^^ true statement.
and unflushables, societal constructs keep us from doing a lot of stupid things that might happen if we merely followed our animal instincts. after all, that ability to HAVE that philosophical conversation is what separates us from them.
bonobo monkeys, which are 98% genetically identical to humans, have ridiculous amounts of sex with each other, all day, every day. by your logic, we should be doing the same thing because society can't come up with any kind of limitations that are worth anything...
while i know this ad was supposedly made "in good fun," i just cant help but get a little upset about it. that ad, in addition to the corona ad campaign where the woman makes the man look like a chump on the beach (i can find links if you want) are brainwashing people like my twelve year old brother to think that this sort of behavior is the norm, when in reality we should expect better of our women!