So, I don't know if you guys remember my last post that had the same "im a wuss" subject (hyperlink="", but I ended up going out with the girl tonight. I have to tell you that once you miss a collection of opportunities to kiss a girl, I think that you are done for good. I knew this girl wanted me because she initiated the approach by saying "Hey, I'm ****, I've seen you around campus, whats your name?"...and eventually I got her number and it was last tuesday that we first went out. I took her to dinner, and she had us sit on a bench at night over 3 times but we just kept talking instead of doing anything productive (like making out). Then, she brought me to her room, but her friend came in soon after, so I ended up leaving before she insisted she walk me to the door. I messed that part up too by not kissing her. So finally, I call her to hang out tonight, and we do, and we get something to eat, and I can tell that she isn't as into me as before, and as the night ends, I walk her to her place, and simply touch her chin and lean in for the kiss.......and BAM! she quickly jolts her body and says "awkward!" and we proceeded to talk for about a half hour about relationships and stuff. So, that is my pathetic update, but at least I tried, and to tell you the truth, I was laughing the entire time afterwards. I still think the situation was funny, and am extremely glad I did it.
Anyway, what do you guys think I should do as far as possibly getting this girl back one day? I have other girls i'm seeing, so I don't really care about her now, but this is the type of girl I'd really want to have a serious relationship sometime in the future. Do you think if I pretty much ignore her for 2 years that I'd be able to start over again? Or have I screwed myself? Or in your experience, have girls actually changed their minds after rejecting someone within a few days/weeks?
Thanks for your amazing tips/replies/comments and thoughts! I feel happy to share my random story with you guys.
Anyway, what do you guys think I should do as far as possibly getting this girl back one day? I have other girls i'm seeing, so I don't really care about her now, but this is the type of girl I'd really want to have a serious relationship sometime in the future. Do you think if I pretty much ignore her for 2 years that I'd be able to start over again? Or have I screwed myself? Or in your experience, have girls actually changed their minds after rejecting someone within a few days/weeks?
Thanks for your amazing tips/replies/comments and thoughts! I feel happy to share my random story with you guys.