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Ozzy's follower

New Member
Feb 22, 2003
Reaction score
My name is Sam and I going through kind of a crisis. I really like this
girl I think I have fell in love with her. She is about the same age as me
15 and I have asked her to be my girlfriend on peice of paper and never got
an answer. I am a farely attractive male Im not overweight or anything what
should I do? I gave her flowers on Valentines day and I was to Shy to say
anything. She is the girl I have been waiting for and I have kissed her a
couple times but after that one night (we didn't have sex) she hasnt made
any moves or anything. I see her almost everyday in the morning and thats
it. I really feel for her and I know I wouldnt change our relationship for
the world but I dont know what to go to get her to be my boyfriend. Could
you please help me I know in some way she finds me attractive but I never
got the guts to ask her for an answer. Please email me back with any advice
or questions you have. Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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Welcome to the board.
If you stick with us, you will change your life.

Please read the DJ bible, the first thread of this forum.
It will answer all of your questions.


Ozzy's follower

New Member
Feb 22, 2003
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Thanks for your reply I hope to change my life and become less shy than I already am as long as I can talk to the girls. Any other people with tips besides reading the bible is good because It is too confusing for me. I just want to know how to ask out a girl with words that she cant say no to.

E-Z Rider

Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2002
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Georgia Tech
Originally posted by Ozzy's follower
I dont know what to go to get her to be my boyfriend.
I don't know how to help you there. lol.

Typographical errors aside, I read several things in your post that concern me.

1) You asked her to be your girlfriend...and on a peice of paper.

Don't ask girls to "be your girlfriend" usually doesn't work. You just start dating her...ask her to hang out, make some kind of move on her (i.e. kiss). The DJ Bible covers that kind of stuff. Read it many times over. It will help you SO much. And doing it on a peice of paper...that's very elementary-school-ish. But you'll learn, and soon be a budding DJ.

2)You gave her flowers and were too shy to say anything.

I think you know why this is've got to just man-up, grab your balls and do it. It ain't easy at first, but it gets better.

3)You say she hasn't "made any moves" on you.

Most chicks won't "make moves" on you, even if she's into you. That's a guys job; they don't do it b/c they know they don't have to.

4)You never got the guts to ask her for an answer

You gotta do it. What's the downside of asking her? She says 'no'? So what? You're not getting anything anyway, so no big deal. Then you are completely free to forget about this chick and move on.

You just gotta talk to this chick, ask her to hang out with you sometime on a weekend. Then do some kino, and eventually go for a move (like holding hands, or kissing, something that definetly communicates interest). You'll know by her response how she feels, then you can either continue your relationship, or drop her and find other chicks that are more into you. It's all good though.

And please don't say the Bible is too confusing. People spent many hours of their time compiling the best posts and the knowledge of people on this forum to give you a concise reference to use. It is a very valuable tool, and I don't think it's confusing at all. If it confuses you, then do yourself the favor of re-reading it until it does. It is time well spent.

Anyways, I'm out- E-Z


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
Well first of all listen to E-Z. Good advice there. You should learn a lot from this site. Read the High School Bible once again. It's an awesome place to start. However, I have to warn you about one thing cause I don't want your DJing career to start bad. Keep your options open. You said this:

I really like this girl I think I have fell in love with her
Bullfúckingsh1t!!! You aren't in love with her. Maybe infatuated, but I doubt in love. Keep your options open. This chick is giving you some mixed signals. Don't become too tied up with her. Because if the chance where she doesn't like you back occurs, you're screwed. If you have other options though, it's a lot easier to move on.


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2002
Reaction score
Morristown, NJ, USA
Listen man, read the bible. You've done a lot wrong. I'll try not to go hard on you. Let me explain.

Number one, never give a girl a piece of paper asking if you want to go out or not. That's a very wussie thing to do. That fact that she hasn't reponded is not a good sign, she's probably scared to tell you that she doesn't feel that way. And that she doesn't want to ruin your friendship.

Number two, never give flowers to girl on valentines day unless you've been together than more than 4 or 5 months. Guys should never have to buy a girls approval. I know you weren't thinking like that but that's how comes off to girls y'know. She isn't even your girlfriend yet so, don't waste your money even if it is a nice thing to do. The reason is, is because it's a wussie thing to do, and your putting pressure on her to feel something she may not feel. Girls hate that. And it's a major turn-off. And your putting yourself in a extremely vulnerable position for her to hurt you. You definitely don't want that. You have put her in a very uncomfortable situation.

Number three, you say you kissed her a couple of times, we're you on a date when this happened? Or were you just hanging out with some friends or something and you two just started kissing? I mean, has she expressed any feelings for you? You two should have already been dating if you two were kissing of course. If you two have been going out then, you made a bad move by making the situation serious by asking her to be your girl. You should have kept going out with her because eventually that would have happened and she would think that. Never turn your relationship with a girl into a serious mode. Another thing girls hate because she's probably not ready mentally, I mean she's only fifteen.

That's another thing I want to say to you, you can't fall in love at the age of fifteen. Your so young yet. You should be out just having fun and going out with girls now to gain experiance (I don't mean sexually of course) then when you meet that special girl five or so years from now you will know how to act. And you will be able to sweep the girl of your dreams off her feet and marry her and live happily ever after or whatever.

The are no special words to use to make her go out with you and feel this instant attraction for you. Sorry, not possible. But there are ways of asking a girl out that could better your chances and get her thinking about you. Like for instance, I would say something ****y and funny like this to her: "How would like the HONOR of going out with me (smile)" Not the best example but that's the best I can do off the top of my head right now.

Okay, and finally (wow, I wrote a lot and still writing) what I would do If I were you is play it cool, and move on to other girls. YOU can ask her about the note but do you really want to hear her say those painful words of rejection?! Believe me, It will SUCK IF SHE SAYS NO! I know your situation first hand because I was once in a similar sounding one. I did the flowers and everything, but it wasn't on valentines day. You know whats funny, after that day I found this site a week or so later and changed my whole life around. If you MUST however, ask her about the note make sure you bust on her about it, something like this: "Do you know how to read, I gave you this crazy note and never got a response, well, since you can't read I'll just tell you. Go out with me, You'll have fun! " And if she says no, smile, and say "too, bad" And walk away. Don't ask her "Why?" That's the worst thing you can do.

If she says no, move on, flirt with other girls, date other girls. See what developes with them. If she decides she wants you in the end, GREAT!! If not, NEXT!!

And I would highly suggest you read the DJ Bible for highschool. Also get's tip of the day newsletter. Read everything on that site. All the tips, everything. IT'S ALL VERY USEFUL INFORMATION AND LIFE CHANGING. Also subscribe to newsletter. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! And remember, bro's before ho's.

and good luck


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2002
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A theater near you
Re: thanks

Originally posted by Ozzy's follower
Any other people with tips besides reading the bible is good because It is too confusing for me.
You know, I understand you're thinking that bible is confusing at first glance, but it actually has a reading guide that makes it all a lot simpler. Check it out here:

Its easy, the posts there are divided up into segments. Read one segment a day.

If you have any problems with the terms there just say so. (On this thread if you can.) I'll prime you on the very basics:

:::DJ- Don Juan. [Similarly DJing means to seduce/play/hit on girls]

:::AFC- Average Frustrated Chump. This is the kind of guy who just doesn't get it when it comes to girls, and its what pretty much everyone on this board (yourself included) starts off as.

:::Kino- Casual physical contact with a girl. Of any kind.

:::LJBF- Lets Just Be Friends. The phrase you never want to hear from a girl you're going for.

Those are the ones to know off the top of my head. (People, feel free to add more)


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
well she aparently had some interest in you, but dont scare her! what would you do if a girl came up to you giving you flowers and asking you things with notes....for me that would creep me out...i say learn some stuff from the site then you will be a million times better at youre game...

Ozzy's follower

New Member
Feb 22, 2003
Reaction score

Thanks everyone for your help. I cant exactly take her on a date yet I aint got a lisence. But I am going to talk to her tommorrow and whatever happens thanks alot everyone this was a smart thing for me to do Im suprized people would waste some of their valuable time to respond to this stuff. Thanks alot