I'm a little unhappy and i dont know why


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Before i met my current GF, i was basically totally inexperianced. Not to say that i was a Virgin, but even although i had slept with my only ever previous girlfriend, it was not good sex, only happened about three times and basically only one position with a condom on. That was about three years ago now, the breakup was really hard and basically i didnt get into another relationship for two odd years.

About eight months ago, after i had been tentively and not always happily playing mind games with her, my current gf asked me out. I decided@ '**** it, i will get some more experiance'. So basically as we are both University students we started going out ... living togther - we lived like a minute down a dorm from each other. We slept together after about four nights, it could have been sooner but i didnt have the balls to do it although she wanted it.

Anyway, she started wanting to talk about our historys and i didn't really have one but she pushed so eventurally i had to admit that. She however, has slept with four people before me (which comparing to me is a hell of a lot). The fourth one was a friend of hers whom had liked her while she was with her bf, and she had talked dirty with him and stuff. She was trying to get out the relationship, her current bf wouldn;t let her, they broke up for a couple of days within which she slept with that friend twice.

The first night she said that she didn;t want to but he got her drunk and the second, dunno. She has said that she didnt enjoy it.

But its really bothering me, even although this guy probably when he slept with her liked her more then i did when i slept with her - i still feel like i have missed out.

I have learnt a lot (sexually) with my current gf, and in terms of what i have done consider myself more experianced then most, but in terms of how many people i have slept with - i dont.

I love her, she is leaving in June for a yr and i want to keep together with her but i am worried about it and am also worreid about these doubts. I look at my past very negatively and that is something which really bothers me.

Yes, i was really inexperianced but i wasn't totally inexperianced and i have done other cool things like backpacking extensively and was basically happy. That has now gone away.

Even though with my current GF, i slept with her before i knew that we were going out, even though she has done many things that she never has done with anyone else, stuff she only talked about with the other guy, even though i am the best lover she has ever had, even though she is most in love with me then anyone ever, i still am not happy.

I am a final yr student under a lot of pressure with exams and stuff so i think that might be part of it. But, if anyone has anything to say that i will read with interest.

I look back, and more then anything else, more then what i did or didnt do, i regret my attitude towards girls. I was terrified of them - i would go on this site and talk about getting umbers and **** but deep down, i was scard. My Gf wasn't and thats what i am regretting.

I have everything .... and i am less happy then when i had much less, a irony and i dont know what to do about it.

I love this girl loads and am not interested in anyone else - just to make that clear


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Basically ....

Up to i met her, i was basically the type of guy that would sit around the nightclub lookin. At best, i would be dancing with a (male) friend talking about how we should be approaching.

I am regretting that attitude now - not getting any was a result of that attitude


Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Perfectly understandable situation and perfectly valid feelings. DOn't feel guily for them, don't feel confused. Accept them. I dont have the answer to them though>...!

The way I see it, young gals get experience relatively more easily than young guys. THen, when they want to settle down for a LTR, if they find a guy who's inexperienced, it can spell trouble like just this case. i.e. gal has done her thing, is devoted to LTR. Guy, who's inexperienced, initially is just glad to have this experience so says '***k it, let me live my life and get this experience'. I can always leave the r/ship if i dont like it or want to go n the pull again. BEfore long, emotions get involved.

NOw guy is stuck with conflicting feelings and gal is stuck too.