I'm already starting to see it before my eyes (i.e women more agressive as i age)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
the last 2 months, i don't know what has happened but it's like the light switch has went on. i've been blatantly hit on by attractive 30 something year old women.. ****, 3 times in the last week. I mean i've always been a good looking guy and i have in the past always had women like, basically give me the air traffic control signals to approach them, but now, **** they don't even do that at least the older ones don't. lol i just got back from my massage place and my woman wasn't there who does it and the woman behind the counter gave me her card and said well just give me a call if you need a massage.. and gave me a look and said "or anything else you can think of"

i mean it's something i always preached, men to take hteir time but unless you find an absoutle, gem of a woman (as i did), you are a village idiot for getting married before 30. i can see already this is when the fun starts. and i mean , not ugly girls, the masseuse who i use is a legit HB8 at least and she pretty much did everything last week but come out and ask me to take her out

anyway, get your **** together, slown down, the fun starts.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl
Something similar happened to me on Friday. There was a woman I had never seen at the bar I frequent, early to mid thirties. I walked by a few times, she made it a point to get in my way, when I finally bothered to look at her she was staring so hard I was even shocked a bit. Finally after ignoring all of those signs she just decided to grab me as I walked by. She was by no means a model, but she was not bad looking either, I just didn't want anything to do with the two cornfed mother****ers she was sittin with lol.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
you are a village idiot for getting married before 30
Well said, BB. May I ask whether this is a subtle admission of remorse though? ;)

My dad told me the same thing, to my face, when I was deeply in love with my 5-year LTR a few years ago. When I called him to say it's over, he told me he always knew I'd do the right thing.

Some could call this abusive, I say, it was fvcking brilliant. He probably saved me from years of misery.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
NOpe I can honestly say I 'm quite happy. none of them are as hot as my wife is (to me at least) and she brings other intangibles to the table. However, if something were to happen i am very aware of what my SMV is.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
the last 2 months, i don't know what has happened but it's like the light switch has went on. i've been blatantly hit on by attractive 30 something year old women.. ****, 3 times in the last week. I mean i've always been a good looking guy and i have in the past always had women like, basically give me the air traffic control signals to approach them, but now, **** they don't even do that at least the older ones don't. lol i just got back from my massage place and my woman wasn't there who does it and the woman behind the counter gave me her card and said well just give me a call if you need a massage.. and gave me a look and said "or anything else you can think of"

i mean it's something i always preached, men to take hteir time but unless you find an absoutle, gem of a woman (as i did), you are a village idiot for getting married before 30. i can see already this is when the fun starts. and i mean , not ugly girls, the masseuse who i use is a legit HB8 at least and she pretty much did everything last week but come out and ask me to take her out

anyway, get your **** together, slown down, the fun starts.
my massage clerk only start smiling with me when I told her I have insurance because that mean I have a good job . before that she was barely looking at me . I bet you are good looking


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I agree, I'm waiting to at least age 30 to get married. I too have had 30+ age women hit on me in public, initiate kino and whatnot. Up until today I grew out a thick beard and only the more mature women took notice so I got hit on by them and no one younger. Now it's back to babyface mode. These chicks know what they want and know how to eff you pretty good.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I would have to imagine that in large parts of the rural country (which is a huge area of land) there are young men that dont know anything but church, family and going to work and coming home.

You tell these guys not to get married before 30 and they'd probably answer with.. why the heck not, what else is there to do? LOL.


New Member
Dec 5, 2012
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evan12 said:
my massage clerk only start smiling with me when I told her I have insurance because that mean I have a good job . before that she was barely looking at me . I bet you are good looking


New Member
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
evan12 said:
my massage clerk only start smiling with me when I told her I have insurance because that mean I have a good job . before that she was barely looking at me . I bet you are good looking

"A man can love millions girls in the way.
but a real man can love one girl in millions way."


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
30? You're kidding me, my dad is recommending minimum 37 lol

I'm getting sexual attention more than ever as I approach 30. Dad's kept saying no marriage until 37 and possibly 40 since forever. He himself got married at 30 when everyone was marrying at 18~21. Old man was actually scared when I was in a serious LTR a few years back, thinking I might get stupid... but was so relieved when I dumped her. At the time I thought he was a big heartless bastard rofl, but now we both have a good laugh at it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
30? You're kidding me, my dad is recommending minimum 37 lol

I'm getting sexual attention more than ever as I approach 30. Dad's kept saying no marriage until 37 and possibly 40 since forever. He himself got married at 30 when everyone was marrying at 18~21. Old man was actually scared when I was in a serious LTR a few years back, thinking I might get stupid... but was so relieved when I dumped her. At the time I thought he was a big heartless bastard rofl, but now we both have a good laugh at it.
Dad was smart. Guys, don't get married. Just don't. And if you absolutely must, at least wait until you're in your mid 30s.

A guy in his mid 30s with a good job and who stays in shape is as attractive to women as the big tittied 19 year old blond bombshell is to most guys.

Most people have no clue how the paradigm flip-flops as we age. Guys get more attractive while women get less attractive. This is nature in action. Women are attracted to status and power, which typically goes up for men as they age, and men are attracted to the hallmarks of fertility, which goes down as women age. By the mid 30s the whole thing switches. Women hit the wall, and guy suddenly find women hitting on them more than ever, especially the women their own age on up who are making a last ditch effort to find a quality guy while they still can.

Ask yourselves, why settle for an aging 30something when you can just as easily get a good 20something who's sweet and hasn't screwed half the town?


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
evan12 said:
my massage clerk only start smiling with me when I told her I have insurance because that mean I have a good job . before that she was barely looking at me . I bet you are good looking
i mean no homo but i'm pretty cut up, that's the sole reason i go to the massage place is beucase i work out everyday and they take care of all the muscle tear pain and ****, and i sit down at a desk every day for hours on end and they help with my neck/head . plus i just like massages. so she probably mentioned something to her is what i am thinking. i mean i'd do me lol

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
st_99 said:
I would have to imagine that in large parts of the rural country (which is a huge area of land) there are young men that dont know anything but church, family and going to work and coming home.

You tell these guys not to get married before 30 and they'd probably answer with.. why the heck not, what else is there to do? LOL.

Thats pretty much how it works if you add in drink beer! On the flipside, people do try a little harder to take care of what they do have because there just isn't very many alternatives. In a big city when things don't work out, you just go find another one.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
You're still a very young guy, BB, and it sounds like you've gotten a lot of attention from women from a young age. I'm curious to see if you find that you will generate more attraction from women as you get older, like a lot of us have. Hopefully we'll all be around the forum for a few more decades so we can find out.

As for older women being more aggressive, I'm sure a lot of people would say they have to be because they're older, less attractive, and more desperate. They've hit the wall, so to speak. But I don't necessarily think that's what's going on. I just think younger women tend to be more shy than older women. You can say the same for younger men.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
zekko said:
You're still a very young guy, BB, and it sounds like you've gotten a lot of attention from women from a young age. I'm curious to see if you find that you will generate more attraction from women as you get older, like a lot of us have. Hopefully we'll all be around the forum for a few more decades so we can find out.

As for older women being more aggressive, I'm sure a lot of people would say they have to be because they're older, less attractive, and more desperate. They've hit the wall, so to speak. But I don't necessarily think that's what's going on. I just think younger women tend to be more shy than older women. You can say the same for younger men.
as long as i've not been overweight, and i was at 2 separate periods, once with the business and once just beucase of general depression, i don't have a problem for the most part attracting women, even before the site. even before the gym, i am handsome. it was keeping them attract/dmanaging them that was my issue

it's not the attention i'm not used to, it's the blatant lack of give a ****ness /bluntness that catches me off guard.

i think what it is, while i still dont look my age, i look old enough now for a woman that age to date. whereas 4-5 years ago i still looked like a 20 year old.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
It's true. I try to tell my boyfriend this, because he is afraid of getting old. He is mid 20's now, and I keep telling him he will be hot as hell when he is 35. Right now he is just a little bit too pretty, like most 20 somethings. Too pretty, too fresh. UGH, and immature. Once a man hits 30, it's like he really becomes a man. His face isn't as pretty if it ever was, and it develops a rough, sexy edge to it. Experience. No more puppy stuff.

The key is to not carry too much bitterness and jaded mindsets with you as you "bloom" into these sexy man flowers. :D

Having said that, I think a man's peak is 32-45, and only if he is in top shape. Then, like women, it's usually downhill, physically. My opinion only, I'm sure you have your own about that.

As I get older (and wiser :D ) I am beginning to rethink a lot of ideas I had as a youth. I definitely think that unless it is a ridiculously awesome match, you should not get married until you are at least 35. However, if you are going to have children, it is beneficial for both men and women to have them earlier than 35. So I don't know about only having children in wedlock anymore. I was always very old fashioned about that.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
the last 2 months, i don't know what has happened but it's like the light switch has went on. i've been blatantly hit on by attractive 30 something year old women.. ****, 3 times in the last week. I mean i've always been a good looking guy and i have in the past always had women like, basically give me the air traffic control signals to approach them, but now, **** they don't even do that at least the older ones don't. lol i just got back from my massage place and my woman wasn't there who does it and the woman behind the counter gave me her card and said well just give me a call if you need a massage.. and gave me a look and said "or anything else you can think of"

i mean it's something i always preached, men to take hteir time but unless you find an absoutle, gem of a woman (as i did), you are a village idiot for getting married before 30. i can see already this is when the fun starts. and i mean , not ugly girls, the masseuse who i use is a legit HB8 at least and she pretty much did everything last week but come out and ask me to take her out

anyway, get your **** together, slown down, the fun starts.
So, let me get this straight. You want to explain how you've been a woman-magnet as of late, and the example you choose to use is a woman who works at a massage parlor?



Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
iqqi said:
It's true. I try to tell my boyfriend this, because he is afraid of getting old. He is mid 20's now, and I keep telling him he will be hot as hell when he is 35. Right now he is just a little bit too pretty, like most 20 somethings. Too pretty, too fresh. UGH, and immature. Once a man hits 30, it's like he really becomes a man. His face isn't as pretty if it ever was, and it develops a rough, sexy edge to it. Experience. No more puppy stuff.

The key is to not carry too much bitterness and jaded mindsets with you as you "bloom" into these sexy man flowers. :D

Having said that, I think a man's peak is 32-45, and only if he is in top shape. Then, like women, it's usually downhill, physically. My opinion only, I'm sure you have your own about that.

As I get older (and wiser :D ) I am beginning to rethink a lot of ideas I had as a youth. I definitely think that unless it is a ridiculously awesome match, you should not get married until you are at least 35. However, if you are going to have children, it is beneficial for both men and women to have them earlier than 35. So I don't know about only having children in wedlock anymore. I was always very old fashioned about that.
That is going to be a problem for me, I haven't changed much since my 20ies, and I don't think my face wil change much, since it hasn't almost at all in the last 10 years.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
It's true. I try to tell my boyfriend this, because he is afraid of getting old. He is mid 20's now, and I keep telling him he will be hot as hell when he is 35. Right now he is just a little bit too pretty, like most 20 somethings. Too pretty, too fresh. UGH, and immature. Once a man hits 30, it's like he really becomes a man. His face isn't as pretty if it ever was, and it develops a rough, sexy edge to it. Experience. No more puppy stuff.
I think you're onto something here. As I've gotten older, my face seems to have developed more of an edge to it, it looks more manly and masculine. Not as pretty, but rougher, sexier, as you say.

I'm a bit outside of your 32-45 range, but I've found I haven't run out of attraction factor yet. I'm as surprised as anyone.