The names listed in the topic are a few people who I think give consistently good advice, and I honestly believe you guys get laid. A compliment, considering I think 85-90% of this board are posers/exaggerators..
So I just wanted to ask you guys some questions out of curiosity.. Feel free to answer or keep your anonymity I wont be offended but It'd be really cool if you answered the questions open and honestly. So, enough fluff on to it.
How often are you guys approaching women?
When you approach women do you now have it choreographed or are you freestyling it?
Whats your success rate with number closes?
Out of the number closes, how many do you F close...?
What venues do you guys sarge at? Day game? Night game? Social circle game?
A rough estimate of sexual partners AFTER you discovered the seduction community... No comment is acceptable as this is a very blunt, direct and maybe rude question..
What is your passion in life? Like, not work.. Just something that you really enjoy doing that has nothing to do with females..
A brief description of your looks..? Maybe height, weight, ethnicity..
What were you like before you got into pick up..?
Whats your career?
And, since this is starting to seem like a police interview, I'll conclude with one last good question...
What is one thing you could teach up and comers..? One thing that you feel would save these guys a lot of pain and maybe reduce some of the redundant posts on this forum..
Thanks, if you do choose to answer.. But I know some of us are private people and your non compliance will not make you any less brilliant in my book.. But your compliance may change lives..
So I just wanted to ask you guys some questions out of curiosity.. Feel free to answer or keep your anonymity I wont be offended but It'd be really cool if you answered the questions open and honestly. So, enough fluff on to it.
How often are you guys approaching women?
When you approach women do you now have it choreographed or are you freestyling it?
Whats your success rate with number closes?
Out of the number closes, how many do you F close...?
What venues do you guys sarge at? Day game? Night game? Social circle game?
A rough estimate of sexual partners AFTER you discovered the seduction community... No comment is acceptable as this is a very blunt, direct and maybe rude question..
What is your passion in life? Like, not work.. Just something that you really enjoy doing that has nothing to do with females..
A brief description of your looks..? Maybe height, weight, ethnicity..
What were you like before you got into pick up..?
Whats your career?
And, since this is starting to seem like a police interview, I'll conclude with one last good question...
What is one thing you could teach up and comers..? One thing that you feel would save these guys a lot of pain and maybe reduce some of the redundant posts on this forum..
Thanks, if you do choose to answer.. But I know some of us are private people and your non compliance will not make you any less brilliant in my book.. But your compliance may change lives..