into a relationship but I can't find one girl interested in me (not that I'd blame them, what chick would want to date a unsuccessful guy living with mommy). I don't know what to do anymore. I've considered quiting my job (since I don't make any money there anyway) and move out to this smaller city my friend lives in (a plus is that it has great snowboarding in the winter). The only reason I'm posting is to get advice from guys who were in a similar situation and managed to turn their life around. It really has little to do with pick up (I don't view myself as being good enough to date anyway). I'd like to improve with women but there's a lot I need to do before that's even possible. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
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Can't you loan money from your parents or friends or family? Finish your school, dude. That sh*t is important. Get your life in order first before thinking about chicks.

Going out isn't the only way to meet chicks.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
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No I can't borrowing money from my parents. They never went to school so they aren't interested in helping me finish. And a loan is out of the question since I'd need a co-signer, something my parents also refused to do. Unfortunately school is out of the question this year but if I can save 300 a month then I'll be able to go next year. My question isn't really dealing with pick up like I said, though my failures with women add to my depression.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
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slaog said:
Try looking at things positively and you'd be surprised how your life will change. You have to change within before your life changes.
and how am I supposed to look at things positively when I can't afford somewhere to live, can't afford a car, can't afford to go out, and can't afford to advance my education? I know the solution seems to just be "get a better job" but unfortunately where I live without finishing school your options are limited (ie, there's lots of ppl around here with limited employable skills and therefore unskilled jobs are difficult to come by).


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
lost_guy said:
and how am I supposed to look at things positively when I can't afford somewhere to live, can't afford a car, can't afford to go out, and can't afford to advance my education? I know the solution seems to just be "get a better job" but unfortunately where I live without finishing school your options are limited (ie, there's lots of ppl around here with limited employable skills and therefore unskilled jobs are difficult to come by).

Have you any goals in life? Focus on your goals. Theres more ways of making money than working for somebody. Keep your mind open.

Even in your current situation I can see plenty of positives. You have a roof over your head, food etc etc.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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lost_guy said:
I think my life is starting to get too ****ed up to the point I'm constantly depressed. Every part of my life is ficked up. Only have 1 year left at school but can't afford the tuition and can't get a loan (so I'll need to save the cash before I can finish). My job's ****, the managers treat me with disrespect and only schedule me when no one else wants to work (I work as a server and only gets the shifts when the restaurant is empty, therefore I don't make any money, which contributes to why I can't finish school this year). I can't find a new job since the job market is **** in my city. I had to move back in with my parents because I couldn't afford my old place and can't find a place I can afford. I have zero women in my life and can't afford to go out to often to meet any. Even this nasty (as in mean) over-weight party slut that I know can get into a relationship but I can't find one girl interested in me (not that I'd blame them, what chick would want to date a unsuccessful guy living with mommy). I don't know what to do anymore. I've considered quiting my job (since I don't make any money there anyway) and move out to this smaller city my friend lives in (a plus is that it has great snowboarding in the winter). The only reason I'm posting is to get advice from guys who were in a similar situation and managed to turn their life around. It really has little to do with pick up (I don't view myself as being good enough to date anyway). I'd like to improve with women but there's a lot I need to do before that's even possible. Thanks.
First question - do you OWN it? Do you own the mistakes you have made that put you in this situation?

If so, then we can proceed


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
Trader said:
First question - do you OWN it? Do you own the mistakes you have made that put you in this situation?

If so, then we can proceed
Well, most of my "mistakes" aren't really mistakes but just unfortunate realities. It's not like I piss money away drinking or got kicked out of school. I just don't have a job where I can afford all my responsibilities. Getting a new job would be ideal but having a hard time with that and this whole situation is stressing me out and making me depressed. I was 100% expecting to finish school this year, get a good job and start off my life. But that's not happening and that's not something I planned for (or really want, I want to go to school). My **** with women isn't as closely linked with my financial situation as the other crap, although I do know that money does have some effect on how women perceive me.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
Reaction score
slaog said:
Have you any goals in life? Focus on your goals. Theres more ways of making money than working for somebody. Keep your mind open.

Even in your current situation I can see plenty of positives. You have a roof over your head, food etc etc.
yes I have goals in life. My main goal was to finish this damn computer science degree and then get a job as a software engineer. I have almost all of the technical skills to do the job but just don't have the piece of paper to prove it (and unfortunately that's matters a lot, as far as I've been told I may as well have nothing if I don't graduate).


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
I'm on the same boat. Hang in there, even when you finish school jobs are scarce out there.


Dec 17, 2009
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I had to move back in, forget about dating if you live w parents, main focus right now should be finding a job, everything else will follow. Don't let others fool you, get the money situation figured out before chicks. I haven't dated in a year, no money. Don't feel like penny counting after a date. PM if you like. We are in the same boat, and the boat is leaking.


Dec 17, 2009
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The next option of course is student loans. I would get a student loan as soon as possible.


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2010
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Falcon25 said:
The next option of course is student loans. I would get a student loan as soon as possible.
getting a bank student loan isn't possible without a co-signer and the government decided I should be able to pay my tuition and didn't grant me a large enough student loan through them. Basically it comes down to that I need to take a year off and save a few grand. I already looked into it. The only other option is to somehow defer my tuition and come up with the money for it before Dec (and then I'd need to do the same for the winter semester). But I'd rather not do that, the financial stress will distract me from my studies and this last year is really the only year that matters, I need to get good grades.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Falcon25 said:
I had to move back in, forget about dating if you live w parents, main focus right now should be finding a job, everything else will follow. Don't let others fool you, get the money situation figured out before chicks. I haven't dated in a year, no money. Don't feel like penny counting after a date. PM if you like. We are in the same boat, and the boat is leaking.
Yeah, since traditionally us men are supposed to be the main financial provider, thats why we have to succeed in life before having a chick, high school and early college it was so much easier, those are the freedom years.


right- i say do this. Sit down. List all your problems. Think of ways to solve them. or how about this: list them on here. and we can see how you can solve them.

As for money for school- are you in the states or europe?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Have you even tried to get a CS job/internship?

Every company I've worked for had CS interns or CS majors working. You're right in that companies want a degree to pay you the big bucks but A LOT of companies will hire students (especially with only one year left) because they are a great bargain. Think about, times are tough for businesses too. A lot of projects don't require a Phd so it's stupid to pay 6 figures fir a job a student will do for $15.00-$20.00 an hour.


Go pick up the book "Zero to One Million" by Ryan Allis. See how a CS degree can make you a billion dollars before you even graduate.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2010
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Mate, I understand your problem but I don't think I get the whole picture. I need you to come up with (write it here) viable solutions to your problems. Then every one on this board can take it from there.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
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In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Join the Military. Be smart with the money earned. Get school payed for and than some and enjoy the experience.

Hopefully by the end of the year. I'm joining the Navy or Coast Guard. I only need 15 more credits....


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Trader said:
First question - do you OWN it? Do you own the mistakes you have made that put you in this situation?

If so, then we can proceed

And the answer is a resounding "no."

To the OP, I'm not trying to kick you when you are down, but you have to take responsibility for your life. Why doesn't your boss like you? I bet that relates to a specific choice you made at some point in that relationship. You fvcked up somewhere; that is the only answer. But until you see life that way, it all really is hopeless, because you don't see yourself as having any control. Misfortune just rains down from the sky. Poor poor you.

And maybe I'm wrong about your boss. But that's not the point. The point is that you are the one in control of whether or not people like you, women and bosses both. Obviously you have to learn to like yourself enough first, before you can see that you are the one in control of your life.

By the way, I had lunch recently with a friend of mine from high school who just finally lost the last of his sight after several years of slow deterioration and failed healthcare. He has four kids and his wife hurt herself at work and now can't earn an income. But instead of taking a disability check, he is going to school to be a telephone collections agent for the IRS, and looking forward to it all. You know how much b!tching he did over the course of the several hours I talked to him? None. Now guess how much sympathy he would have for you. Very little, I suspect.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
Bible_Belt said:
By the way, I had lunch recently with a friend of mine from high school who just finally lost the last of his sight after several years of slow deterioration and failed healthcare. He has four kids and his wife hurt herself at work and now can't earn an income. But instead of taking a disability check, he is going to school to be a telephone collections agent for the IRS, and looking forward to it all. You know how much b!tching he did over the course of the several hours I talked to him? None. Now guess how much sympathy he would have for you. Very little, I suspect.

That puts things in perspective and shows how pathetic the OP's "problems" really are. Its all in the mind OP.