I'm 23, will be 24 this summer, and I never had a girlfriend.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I need advice on why women aren't showing interest in me and what I should do and where I should go to meet women. I want to give details about my life so responses are relevant to my personality and situation.

First, I'm a 23 year old black male that lives in a big city. I never attended college. I consider myself to be smart (I'm always reading and self-educating myself). I don't drink or do drugs. I don't go to bars or clubs. I haven't attended a party in years.

Second, I'm not ugly nor am I a stud. If the website hotornot.com matters, I uploaded a rather bland photo and my score averaged at 7.6. I'm 5'10'' and weigh 140lbs. I would like to gain 20lbs but my illness (crohn's disease) prohibits me from gaining weight. I eat more than enough calories in a day, but no dice. It doesn't help that my father was the same way at my age. He used to have a 28" waist but now he's 220lbs. I keep my appearance nice. My breath never stinks and I wash daily. I don't have long disgusting fingernails or dandruff flakes in my hair. I like to wear appealing, but affordable clothing. You will never see me in name brand or expensive designer clothing.

My enjoy writing, reading, computers, movies, basketball, amusement parks, video games, eating out, swimming, hiking/camping, extreme sports, traveling, and others. I have a great sense of humor and it really shines when I know a person well. I'm also a good listener and a generous, helpful person. I know the signs of a weak male and I try not to exhibit these signs in my daily activities. I used to be very shy and would put women on pedestals. Thank God I'm no longer that way. If I did get a chick's number, I wouldn't call an hour later or leave multiple messages. I know not to ever be desperate or always available. I won't buy flowers on the first date or be a shoulder to cry on for a chick that will never date me. I at least have some knowledge about how to carry myself and act around women.

I could've had girlfriends in high school but I was so shy it's not even funny. I remember the first day of 10th grade, these attractive girls asked me to sit at their table for lunch but I got so scared that I said 'no' and sat somewhere else.

I also used to talk to this pretty Puerto Rican chick on the phone everyday for like two hours. I can't really remember our conversations but I do remember it used to turn sexual 95% of the time. I remember it sounded like 1-900 phone sex. I was only 13 or 14 then and didn't know **** to say so I started avoiding her calls. She one time asked me to meet her after school because her parents weren't gonna be home and I stood her up. I'm sure that I knew what she wanted to do but I was scared about messing up I that couldn't bring myself to meet her.

These aren't the only two instances when females gave me attention. I simply didn't know how to act around girls at that time.

I do want to change one thing about my life and that's to hang out with guys. I think this will help me meet women than being solo all the time.

Other than this change, what else can I do? My goal is to have a girlfriend within six months. I'm tired of being alone. No one to call up and go someplace with. I'm very good at conversation and keeping eye contact. I don't walk around lacking confidence. I try to always speak loudly and not mumble my words. I used to mumble and slur my words a lot.

What has gotten me down is smiling and making contact with random girls throughout the day doesn't even net a smile back. It's like there's a huge pimple on my nose and no one is telling me about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
My situation is very similar to yours. 26 years old and haven't had a single girlfriend. Girls don't show interest in me.

Anyways this thread is about you.

Why do you think that you are single? Why do you think you aren't attracting women. What are you doing to put yourself in situations where women are around you?


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
My situation is very similar to yours. 26 years old and haven't had a single girlfriend. Girls don't show interest in me.

Anyways this thread is about you.

Why do you think that you are single? Why do you think you aren't attracting women. What are you doing to put yourself in situations where women are around you?
I think that I'm single because a) I'm always by myself and b) I'm too skinny.

I stopped hanging out with my H.S. friends because we don't enjoy the same activities. But I'm thinking about reconnecting with a few just to have something to do on Friday/Saturday nights.

Right now, I work for a school district. The only females I see all day is school kids, teachers, and administrators. At the moment, the only time I'm around women is when I go to the mall or walking the street on a Saturday afternoon.

I can't believe it but very soon, I'll be in my mid-20's and hitting on HS chicks would just be wrong. And I have no idea where to meet single women close to my age and what interest them.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks wutang. I am interested in going to the gym. I'm just curious what higher levels of testosterone does for a man in my situation?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
I've noticed that those in the same boat as the OP (including me) have no social life what so ever.

With that said, I think that by having a social circle with people of similar interests as yours will attract girls of similar interests. The girls will come.

It's very hard for me though...I seem to be socially inept. I can't make friends:down:

Also wutang if you're 5'8" doesn't that mean that in footwear you are 5'9"? does 1 inch make a huge difference?


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
c0nfus3d1ne said:
I like to wear appealing, but affordable clothing. You will never see me in name brand or expensive designer clothing.
Granted it's superficial and essentially it shouldn't matter, but I'd buy a name brand shirt or two. You really can't go wrong with a Ralph Lauren polo, for example, something subtle with a small emblem. You can get one of them at a TJ Maxxx or Polo outlet for like $30. If you have more money to spend, Lacoste works wonders.

If you're going on a casual dinner date, wear it out. Save it for semi-important occasions. Most likely the girl will like it. If nothing else, it will add a little variety to your appearence and style. You might also feel more a little more confident in a more expensive outfit, some people do atleast.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
ew, you can do MUCH better than a ralph lauren/lacosete/etc shirt for the money. You're just spending out the ass for an expensive logo on a generic looking polo.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
How would you describe your character?

What I think does a lot of good to any man and helps with social awkwardness is to become more agressive and bold, instead of passive and meek.

Even if you do stay single for long, you'll feel a lot better if you know that you're kinda rebellious, that no one can impress you or make you feel low, and that you can think to yourself "f*ck everyone else!" and be happy of it every single time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Master Bates said:
ew, you can do MUCH better than a ralph lauren/lacosete/etc shirt for the money. You're just spending out the ass for an expensive logo on a generic looking polo.
They're not wise economically, I never really said they were. Mostly you are paying for a logo, but sometimes you'll find something from either of them with a really nice design. If not, whatever you're wearing will be "safe" and "classic".

A couple nice Lacoste shirts can do a lot for your image, hence their popularity and the price they fetch.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
5'10 and 140 pounds? That's a beanpole.

Bulk up!


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
I may bump my wardrobe up a bit for special occasions or first dates. I won't be giving away all my clothes for a style that really doesn't interest me.

How would I describe my character?

I'm really good at 'coming back' with a witty comment in a conversation. I know when I used to hang out with friends and the convo died, I usually said something that sparked a new conversation for the next 30 minutes. I don't usually be the center of attention in a group of people, but I'm not the butt of a joke. I'm assertive but I don't like to offend people so sometimes I may appear to be passive or passive-aggressive. I'm working on this.

I don't have a social life. At first, staying home on weekends or doing whatever by myself didn't bother me but I'm beginning to realize women just don't look twice at a solo guy.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Leporello said:
5'10 and 140 pounds? That's a beanpole.

Bulk up!
I really wish but my illness prevents me. The most I weighed was 150lbs and I had to eat constantly. I'm hoping as I get older, I'll gain weight despite my illness.

Again, I have crohn's disease. It's not contagious, it probably won't kill me, but it is a *****.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
I need advice on why women aren't showing interest in me and what I should do and where I should go to meet women.
this is your mistake. Girls will give you eye contact but that is all the interest they will show, it's in their nature. You need to forget about them showing interest and instead YOU SHOW INTEREST! the only way you are going to get a girlfriend is by using direct style pick up, forget mystery or david d. Basically whatever girl you find attractive you just be direct with them. It might get you rejected 20 times in a week, but it will build your confidence, grow your balls and you will at least feel better that it wasn't meant to be rather than not knowing if it was or not meant to be. It is better than not having the balls to approach and never knowing what could have been.

read the "mode one" book.


Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Joe The Homophobe said:
this is your mistake. Girls will give you eye contact but that is all the interest they will show, it's in their nature. You need to forget about them showing interest and instead YOU SHOW INTEREST! the only way you are going to get a girlfriend is by using direct style pick up, forget mystery or david d. Basically whatever girl you find attractive you just be direct with them. It might get you rejected 20 times in a week, but it will build your confidence, grow your balls and you will at least feel better that it wasn't meant to be rather than not knowing if it was or not meant to be. It is better than not having the balls to approach and never knowing what could have been.

read the "mode one" book.
will read, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
c0nfus3d1ne said:
First, I'm a 23 year old black male that lives in a big city. I never attended college.

You missed out on a big opportunity to meet girls by not going to college. Lots of them are there and you still young enough to go.

I consider myself to be smart (I'm always reading and self-educating myself). I don't drink or do drugs. I don't go to bars or clubs. I haven't attended a party in years.

Why not? Parties and clubs are good place to meet women. That's 3 places you haven't gone or don't go to where there are tons of chicks and you can get laid with the proper game. You are not going to find a girl sitting at home.

Second, I'm not ugly nor am I a stud. If the website hotornot.com matters, I uploaded a rather bland photo and my score averaged at 7.6. I'm 5'10'' and weigh 140lbs. I would like to gain 20lbs but my illness (crohn's disease) prohibits me from gaining weight. I eat more than enough calories in a day, but no dice. It doesn't help that my father was the same way at my age. He used to have a 28" waist but now he's 220lbs. I keep my appearance nice. My breath never stinks and I wash daily. I don't have long disgusting fingernails or dandruff flakes in my hair. I like to wear appealing, but affordable clothing. You will never see me in name brand or expensive designer clothing.

My enjoy writing, reading, computers, movies, basketball, amusement parks, video games, eating out, swimming, hiking/camping, extreme sports, traveling, and others. I have a great sense of humor and it really shines when I know a person well. I'm also a good listener and a generous, helpful person. I know the signs of a weak male and I try not to exhibit these signs in my daily activities. I used to be very shy and would put women on pedestals. Thank God I'm no longer that way. If I did get a chick's number, I wouldn't call an hour later or leave multiple messages. I know not to ever be desperate or always available. I won't buy flowers on the first date or be a shoulder to cry on for a chick that will never date me. I at least have some knowledge about how to carry myself and act around women.

Dude, you could be the best guy there is in the world. If you don't put yourself out there and sell it, who is going to buy it? If I have the most amazing condo I want to sell you but I don't want to advertise it to anyone - who is going to buy it? Are they going to come knock on my door and magically buy it because I haven't sold it for a long time and they feel sorry for me?

I do want to change one thing about my life and that's to hang out with guys. I think this will help me meet women than being solo all the time.

You are definitely on to something there.

Other than this change, what else can I do? My goal is to have a girlfriend within six months. I'm tired of being alone. No one to call up and go someplace with. I'm very good at conversation and keeping eye contact. I don't walk around lacking confidence. I try to always speak loudly and not mumble my words. I used to mumble and slur my words a lot.

You are playing the pity card with us. Go out there and sell your damn self. No girl is going to sleep with you because "you don't do that, you don't do this, you don't do that." She is going to sleep with you because you give her overwhelming and powerful emotions that she can't control and will get weak knees thinking about you.

What has gotten me down is smiling and making contact with random girls throughout the day doesn't even net a smile back. It's like there's a huge pimple on my nose and no one is telling me about it.
So the girls must smile back at you because you smile at them? I can see there is no problem with your ego!

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
I guess im in the same situation also except im 22 going on 23. Id have to say that I do get IOI's though from decent looking chicks, but they're never the ones that I want and I don't want to settle for less...


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
You sound kind of boring, OP.

Are you a bore?

If that is not the case, then you need to put yourself in the line of opportunity. As one poster said, you won't meet new ppl sitting at home.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
iqqi said:
You sound kind of boring, OP.

Are you a bore?

If that is not the case, then you need to put yourself in the line of opportunity. As one poster said, you won't meet new ppl sitting at home.
c0nfus3d1ne said:
enjoy writing, reading, computers, movies, basketball, amusement parks, video games, eating out, swimming, hiking/camping, extreme sports, traveling, and others. I have a great sense of humor
That stuff sounds boring?

What kind of activities do women consider less boring?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
That stuff sounds boring?

What kind of activities do women consider less boring?
barhopping, clubbing, and doing dangerous activities that sane people would consider "stupid ****"