Damn, all the rookies are catchin me up and stuff, lol, j/k
Good work fellas. Number close in the first week, impressive!
Today was yet another waste

Went town with the intent to walk around a lil and get some Hi's,but ended up at a friends house playin Xenosaga (damn videogames, lol) The reason I posted this one is because I'm gonna force myself to go out and edit this post with good results....
MF signin out, stilll with 29 Hi's
Week 1 Day?
Lost track of days so I will just keep y'all posted on my day...
Started off iffy at friends house where I worked on his home gym, and watched tv for most of the day. No matter tho, cuz had something to do tonight...
8:30 comes and one by one most of my friends have dropped out on the idea of going up whether it be church, babysitting or no trans. So it is just me and one other dude, and he BAILS ON THE WAY THERE! I was thinking about forgetting the idea entirely but I decided if all these people can go alone, why can't I.
I get there and walk around aimlessly, making EC with whoever dares look in my direction and I meet two dudes who used to go my skool and are slightly overweight. I always thought of them as either desperate people who imbellished on what happens in their life.
The first guy just approaches every girl he's every seen before (mostly younger white, he's black, so at first it seems a little odd but just cuz the people I chill with aren't as open minded)
The second guy just lays back and cracks jokes til HB8 and HB8.5 come and initiate breif Kino with him on da street, lol, i was pretty impressed. Then we meet some other dude who just you can tell was alpha the way he just said every joke and led the group on occasions
The best part of the night was when I was goin to my ride and I see a group of about 4 girls and I look up, smile, and look back down before I walk past them. Then I hear
HB4: Yo ace boy, my girl here likes you
Me: <Continues walking> (....... can't......stop.......feet! Think of something to say dammit)
I almost did the "you can't be talking to me" and just forgot the situation, until old faithful, repeated numerous occasions here popped into my head:
Me: I can see why!
Lol, I suprised myself with that one. Then they had this look on their face I saw as I continued walking, they either didn't hear me or they didn't expect me to say it.
The chick she was talking about was HB 7.5 but she was jailbait so I probably couldn't have done anything with it. I can see why girls don't approach guys as much now. Cuz the afc's (and rafc's) are soo taken aback they just dunno wut to say
I got some good EC on the whole of the night. Once again I while try and hit the beach tommorow although I always seem to chicken out cuz Im going by myself