I'm a pathetic loser... but I want to start over


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
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Basically I'm completely f** up, like the biggest loser that ever lived, even though this is anonymus I'm ashamed to write it, but I need to do somehting about it so here it goes.

I've always been a weird, never social person. Up until 4rd grade my classmates thought I was deaf since I never said anything.

Then it got a little better on juinor high, I was able to make two friends (more like acquantainces), but was always left out, I was a foot taller than everyone else and fat, nerdy, specky, etc. I don't have to say that my experience with women was inexistent here, and other people didn't take me seriously.

Now to high school, I went to a different school, I started talking a bit more, lost weight, pretended to be 'normal' and people started liking me and giving me some respect. But the problem is I'm unable to hold a conversation one-on-one for more than 40s, even with other guys. So my interactions have always been artificial, I never hung out with anyone. I just talked to them at school, and only about school stuff (i.e. boring)

This lack of social life gave me a lot of free time, so I started lifting weights and got pretty built (at least for hs), and I'm tall.

On my last year of high school(2011), I started cutting and getting ripped, my face changed completely, plus I got rid of my severe acne with accutne, and girls started noticing me a lot. I remember this one I was walking and two girls (6s-7s) were openly staring at me while gossiping at each other.

The problem was I didn't know what to do with them(f*cking pathetic...) seriously, it made terrified to start a conversation, I was probably going to talk about physics or the weather and ruin it in the first 30 seconds, I still have the experience of a 10yr old nerdy fat muted kid.

The last straw was when, in the last two months of class (summer), this extremely gorgeous blonde, like 9.95/10, hottest girl of school, was hitting on me, she kept eye****ing me and giving obvious body language signs, obviously wanted to get approached. I did nothing...

Then my classes were over(6 months ago), I didn't keep in contact with anyone (btw, I don't have any form of online interaction service, other than e-mail). I thought my life was bad then, but things escalated so fast. :(

I abandoned the gym, picked up two eating disorders, put on 40lbs, got addicted to pr0n(4h everyday), this guy I used to talk to threw himself off a bridge (serious), I stopped all my activities, just slept all day, my social anxiety went up the roof, and I felt very suicidal trying to cope with all the regret.

About 3 weeks ago I decided that I wanted to give another chance to my life, I'm only 17, I'm still young and I want a life. I disconected my bedroom pc, started doing my hobbies again, haven't thrown up in a month, and started exercising and on a healthier diet. I read some articles at succeedsocially.com, they seemed useful but I havent applied anything yet.

If anyone read this, and could maybe tell me where I could start on the social aspect part. I don't know if I should try to fix my social anxiety first, and invest in women afterwards, or do all at the same time? Where should I start?

ps: I'm posting in this section because I finished hs last year and I'm not in college yet, idk if there's another section for this.

ps2: I currently have one friend that I can talk to, we live on the same building, but he doesn't have much of a life either and he just came off some heavy depression medication, had to go to several psychiatrists, I don't think he can help me with this.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2012
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first off, IMPROVE YOUR VIEW ON YOURSELF, YOU ARE NOT PATHETIC, AND YOU ARE NOT A LOSER! anyone of us here has had a bad time in his life, and that is why we came here.
a loser is someone that thinks that his life is perfect no matter how much it isn't, LOSERS ARE THOSE WHO ARE BLIND TO THEIR OWN LIFE.
the fact that you came here shows you are on the right path, you are looking to improve yourself, FOR yourself!
there are countless of useful threads in this forum on how to improve yourself, and you can always ask for advice, but first you must understand you have the potential to be the man of your dreams, and it is up to you! ;)


New Member
Jul 7, 2012
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You're right. I just needed to vent, it's been hard dealing with the regret. Depression sucks because even yourself don't think you deserve to get better.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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Its all in your head man. Clear your head, write a list on what u want to improve and set a deadline. When start to acomplish stuff from your list, yours confindence will grow. And when your confindence is good, u can take on the world.

Trust me, its that easy.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
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(I love the comradery going on right now)

I'm going to repeat what everybody's been saying until it's ingrained in your head. YOU ARE NOT A PATHETIC LOSER! I am going to tell you this though, and this is a fact of life, you WILL have ups and down. I guarantee it. But know what's special about us Don Juans? WE BOUNCE BACK!!!

You're human and it's ok to vent. It's ok to say "Hey, I'm not feeling strong right now." I'm telling you go ahead, its ok. But what we all want you to do after that is forgive yourself and move forward. This might suck right now but keep moving forward. You might not know when it's going to get better but KEEP...MOVING....FORWARD!!

Emmet1 and Charm2k hit the nail on the head. Go back to step 1. Back to the basics. Work on yourself, know that you're on the right path, and things will get better. Trust me, if you do what these guys say, things will get better.

Oh and remember, baby steps. Little, itty, bitty, baby steps and you'll get there. Just watch. ;)