Originally posted by neo12535
To TesuqueRed,
Why not assume she wasn't home and didn't have the number..
Because that's what she wants you to think.
Because I did assume that and still think that not leaving the msg is better, whether she has caller ID or not.
Because I work with a couple of 20-something chicks (left, right, and somewhere over there..) who I get to watch manage their social and dating life via cell phones all day at work. They know who's calling, they tend to guess unknown numbers with a high degree of accuracy, and they freely editorialize about said caller before deciding to answer or not answer. I underestimated their abilities on the cell phone--any woman with over 1 week's possession of a cell phone is a cool and practiced professional.
And because these women are not the exception.
Seems like he is from out of town so it shows up on the caller id as "out of area" so she doesn't know who called. And maybe she doesn't have caller id and doesn't even know he called.
Unlikely, but if it makes you feel better, think that. In fact, most AFCs jump immediately to that conclusion and will work at it until they're convinced of it. Party on, dude.
Now, if it was a cell phone that he called maybe she didn't know the number and didn't call it back or doesn't have the feature on the phone like a caller id and has no idea he called...
Maybe maybe maybe maybe.
Yeah, maybe. What's the point of this line of thinking? That "I" could be wrong? No shyt. Yeah, I thought of those likelihoods (see above re chicks at work) but this is getting less and less possible nowadays since these "features" are not really features anymore but are standard (check with all your friends and see which ones got the stripped down no-features pkg and compare with the ones that got every feature they could get.)
And what if one of these "maybes" of yours was an actual event? What did he lose not leaving a msg?
My experience (see chicks at work above explanation) is that these "maybes" are low percentage events. What I detailed in my post above are much higher percentage events.
Go with the odds.
And he'll run into her later, or he can call again later, or he can do any number of things that lets him retain the control and the momentum.
People on this site that are "experts" always seem to think the girls are against everybody.
Go to my post and quote the line where I claim to be an "expert". Or are you reading that interpretation into things....? Or does the MDJ thing wig you out? I didn't put it there, btw, and I can't seem to remove it either...
Go to my post and quote the line where I always seem to think the girls are against everybody. I said and implied no such thing. This reveals more of your bias, actually, and has little to do with what I said.
Just cause a girl ignores and dislikes you or doesn't return your calls, doesnt mean this one is.
Doh!!!! That hurt! Yep---that's where I got that bit of advise--from my bitter experience.
Girls always call me back if I leave my name or whatever,...
We'll have to take your word for it, won't we? As above, your reading comprehension and general interpretive skills need upgrading, so how's about we put that little bit of self-serving self-revelation of your's on ice for the moment?
... thats what message machines are for.
Yeah, no shyt...I was wonderin' all these years and now it comes clear. Thanks Neo-etc.