I'm concluding that getting a text after meet-up is a false IOI


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
I'm starting to figure out that getting one of those texts from a chick after a meetup where she says she has a great time/had so much fun/smiley smiley doesn't actually mean a whole lot.

The last 2 chicks that did this to me I never actually saw again.

And one of them was OBSESSED with :) :) :) :) :)


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
I don't believe in IOI's anymore because of shıt like that. Texting is too easy to fake. Way too easy!

You want real IOI's?

Answer: Consistent dates, a pleasant, fun time, getting sex, and overall a great relationship without much craziness, power struggling and confusion.

Anything else should be questioned and be pointed towards Nexting.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
Reaction score
VladPatton said:
You want real IOI's?

Answer: Consistent dates, a pleasant, fun time, getting sex, and overall a great relationship without much craziness, power struggling and confusion.
You better make sure you're getting the sex with it, otherwise you can get the first 2, think they're IOIs, and then find yourself in the friend zone.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
VladPatton said:
I don't believe in IOI's anymore because of shıt like that. Texting is too easy to fake. Way too easy!

You want real IOI's?

Answer: Consistent dates, a pleasant, fun time, getting sex, and overall a great relationship without much craziness, power struggling and confusion.

Anything else should be questioned and be pointed towards Nexting.
This so much. My friends fall for this fake IOI shvt all the time and I warn them about it. Yet, they can't handle the truth and get owned lol. The only IOI's I consider are what vlad posted.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
I met up a very pretty woman..chatted for about 15 minutes.....just randomly on my way to the bank. I helped her get a cab....I got her to give me her number. When the cab showed up, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek....I was surprised by this hug so I felt awesome. So the next day, I had some drinks and decided to call her just for the sake of it. Asked if she made it home safely, blah blah... Then she starts throwing out date ideas....like asking me if I'm busy this weekend, telling me she's free on mondays....obviously I told her I had plans already for new years but.....long story short....is having a girl answer ur call and actually maintain a purposeful conversation a true IOI? I'm not so sure....I guess it depends on the girl, and you will only know that she digs you after the sex. That's pretty much the rule.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
I met up a very pretty woman..chatted for about 15 minutes.....just randomly on my way to the bank. I helped her get a cab....I got her to give me her number. When the cab showed up, she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek....I was surprised by this hug so I felt awesome. So the next day, I had some drinks and decided to call her just for the sake of it. Asked if she made it home safely, blah blah... Then she starts throwing out date ideas....like asking me if I'm busy this weekend, telling me she's free on mondays....obviously I told her I had plans already for new years but.....long story short....is having a girl answer ur call and actually maintain a purposeful conversation a true IOI? I'm not so sure....I guess it depends on the girl, and you will only know that she digs you after the sex. That's pretty much the rule.
That's a great IOI, sure. But never take one IOI as golden. Let them culminate one by one until you actually start dating, banging, etc. it really is very simple. Think of each one as a click towards being pointed to your destination. One IOI shouldn't make you think you're George Clooney!

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
If you want to be pro at reading IOS, start learning body language and micro expressions. Micro expressions are very quick movements of the mouth and eyes that communicate specific emotions. People can hide their feelings, but it's damn near impossible to hide micro expression, as they happen so quick and subconsciously.

On the most basic level you'll be able to pick up her mood and interest in the current situation. At an advanced level you'll be able to know (with near certainty) when she is lying and how she REALLY is feeling, emotionally, during conversations.

These are the same tactics police officers, FBI, etc, use to detect lies and it's also why poker players wear glasses to hide their eyes.

Pay enough attention, and practice. Eventually you'll pick up on it without even thinking about it. You'll be aware of someones true feelings towards you simply by "reading" them.
In some ways it's a curse, because you don't always want to know, but you can't help it.

Women are much better at lying than men, and it's harder to get a read on them, and there are a lot of reasons why that is.
Mostly it has to do with HOW they lie, but I won't go into it unless someone really wants to know.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
^ this.....Bro.....will you take me as ur pupil lol jk....but its true. Pm me on how they lie. I think once dudes get their princess is where they stop, not realizing there's an ocean of hammer heads waiting to please you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Starfvcks 64 said:
If you want to be pro at reading IOS, start learning body language and micro expressions. Micro expressions are very quick movements of the mouth and eyes that communicate specific emotions. People can hide their feelings, but it's damn near impossible to hide micro expression, as they happen so quick and subconsciously.

On the most basic level you'll be able to pick up her mood and interest in the current situation. At an advanced level you'll be able to know (with near certainty) when she is lying and how she REALLY is feeling, emotionally, during conversations.

These are the same tactics police officers, FBI, etc, use to detect lies and it's also why poker players wear glasses to hide their eyes.

Pay enough attention, and practice. Eventually you'll pick up on it without even thinking about it. You'll be aware of someones true feelings towards you simply by "reading" them.
In some ways it's a curse, because you don't always want to know, but you can't help it.

Women are much better at lying than men, and it's harder to get a read on them, and there are a lot of reasons why that is.
Mostly it has to do with HOW they lie, but I won't go into it unless someone really wants to know.
Yea, I would like to know please expand on this topic.


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
Starfvcks 64 said:
If you want to be pro at reading IOS, start learning body language and micro expressions. Micro expressions are very quick movements of the mouth and eyes that communicate specific emotions. People can hide their feelings, but it's damn near impossible to hide micro expression, as they happen so quick and subconsciously.

On the most basic level you'll be able to pick up her mood and interest in the current situation. At an advanced level you'll be able to know (with near certainty) when she is lying and how she REALLY is feeling, emotionally, during conversations.

These are the same tactics police officers, FBI, etc, use to detect lies and it's also why poker players wear glasses to hide their eyes.

Pay enough attention, and practice. Eventually you'll pick up on it without even thinking about it. You'll be aware of someones true feelings towards you simply by "reading" them.
In some ways it's a curse, because you don't always want to know, but you can't help it.

Women are much better at lying than men, and it's harder to get a read on them, and there are a lot of reasons why that is.
Mostly it has to do with HOW they lie, but I won't go into it unless someone really wants to know.
Post it. I really want to know.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
I really would like to hear this too

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
I'm about to head out for New Years, and instead of typing something quick i'd rather wait and put a lot of thought into it.

Read up on micro expressions to understand the basics. I'm sure there are good youtube vids with examples.

Women are harder to read because they lie differently. It seems like they lie almost out of habit, on auto pilot. They know what they need to say, so they say it without thinking. They give their "tells" after, when most people give it before and during.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
Bump for the microexpressions tips.

It would be awesome to have a post on them!