You touched on something very important Urbanyst. This is something only an entitled guy who's been validated by women because of his value and status can understand. This is how I know who is actually high value, and who isn't.
It's called entitlement
It is a switch inside your head that turns on and you go from Clark Kent to Superman.
First comes the value(Looks, money, resources). Then comes the status. Then comes abundance (every woman in your social circles wanting to bang you). Then comes entitlement.
Your brain was designed to work in social tribes (work environment, clubs, social circles, etc). Entitlement is a switch that turns on when you are the de facto alpha male and all women validate you.
Entitlement makes you a flawless natural with women.
You will rarely, if ever, make a mistake. I don't remember the last time I did.
Inside a social circle, you always sense sexual tension and use plausible deniability to get her alone and have sex with her.
Outside in the field, as soon as you sense an ioi, you immediately approach and assume attraction.. And when you sense she is attracted, you make out with her.
Entitlement goes with you everywhere.
Entitlement is perfect confidence with women.
Entitlement is the missing link between a guy learning game and a natural. All game advice tells you to act as if you are entitled.
Entitlement is the absence of all negative internal beliefs with women. It's like game doesn't even exist. Like taking a "limitless" pill when it comes to women and everything becomes completely effortless.
Newbies don't know about this phenomenon because they don't have it. They can't see above their own limited reality of having to rely on tactics.
No matter what techniques you do as a seducer, don't you always feel like you are missing some kind of belief?
Entitlement is the end goal. The switch cannot turn on in your brain if you are not an alpha male of your environment.
Why do you think all alpha males act with the same sense of entitlement?
Guys without entitlement have to work 100 times harder and battle so many negative internal beliefs just to APPROACH women.
Entitlement comes from abundance. Abundance comes from having status. Having status comes from being a man of high value.
In broad day light, when I am surrounded by women in my social circles that validate me, my entitlement switch turns on and suddenly I felt like super mario touching the star.
And then I when I go back to the night clubs, I'll start making out with chicks without saying a word. It's like confidence on steroids.
When you act entitled, women backwards rationalize "This guy must be high value to be acting that way." That's essentially what game is. To act as if.
But the entitled alpha males do it unconsciously.
So in a way, high value guys DO demonstrate it by being c0cky, arrogant, full of themselves, dominating, assuming attraction, taking women rather than trying to impress them, assuming the close, thinking he's God's gift to women, etc. These are all the hallmarks of a player, aka the most validated guy.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. When you have value, status, and abundance, you WILL act entitled.
The is the guy you always see women complaining about, not being able to make him commit, be faithful, etc. When women say "All men....." they actually just mean the high value guys.
I would say entitlement is a combination of demonstrating power and arrogance.