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Illuminati...your thoughts?

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
Here's another explanation for the recent Hollywood 'exposure' of secret societies:


I believe an important change is taking place in the communication strategies of these elite societies. The advent of the digital age, where any individual can create and publish content has rendered the secrecy of such organizations impossible. Self-published websites, books, documentaries, DVDs and other medias have exposed many secrets of Masonry and other orders. Information which could only be found in rare and exclusive books is now a Google search away. I have encountered some Masons who were astonished by the level of knowledge possessed by the ”profane”. Those types of Masonic scholars, who aren’t actually initiated into the Brotherhood, were very rare not too long ago.

Since the digital switch is irreversible (and completed), occult orders have adapted their strategy to this new context (they’ve probably saw this coming years ago). The strategy is : “If they have to know about us, we’ll tell them what to know“. Through Hollywood and best-selling books, secret societies are being introduced to the average Joe but with one BIG condition: the public is given a distorted, caricatured and romantic portrayal of secret societies. We are introducing in pop culture a mythical lore around secret societies, associating them with fascinating symbols, treasures hunts and exotic adventures. The viewers believe they are actually learning facts about Freemasonry or the Illuminati and they leave the movies with a sense of wonder, fascination and admiration. Those feelings are however based on totally erroneous facts, dubious explanations and fairy tale story telling. After viewing those movies, the viewer has a positive predisposition concerning those orders and will be less inclined to believe and research conspiracies related to them.

The page contains an analysis of modern 'conspiracy' movies, and how they are spreading disinformation.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
6-heads lewis said:
The jury is out on the Denver Airport, for example...
Whose jury, yours?

The DIA conspiracy is lunacy. Please give me any of the supposed "evidence" for this fable and I'll give you actual evidence to the contrary.

Of course, if we don't uncritically accept all this, we're "sheeple" who have had the wool pulled over our eyes by the Illuminati overlords, and skeptics like me are merely shills paid to spread misinformation (but you knew that already). The truth is that the Apocalypse is coming, and the New World Order has chosen to publicly announce their plans in an airport; but only the specially gifted "Patriots" are enlightened enough to see it. (/sarcasm)

6-heads lewis said:
But you haven't addressed the blatant patterns of symbolism in entertainment, particularly music. You can't possibly argue that it's all a coincidence, you just can't. Which raises the question of why these patterns exists, and why they seem to exist among those with the most wealth, fame, and exposure, and particularly why careers tend to be more profitable with the introduction of such themes.
Ah yes, the logical fallacy that the burden of proof should not be on those making wild claims; the wild claims should be accepted at face value and it's up to those hearing the claim to disprove it. Neither science nor logic can prove a negative, so I guess we're all forced to accept the fact that Reptoids are controlling the world. And the undisputable reality of the Loch Ness Monster, and Zeus and Neptune, and Shiva, and psychic powers, and extra-terrestrial UFO's, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and anything else that anyone wants to invent.

When people look hard enough, they can see just about whatever they want. Let’s use the example of the Lady Gaga “Illuminati Pawn” conspiracy.

Funny how these grand conspiracies always have to tip their hand, especially with the Illuminati. Also funny how someone ELSE (usually another self-proclaimed enlightened conspiracy buff) has to point out how “obvious” it really is. For example, a photo of her semi-nude and wrapped in Christmas lights is interpreted as her being “literally bound by the illuminated”. Another example is that she seems to have an affinity for butterflies, which is allegedly a preferred symbol of the Illuminati because of the butterfly’s representation of metamorphosis. Right. I can’t see any other reason why a POP DIVA would wear butterflies….

People see what they want to see. When supposed or even real patterns are observed, a conspiracy theorist forms a conclusion BEFORE the gathering of verifiable evidence; then gather whatever they can to support their point. That is the difference between skepticism and pseudo-science.

Following the scientific method, we start by recognizing that we can't prove a negative. There's no way we can certify that nothing evil ever happens at the Bohemian Club, or that there is no supposed secret 'symbolism' in the media. What we can do is find evidence of any nefarious activities that you and others so passionately claim exist. For such extraordinary claims, conspiracy buffs consistently FAIL to produce verifiable extraordinary evidence. Again, you just make up your own conclusion, then grasp at whatever straws you can find to support your theory, and if we dont believe you, you simply pull the card of "well you cant PROVE it doesnt exist/didnt happen/never occurs".

In a larger context, the prospect of finding meaning within everyday things is compelling to most people. We want the things we do and see to have a deeper dimension that suggests the existence of a power greater than what we can observe. We want to be able to have that power too.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
So, is there any real evidence to support any of these claims?

I'm just curious because it seems that when an expert refutes a theorist's claims, he's is labeled a product of the machine for which the theorist is fighting and it is claimed he is spreading propaganda to falsify the true word of the theorist.

Colossus is right...where is the scientific method?

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
First, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, or God. You're trying to discredit me by attaching legitimate concerns with outrageous concepts, so people ignore both. That's exactly what I said people do earlier, and you're not helping yourself.

I never even said the Illuminati exist, or do anything bad. If you don't think media sends disinformation and is entirely truthful with its citizens, then you are completely and ridiculously naive.

I just stick to what's obvious. If you can watch Jay-Z, Rhiana, Gaga, and Beyonce songs and sincerely see nothing wrong, then that's your prerogative. If you watched the VMAs 2009 and didn't see anything concerning, I can't argue with that. If something that blatant doesn't worry you, nothing will. I'm sure that has covering one eye has nothing to do with occult symbols like the Eye of Horus, or better yet, I'm sure all the 13yr old wanna be pop stars did those poses in their mirror long before they became famous. Hell, all the kids did it :rolleyes:

Even if you think that no secret society, or media or record label or whatever, instructs artists to do this, can you at least admit that the artists themselves show a pattern of behavior and imagery that, when analyzed, points its origins to occult themes? If you can't admit that... well...

It's not obvious to everyone because not everyone is paying attention. Do the masses understand typical Kubrick films? No. Film buffs who understand the industry and analyze it frame by frame do, and they post their thoughts to help the masses understand. Just because the masses are too stupid to pick up on hidden messages, does that mean they don't exist? Of course not.

I never said anything about any conspiracy theories, I just pointed out something so incredibly blatant that I didn't think anyone would argue with it.

What "evidence" do you have? And more importantly, what evidence do you expect conspiracy theorists to have? Do you expect videos of confessions? Do you expect the Queen to transform into a 7 foot reptile, tape it, and put it on youtube?

Your evidence consists of official versions of stories. "Bush is not a liar, says Bush". Wow, what compelling evidence! "Scientists release studies that confirm all products are great and should be consumed, and that the rich and powerful are always rights and honest." Gee, didn't see that coming! If you are dismissive to the notion that studies conducted and released to the media are entirely truthful and legitimate, you are the crazy one. Find out who owns major media companies, and for example, pharmaceutical companies, and consider how tests results can affect their profits. Then tell me there's no reason to suspect foul play.

What kind of proof do you expect for something that is supposedly secret?

People call CIA mind control a conspiracy, but MK Ultra has been publicly released, and the subject of public court trials. Yet people still don't believe the CIA would perform mind control experiments!

When walking into the DIA, you may think you're walking into hell. Common sense tells you something is unusual about this place. That's all I said. Sure I can read the official line and say "oh well, it's nothing", but if common sense tells you something is severely wrong, you may reconsider. If I held satanic rituals in my backyard but then told the neighbors it was just a play I was writing, it would be silly to dismiss common sense in light of my official explanation. Even if I was writing a play, why the fuk would a healthy and honest person's play contain satanic rituals? Why the fuk does an airport hold such bizarre sights?

And oh yes, I'm sure all conspiracy people are wackos who look to confirm their hypotheses, while scientists types are all completely subjective and never have a resolution in mind. You and Deep Dish should start the "Blanket Statements" movement, so you can copy and paste your 10 different replies to all of these discussions.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
anyway I had no intention of taking it this far, I just pointed out something very blatant, but was then pinned with other theories, including a Flying Spaghetti Monster, to make me look crazy or stupid. I'm not well educated in this and don't plan to be.

When calling people hard-headed or irrational for having conspiracy theories, you're being just as ridiculous in shooting them down without any consideration. Using blanket statements such as "I need scientific proof", which is really impossible for something supposedly secret, or like MK Ultra, will be ignored anyway when it comes to light, makes you pretty much ignore everything, no matter how compelling.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
Pink and Masonic Ritual? You have got to be kidding me. I believe that to be a simple coincidence. I am off the thread a bit, but wanted to point out that my Masonic Lodge has no checkered floor. All the rituals amount to nothing more than symbolism. It's all good. Masons believe in the "Great Architect Of The Universe", and leave it to each individual to decide what or who that is. Freemasons do nothing other than good in their communities and are urged to treat all human beings with dignity and respect. That was just for the record. Personally, I believe Neil Armstrong was really a rapper from the 60's. Where is my foil hat? Man that was funny! LOL


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, so let me see if I get this now. You are saying that celebrities are using occult signals in their performances, that date back to the kabbala, to curse the audience all in the name of a secret governing group that one day has higher aspirations?


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
6-heads lewis said:
First, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about Loch Ness Monster, UFOs, or God. You're trying to discredit me by attaching legitimate concerns with outrageous concepts, so people ignore both. That's exactly what I said people do earlier, and you're not helping yourself.
I never put words in your mouth. You have enough. I used those examples to illustrate my point, which is your acceptance of these pop phenomenon is uncritical, much like every other conspiracy theorist. "You cant deny the patterns!!!"

6-heads lewis said:
I never even said the Illuminati exist, or do anything bad. If you don't think media sends disinformation and is entirely truthful with its citizens, then you are completely and ridiculously naive.
Everyone knows the media is anything BUT honest in their reporting. But that isn't the point here, and that isn't the original point you were trying to make.

6-heads lewis said:
I just stick to what's obvious. If you can watch Jay-Z, Rhiana, Gaga, and Beyonce songs and sincerely see nothing wrong, then that's your prerogative. If you watched the VMAs 2009 and didn't see anything concerning, I can't argue with that. If something that blatant doesn't worry you, nothing will. I'm sure that has covering one eye has nothing to do with occult symbols like the Eye of Horus, or better yet, I'm sure all the 13yr old wanna be pop stars did those poses in their mirror long before they became famous. Hell, all the kids did it :rolleyes:
Obvious to whom, you?? You are using an observation to support an unsubstantiated theory of an unsubstantiated entity. Again proving my point that you come to conclusions FIRST and cherry-pick subjective evidence later.

6-heads lewis said:
Even if you think that no secret society, or media or record label or whatever, instructs artists to do this, can you at least admit that the artists themselves show a pattern of behavior and imagery that, when analyzed, points its origins to occult themes? If you can't admit that... well...
If you're trying to cajole me into admitting you are right, poor effort. Are their behavioral patterns in modern pop music videos? Arguably yes. Are these behaviors in direct reference to the occult? THAT is a subjective observation. Since you already believe the "covering of one eye" is a symbol of the Illuminati, then it is no surprise you make that interpretation when you see it. But what does that prove???? Nothing. You merely observed a pattern with no discernible meaning. That's like me saying "Well, I believe Bigfoot scratches his balls like this--because that's what i read in an authoritative Bigfoot book--and I see rap stars doing the same exact thing, so therefore they have to be referencing the existence of Bigfoot!!! How could you not see it, it's sooo obvious!"

6-heads lewis said:
It's not obvious to everyone because not everyone is paying attention. Do the masses understand typical Kubrick films? No. Film buffs who understand the industry and analyze it frame by frame do, and they post their thoughts to help the masses understand. Just because the masses are too stupid to pick up on hidden messages, does that mean they don't exist? Of course not.

Again you are merely observing a pattern with no discernible meaning. Understanding these fallacies may help you argue better:

Ad ignorantiam: The argument from ignorance basically states that a specific belief is true because we don't know that it isn't true. Defenders of extrasensory perception, for example, will often overemphasize how much we do not know about the human brain. UFO proponents will often argue that an object sighted in the sky is unknown, and therefore it is an alien spacecraft.

False Dichotomy
Arbitrarily reducing a set of many possibilities to only two. For example, evolution is not possible, therefore we must have been created (assumes these are the only two possibilities). In this case you are stating that the patterns are so obvious, no one but an idiot could deny them, and they imply that some unseen, unproven entity (the Illuminati) has their hand in them.

6-heads lewis said:
Your evidence consists of official versions of stories. "Bush is not a liar, says Bush". Wow, what compelling evidence!
I have not yet given you any evidence to dispute your stories, only examples of logical fallacies conspiracy buffs like to use, and critical thinking skills you haven't learned yet.

6-heads lewis said:
What kind of proof do you expect for something that is supposedly secret?
What kind of proof do you HAVE for something that is supposedly secret???

6-heads lewis said:
When walking into the DIA, you may think you're walking into hell. Common sense tells you something is unusual about this place. That's all I said. Sure I can read the official line and say "oh well, it's nothing", but if common sense tells you something is severely wrong, you may reconsider. If I held satanic rituals in my backyard but then told the neighbors it was just a play I was writing, it would be silly to dismiss common sense in light of my official explanation. Even if I was writing a play, why the fuk would a healthy and honest person's play contain satanic rituals? Why the fuk does an airport hold such bizarre sights?
FYI, I am from Colorado and have been to DIA probably more times than you or anyone else on this board. I have never felt the subjective feeling of walking into hell. Common sense??? What does that even mean?? Please give me something SPECIFIC to support your claim of DIA's true hellish nature.

6-heads lewis said:
And oh yes, I'm sure all conspiracy people are wackos who look to confirm their hypotheses, while scientists types are all completely subjective and never have a resolution in mind. You and Deep Dish should start the "Blanket Statements" movement, so you can copy and paste your 10 different replies to all of these discussions.
Apparently our 10 'pat' replies on critical thinking have slipped through the ears of you and others like a spring breeze through a screen door, because your arguments never change, and you still wont acknowledge the absence of verifiable evidence to support your extraordinary claims.

6-heads lewis said:
anyway I had no intention of taking it this far, I just pointed out something very blatant, but was then pinned with other theories, including a Flying Spaghetti Monster, to make me look crazy or stupid. I'm not well educated in this and don't plan to be.
Then you probably shouldn't be arguing it's existence....

6-heads lewis said:
When calling people hard-headed or irrational for having conspiracy theories, you're being just as ridiculous in shooting them down without any consideration. Using blanket statements such as "I need scientific proof", which is really impossible for something supposedly secret, or like MK Ultra, will be ignored anyway when it comes to light, makes you pretty much ignore everything, no matter how compelling.
You are assuming that I haven't already considered these pop phenomena and given them some critical thought. Furthermore, you are invalidating the very things you are trying to defend. This is called Special Pleading, or ad-hoc reasoning. This is a subtle fallacy which is often difficult to recognize. In essence, it is the arbitrary introduction of new elements into an argument in order to fix them so that they appear valid. So basically you attempt to parry our point of there not being any evidence to support your extraordinary claims by saying that something "secret" cant be verifiable by the scientific method!!

You are outclassed here, my friend. Like I said before, neither science nor logic can prove a negative. Deep Dish, myself, nor any other skeptic can't PROVE your theories aren't true. But---and this is where people slip---it doesn't necessarily mean they ARE. Instead of presenting us with evidence that may confirm your belief, you simply place the burden of proof on us, and if we don't see it then we are just part of the blind masses.

Who is really blind here, dawg?

BTW, if you want a point-by-point refutation of your DIA fantasy, please start another thread detailing your case for it, or just PM me if you don't want it to be public.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
I honestly want none of this to be true. As I said earlier, it doesn't make me feel cool or smart to think this way, nor do I feel special. Your first post was unnecessarily condescending, and you did attribute me with many claims I did not make.

I have looked for sites that debunk, though the one I found goes by official history to discredit claims. It also covers too narrow of topics. What I do find convincing is when they show quotes were taken out of context or show how symbols were used in other contexts previously and are not necessarily reflective of the occult.

To reply to your music comment, which is the only topic I discussed in the first place, yes, you are correct, the patterns may mean nothing, and it is up to us to give them meaning. But these aren't ambiguous patterns with hundreds of theories floating around. People didn't just pick symbols out of thin air, they have historical context. How would you explain the classic devil hand symbol? Or the symbolism of goat heads? The pyramid with the eye on top? Or the one-eye pics, like this one, that have no logical explanation: http://seeker401.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/bono-illuminati-eye-232x300.jpg

And even more notably, how does an artist RANDOMLY choose to do things like Pink's performance in the VMA's? Or Gaga's for that matter? I find it extremely unlikely that they weren't influenced by something, and based on historical symbolism, the suggestion is that it is occult.

If I claimed that pointing 1 finger in the air was satanic, then yes that would be ridiculous, but if there is a long precedent of symbolism, it shouldn't be ignored.

Anyway, I would gladly read the links you provide. I sincerely hope you're right. Why would it be comforting to think the world is controlled by evil forces?

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
5string said:
Pink and Masonic Ritual? You have got to be kidding me. I believe that to be a simple coincidence. I am off the thread a bit, but wanted to point out that my Masonic Lodge has no checkered floor. All the rituals amount to nothing more than symbolism. It's all good. Masons believe in the "Great Architect Of The Universe", and leave it to each individual to decide what or who that is. Freemasons do nothing other than good in their communities and are urged to treat all human beings with dignity and respect. That was just for the record. Personally, I believe Neil Armstrong was really a rapper from the 60's. Where is my foil hat? Man that was funny! LOL
Yea, great comparison:

Your Neil Armstrong rapper theory that has no logical sense and fits no historical time line...

compared to theories that are widely discussed, show patterns, and have music insiders openly discussing.

Yea, it's really the same thing :rolleyes: take your Armstrong theory to a respectable conspiracy forum and watch how quickly they reject it.

And Im totally sure that the Masons would teach a guy like you their darkest secrets, and would be okay with you exposing them on butt-fuk forums like SoSuave. I can totally believe that.

I'm not going to reply to you anymore.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
teagan said:
Okay, so let me see if I get this now. You are saying that celebrities are using occult signals in their performances, that date back to the kabbala, to curse the audience all in the name of a secret governing group that one day has higher aspirations?
If you're asking me, you've taken Retard of the Day award.

Where did I mention the kabbala?
Where did I mention curses?
Where did I mention a secret governing group?

Please don't ask me any questions.

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
And please, stop calling them "my theories". My point is still there, that you haven't answered, if I build a giant church of satan, filled with symbols that have historically been interpreted as occult, I can claim it to be anything I want. Maybe it's just a coincidence. Conspiracy people will say it's satanic, which it logically could be, but I will deny it. According to the scientific method, they can't prove it's satanic, so why should anyone listen to them. Skeptics would point to my explanation as the correct one?

How can you possibly prove something like that? How do you recommend conspiracy theorists to apply the scientific method?


to let me illustrate this:

here is a picture of kanye west wearing a supposedly satanist shirt:

Would you agree that shirt sufficiently resembles this symbol, to be a match?

If yes, would you agree that that is a widely recognized depiction of evil, or the occult? And would you agree the two are linked? I can't prove this. Maybe that shirt was depicting something completely different. West will likely say that. So is my 'theory' completely unsubstantiated?


Here's another one:

See the words on Jay-Z's shirt: "Do what thou wilt"

Do you agree that phrase can be linked to Crowley? And do you agree he is associated with the occult?

If yes, would you agree that shirt is symbolic of the occult? Assuming Jay-Z denies this. How does one go about scientifically proving the connection?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score

First off, I apologize for being condescending. I could have made my point without the jabs.

I think you are confused about the scientific method. The scientific method requires evidence, preferably derived from validated testing. Anecdotal evidence and personal testimonies generally don't meet the qualifications for scientific evidence, and thus won't often be accepted by a responsible skeptic; which often explains why skeptics get such a bad rap for being negative or disbelieving people. They're simply following the scientific method.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, particularly in claims that are implausible or that violate physical laws. Here is an example of how you might look at the music video thing:

You start with a hypothesis, i.e.- You believe that the behavioral patterns and symbolism in pop music videos are referencing the occult.

Now before you start to design experiments or collect evidence, you have to define what "behavioral patterns" and "occult" actually mean.

So, for simplicity, let's say the behavior patterns are the covering of one eye, and the symbolism is a goat's head.

Second, the dictionary defines "occult" as the following:
1.of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.

For the purpose of your question we'll define "occult" as something beyond the realm of common understanding, specifically a secret society.

So the first step would be to go back and do an exhaustive referencing of what the goat's head meant throughout history, and more importantly what it means today. The same would be done with the Single Eye symbol or gesture.

Once you have compiled credible (peer-reviewed, accepted by historians) referencing of these symbols and gestures, you can start your experiments.

Since you cant prove a negative (i.e. you cannot 'prove' something does not exist), you will try to find evidence that the phenomenon in question does exist, and design controlled, repeatable tests that can verify your hypothesis.

So you may compile a montage of all recent videos with the above described symbolism and gestures, to prove there is a definable pattern.

Now here is the rub: with something like this, you may be able to prove a pattern, and you may be able to show that these symbols and gestures historically reference something occult, but you cannot prove that what they are doing is indeed in direct reference to that, or that they are representative of some occult entity and have some sort of agenda. After this point it all becomes conjecture.

That is why skeptics do not put much stock in these conspiracy theories (and they are theories), because they are usually far fetched, and associations cannot always be proven. It is a matter of opinion. However, like the DIA thing, these imagined stories CAN be proven to be false with research and objective reasoning. Ultra-powerful occult societies haven't really been shown to exist in the modern day, much less have any sort of world-domination agenda. Conspiracy theorists love to say they are just the messenger, reporting what they see. Unfortunately they are also reporting what they imagine.

For an example of a skeptical look at something you mentioned--the Bohemian Grove--have a look at the following link. You can read the article or listen to the podcast, they are the same. Brian Dunning is a reputable skeptic who has taken a critical look at many popular myths and beliefs, and I actually used some of his material in my above posts. Keep in mind he is not out to disprove its existence---merely take a look at what is true and what isn't. The club itself is real, but there is no supporting evidence for the evil conspiracy charges leveled against them. Decide for yourself. http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4131

Dunning also had an excellent show on the DIA conspiracy. Again, read or listen and decide for yourself. If you already have it in your mind that DIA is the seat of all evil, then chances are you wont believe anyone's skeptical examination of it. You have already made the agreement with yourself, and in such case your mind is effectively closed. The link: http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4194

6-heads lewis

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2006
Reaction score
It's all good Colossus, I know that talking about sensitive topics can be really frustrating, and that most people are brick-headed. Gets me mad too :D

Also, I didn't mention Bohemian Grove. I think you might be confusing me with other poster(s) in this thread, my posts have been more conservative, almost entirely about music.

Thanks for the in-depth explanation. From reading other sites about symbolism in movies and music, I definitely do see a pattern, but there's not nearly as much to suggest it is related to secret societies or a grand plan. Perhaps I should have avoided speculation.

My 'education' in this goes as far as reading Icke's The Biggest Secret, and selectively watching youtube videos - avoiding the obviously sensationalized - and reading sites such as vigilantcitizen. I don't claim to know much, and actually approached this topic hoping it's not true. It's making me worried in my daily life, and I can't fukk my wife as well when I'm worried, so she's not too happy. Plus I have my degree program's final exams in 2 weeks.

Keep in mind he is not out to disprove it's existence---merely take a look at what is true and what isn't.
That's exactly what I'm looking for: analysis that isn't aimed at denying or confirming, just analyzing.

I appreciate the link, I'll definitely check it out.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
You guys are in this stuff deep, lol. Wow. Kanye wearing T-shirts and a rapper saying that "the system is all f'ed up" is now suddenly an indicator of global conspiracy. Just...wow.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
teagan said:
Okay, so let me see if I get this now. You are saying that celebrities are using occult signals in their performances, that date back to the kabbala, to curse the audience all in the name of a secret governing group that one day has higher aspirations?
Do you have reading comprehension problems? The reason the illuminati puts out their plans for martial law/mass genocide/world government in their media is because according to occult doctrine they are required to let the victim know what they are going to do to them.

"the cursed must know they are cursed for the curse to be effective"

I don't know how you could have misunderstood that post. The main point is they are not trying to hide themselves in fact they put out their symbology out in the open as they always have done. It's not just in movies and music but in your churches, architecture, culture and I could go on and on.
You guys are in this stuff deep, lol. Wow. Kanye wearing T-shirts and a rapper saying that "the system is all f'ed up" is now suddenly an indicator of global conspiracy. Just...wow.
kanye was wearing a baphomet t-shirt and beyonce is down with baphomet as well


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Chrom3y said:
A friend recently told me about it. Im caught between "what if" and "that's complete BS".

What do you guys think?
It is what it is (call them bankers, or whatever). They doomed themselves with the crisis they have created as far as I am concerned.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Plinco said:
It is what it is (call them bankers, or whatever). They doomed themselves with the crisis they have created as far as I am concerned.
You got the complete opposite. The only one that is doomed IS YOU! They got billions in bailouts. Now we are trillions in debt, 40k + for every person living in America last I heard. They committed the greatest robbery in history and you and everyone else paid for it while the bankers got off free with a slap in the wrist.

Just wait till the dollar is dumped and all the money you had becomes almost worthless. Then you will start believing in the illuminati, new world order, and the conspiracies we have been telling you for years which are coming to fruition but you refused to listen.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, hahahahaahahahahaha to both f28300 and 6-head...both of you need to get a grip on reality...you guys are getting far too pissy about your b.s. theories which still make no sense


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
f283000 said:
You got the complete opposite. The only one that is doomed IS YOU! They got billions in bailouts. Now we are trillions in debt, 40k + for every person living in America last I heard. They committed the greatest robbery in history and you and everyone else paid for it while the bankers got off free with a slap in the wrist.

Just wait till the dollar is dumped and all the money you had becomes almost worthless. Then you will start believing in the illuminati, new world order, and the conspiracies we have been telling you for years which are coming to fruition but you refused to listen.

Yes, I am well aware of all of that. It is now 100% guaranteed that we will have a major worldwide economic depression, and quite possibly WW IV on our hands from all of the ticking time bombs these people have set. In the end, I do not believe that these people will have their world government; they have screwed themselves (and us too) too much already.

There are a few examples that I can list, but for starters, I would like to make a point out of the e-mail climate gate situation, which was a big blow to them.

For the record, I stand opposed to the central banking cartel (as Edward Griffin calls it), and yes, a lot of people will end up dead because of them.