LOL, well we all know how hard to get seems to make both women and men go crazy for each other. I'm sure some of you will remember the girl with the BF that I fooled around with. She kept acting like she wanted to be exclusive with me, then ran back to her BF. Actually, she lied to be twice saying how she'd broken up with her BF just so she could date us at the same time!
Well, I got sick of all her games. I cut her off. Stopped visting her, calling her, texting her, etc. She called me to see if I wanted to go clubbing (just me and her) I said I'd let her know. She called me again to confirm and I told her something else had come up and I couldn't go and maybe we'd go the following weekend. I don't call her. She calls me a week later, but I'm out. I didn't return her call.
She calls me again this Thursday. She talks with me for about 20 minutes and then asks if I can call her back (like I ALWAYS used to do). I said "No, my phone bill is going to be too high." and then she said "Who you been calling?" I could hear she was worried. So we talk for another 20 minutes, wasting HER money. She kept saying how she hasn't seen me in so long, and wanted to know what I've been up to. I just C & Fed my way out of those questions.
I didn't mention anything about getting together. She texts me on Friday and Saturday, ANNOYING ME, god she was so boring and I could see she just wanted a reasons to SMS (text) me. I kept it as short as I could. When she asked what I was doing on friday night, I just ignored her.
This behaviour is VERY unlike her, so I know she's worried. She senses that her grip on my balls has loosend and wants me back. (Probablly just to play head games again). It's tempting, I don't want her as a GF cos of what she did to me AND her bf. But if I could get a f**k I would take it.
I'm not sure what to do yet. What do you guys say?
Well, I got sick of all her games. I cut her off. Stopped visting her, calling her, texting her, etc. She called me to see if I wanted to go clubbing (just me and her) I said I'd let her know. She called me again to confirm and I told her something else had come up and I couldn't go and maybe we'd go the following weekend. I don't call her. She calls me a week later, but I'm out. I didn't return her call.
She calls me again this Thursday. She talks with me for about 20 minutes and then asks if I can call her back (like I ALWAYS used to do). I said "No, my phone bill is going to be too high." and then she said "Who you been calling?" I could hear she was worried. So we talk for another 20 minutes, wasting HER money. She kept saying how she hasn't seen me in so long, and wanted to know what I've been up to. I just C & Fed my way out of those questions.
I didn't mention anything about getting together. She texts me on Friday and Saturday, ANNOYING ME, god she was so boring and I could see she just wanted a reasons to SMS (text) me. I kept it as short as I could. When she asked what I was doing on friday night, I just ignored her.
This behaviour is VERY unlike her, so I know she's worried. She senses that her grip on my balls has loosend and wants me back. (Probablly just to play head games again). It's tempting, I don't want her as a GF cos of what she did to me AND her bf. But if I could get a f**k I would take it.
I'm not sure what to do yet. What do you guys say?