As far as women are concerned, you aren't really missing anything. A ******* whenever you want or sex when you please isn't always worth all the hassle that comes with it. Sure, it's nice to have a girl to fall back on, but a woman shouldn't bring a man his pleasure. A man should find pleasure in achieving his goals and being the best man he can be.
There are some guys out there who have great girlfriends because they are always improving themselves, and there are some guys out there who just get lucky with their genetics (physical). Either way, men have been obsessing over women in todays modern world only to learn in the end; your self-worth is more important than any woman can be to you. Any successful man who still has a good woman by his side in his old age, has a good woman by his side because he kept up his end of the bargain. He achieved to the best of his abilities and her feeling his manliness, latched in for the long run. She knows that being by his side isn't a right, but a privilege.
If I were you, I would be real with myself. How old are you? The younger the better, but don't be discouraged if you aren't. Are you really trying to improve yourself or are you cutting corners? Some guys hang around this board for years and spend more time ranting than getting out in the real world. Do you really feel like you're doing all you can to be the best man you could possibly be? These are all questions you should ask yourself. Daily.
Secondly, if you're searching for your significant other, you most likely won't find them. I've been in and out of countless relationships and I never really "found" a girl because I was looking. It's as if when you try the least and you aren't really looking for something, it just falls into your lap. If you will, it's sort of a vibe a man gives off. A man who needs a woman mopes around and sends out a vibe that he's not really a man without a woman. What woman wants this type of guy? Why would she want a man who will crumble when she is not by his side? A man who is content with himself sends off positive vibes to all women. He's in demand to all women because they can rely on the fact that he's solid; he will always be himself whether she is there or not.
All this hollywood BS tends to brainwash the young male youth into thinking that the way to a woman's heart is pleasing her. While this is all nice and well, a woman would much rather please a man. She would rather tame the beast than be force fed compliments and favors. A lot of guys call this "games", while 90% of the time these guys are just too inexperienced to realize what women want. They believe that a woman will only want you if you have to be chased. This is a common myth that young evolving DJs put into their brain after they've been nexted by some chick who just didn't like being smothered. Women don't just want a chase, they want solid foundations. They want a man who is grounded to who he is and there's no way that woman will budge him whatsoever. The cornerstone of being a man.
Anyways, I went off on a bit of a rant myself