I'm already starting to see it before my eyes (i.e women more agressive as i age)

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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iqqi said:
It's true. I try to tell my boyfriend this, because he is afraid of getting old. He is mid 20's now, and I keep telling him he will be hot as hell when he is 35. Right now he is just a little bit too pretty, like most 20 somethings. Too pretty, too fresh. UGH, and immature. Once a man hits 30, it's like he really becomes a man. His face isn't as pretty if it ever was, and it develops a rough, sexy edge to it. Experience. No more puppy stuff.

The key is to not carry too much bitterness and jaded mindsets with you as you "bloom" into these sexy man flowers. :D

Having said that, I think a man's peak is 32-45, and only if he is in top shape. Then, like women, it's usually downhill, physically. My opinion only, I'm sure you have your own about that.

As I get older (and wiser :D ) I am beginning to rethink a lot of ideas I had as a youth. I definitely think that unless it is a ridiculously awesome match, you should not get married until you are at least 35. However, if you are going to have children, it is beneficial for both men and women to have them earlier than 35. So I don't know about only having children in wedlock anymore. I was always very old fashioned about that.
I can't dislike your positive message toward older men, but it sounds a lot like another version of a female making feel good claims that nice guys are actually attractive.

I notice you are dating a younger man who is 25 and a pretty boy. As far as I know you are at least 30 now. Yet you praise the older man as being more desirable which you could have easily chose but didn't. what's the maxim watch what a woman does and not what she says.

No offense to anyone but there's a lot of delusion and bad advice in this thread. Older guys are more attractive (to older women) than when they were younger? Older women are also dating men younger than them in droves. Wait till you're older and established to get married? That seems like not very good advice for multiple reasons. I don't even see the point in getting maried past late 30's especially if the woman is over 30 herself.

It's OK if older guys and at least one woman here wants to believe these things, but younger guys in their 20's should take it with a grain of salt. Aging in itself does not make you more attractive to young women-the women that count.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Is it me or the balding head guy singing again?

Everything's about "appearance" yeah we heard that from you already. A couple dozen times.

Dude, last time I saw you, I told you to go see a shrink, or start on some SSRI's.

You have issues, seriously.

We don't need Iqqi to tell us men age like wine and women like milk. I heard that in kindergarden, and it's too common not to be true.

Here's an example:


Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
Is it me or the balding head guy singing again?

Everything's about "appearance" yeah we heard that from you already. A couple dozen times.

Dude, last time I saw you, I told you to go see a shrink, or start on some SSRI's.

You have issues, seriously.

We don't need Iqqi to tell us men age like wine and women like milk. I heard that in kindergarden, and it's too common not to be true.

Here's an example:

Because aging turns you into George Clooney lol. I'm not balding first of all, secondly you are an idiot just making your cause look bad. But you're right if you have George Clooney's looks, fame and wealth then aging wont slow you down much. But are you seriously arguing Clooney didn't have it as good 10-15 years ago?

I'm still looking for these 40-50 year old men that pick up 20 year old women just as well as the younger guys do. They seem to only exist as claims on the internet. I do see a lot of older women dating younger men though. Why is it too hard for some people to admit that American women are looksist and ageist?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Yes, Clooney didn't have it as good 10-15 years ago.

Believe brother :yes:

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
Yes, Clooney didn't have it as good 10-15 years ago.

Believe brother :yes:
Let's research who Clooney was dating 10-15 years back and see if they were as or more young and hot.

The bottomline is most older guys are not Clooney, and Clooney has been successful with women probably since a very young age.

What do we have here in this thread? No offense intended, but BB is a young 27, married and by his admission fit and good looking . Hardly an older man picking up 20-something. And iqqi who admitted actions contradict her, enough said. Zekko is the only truely older man here who cliams being older is an advantage that comes to mind. I believe he has a GF. I like most of his post, but has he actually closed the deal on an attractive 20 year old? I don't think he's even claimed that only that he could have. Could have and doing are two different things. My 46 year old married brother says the same things but I don't believe him either.

It's OK to be positive, but giving the impression that everything is better and rosy at advanced age and to delay marriage until advanced age is not advice younger men should take too seriously IMO.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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I agree with Lee on this one, a 40 yo with a 20 yo looks pretty weird to me, and I think it's pretty rare to see that on street.

About Clooney, he certainly is dating better looking women now than 25 years ago. Elisabetta canalis, Sarah Larson... Heck, 20 years ago he was dating kelly preston.
One way or the other... I know women way hotter than those chicks, married to people who aren't rich or famous at all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Lee has a point, Clooney was a bad example.

Still, Lee's gotta admit that when it comes to men, there's more to them than meets the eye. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
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Beyond your peripheral vision
SXS said:
That is going to be a problem for me, I haven't changed much since my 20ies, and I don't think my face wil change much, since it hasn't almost at all in the last 10 years.
You probably don't notice the changes, because what I am talking about is subtle change. Sadly I will have to use actors here as an example. Compare Johnny Depp 21 Jump Street to Johnny Depp of the first Pirates movie. He is hotter. But looks much the same.

It's just a maturity thing. And of course not everyone is attracted to maturity, but a man who has it over a man who does not will always win out with the women.

And I'll stress again... you have to keep up your body. It's so important in sexual attraction. If you let that go, you are not sexy after 30. You might as well snag some chick while you are 29, and then throw in the towel.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Stagger Lee said:
Zekko is the only truely older man here who cliams being older is an advantage.
Let me clarify something here. I'm not saying that being in your 50s is an advantage. But maturity, experience, and being established are advantages.

If you're a guy in your 30s or 40s, there's no reason on earth you shouldn't be able to be successful with girls in their 20s. As long as you have kept fit and have your sh!t together anyway. Someone here (Nismo?) is always saying that women don't care what your potential is, they want the guy who has already hit it. Most guys in their 20s haven't hit their potential yet.

Also, a lot of this depends on the individual. If you work on improving yourself during your 20s, by the time you hit your 30s you're going to be a catch. If you've slacked off, you've probably lost your advantage to the younger guy, who still at least has the potential to become something (not that you can't make something of yourself after 30).

Regarding being in your 50s, surprisingly enough, for me, it doesn't seem to have hurt me any. I've been fortunate in that I've kept my hair, I've kept fit, I don't have wrinkles, and I actually think that in some strange way I'm better looking now than when I was younger. I have a good attitude, I'm more comfortable in my skin than I've ever been, age differences simply don't bother me (which is contagious), and maybe having a girlfriend keeps me from giving off a desperate vibe.

I should also note that when I think of attractive girls, I tend to think of women 24-32, whereas most guys here seem more hung up on the 18-24 year olds.

I know some other guys my age who are wannabe player types, and several of them do seem to give off a creepy vibe (which is not to say they don't have some successes). But they come off as skeevy, where I (hopefully) come off with a little more class.

Finally, a new poster named pierce r recently posted this in another, similar thread that's currently on the board. He paints a pretty good picture of a suave older gentleman, even if he emphasizes the money angle a bit too much. But I wanted to quote what he said because I thought it made some sense:

You have to play the game differently now than you did when you were 26. But it's okay. I'd look out of place hanging out at a dance club. I met my current FB / FWB at my yacht club.

The only thing about being in your 40's and beyond is that if you don't have your life together, you're not going to be competitive.

You need to have the job, the car, the bachelor pad, the discretionary income, the clothes (custom shirts FTW), and the physique. Women have more expectations of you, but if you can meet those expectations, you will be miles ahead of the 20-nothings.

Start NOW and get it together by the time you're my age. It's soooooo worth it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
now this is something i'm adiment about b eucase i've seen it first hand my entire life. my dad is 52 and wrecks girls my age on the daily. good looking noes at that. anyone who is telling you it's impossible is full of ****. sorry it's that cut and dry. the last time i saw my dad earlier this year he pulled up with a girl that couldn't have been 30, red head a legit hb 7.5, and had her eating out if his hand. but my dad has game out the ass. my wife asks me how does he do that, and i'm like well that's just him that's what he does lol

but myd ad can dress his ass off, is in the gym everyday, watches what he eats, very clean, has his own business, drives a new tahoe, owns his own house. he has his **** together.

if you have your **** together and you have game it's very very possible.

I think one thing my dad does better than most men, is that he's not so damn serious all the time. he's "fun". not every girl that you see wants to be in a relationship. some girls, **** most girls at timers just want to chill, watch a movie, cuddle up, ****, go their way with no strings attached. my dad has that market locked down lol. too many guys think well **** she won't want to marry a guy that is 50 or what about the long term prospects, and honestly most women, really don't give a **** about the long term prospects. sometimes you just want to ****. let's have sex, leave me a lone and let me do my thing with my life, and we will hook up sometime int he future if we do we do if we don't we don't. he's not gonna get bent out of shape if you have a BF or if you are ****ing someone else he doesn't give a **** and when i say he doesn't give a ****, I mean he really could care less. he's not trying to date you. he doesn't even care if you call him back honestlyi he will find another.

i guess this is really where my brand of plate spinning comes from. just do your thing and every once in a while you will run into one that stands out to you and makes you say ****.. damn.. i lke this one. alot.

if my dad ever read this forum he'd rpobably die of laughter at some of the most basic concepts most men just don't get.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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So, the OP got hit on by some aging massage parlour broad. Stop the presses people, this is front page material!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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zekko said:
If you're a guy in your 30s or 40s, there's no reason on earth you shouldn't be able to be successful with girls in their 20s. As long as you have kept fit and have your sh!t together anyway.
I am 5'5" and am not successful at all with American women - at least the slender non-mommies. :cuss:

Now Eastern European women ... that's a different story. :D