If you can't make demands in a relationship.. then you're her b!tch

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score

When I observe most modern relationships around me I mostly see men pandering to their women. I see women mostly doing what they want and throwing their men a bone here and there.

Another interesting thing I see is women can often make "demands" and most men will go along to avoid upsetting her. What I almost NEVER see is men making demands and women going along to avoid upsetting him. In fact, the only time I see men making demands is when they are in non-commitment player mode OR when its a very old couple.

Why is this? Simple.. women are smart enough to only get into long-term relationships with men they can control. So, if a woman finds she cannot control you, she will usually leave (eventually).

In order the reverse this pathetic situation.. men need to do a few things:

1. Stop needing female commitment. You should not care if a woman wants to leave.

2. Make commitment a rare thing. Something so rare that when a woman gets it she actually appreciates it! Spin f*cking plates.

3. Completely boycott marriage unless the woman is rich.

White knights and other pandering losers are what create and allow modern women to be entitled, selfish, abusive, rude, etc. In other words.. the quality of women out there would be fare better if men weren't so quick to give every woman the earth, moon and stars because she is cute.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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I've tried to explain this to a couple of friends. Will. Not. Sink. In.

Most get defensive so I stop.

The only guy that's actually listened to me relatively recently has "separated" from his wife. That seems to be the only time they become more open to new ideas, when they get dumped (she asked for the separation).


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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I'd say it depends on the demand, but yes I agree. A man should be able to demand something reasonable. Most women would not agree to a threesome or becoming the head b!tch in your newly established concubine...but most women should be willing to agree to stuff like working out more often to stay healthy or increasing their value somehow, like going back to school or trying to get a promotion at work. Maybe she just needs to learn good ol' domestic housewife qualities like being able to cook well.

These are not unreasonable demands. If your woman balks at stuff like this, you know what to do.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Modern women are raised to believe they are perfect the way they are and the "right man" will simply accept them the way they are.

MEN on the other hand.. are raise to believe they must mold themselves to become what women want. This is why I preach freedom so much and tell men to remove the chains and live however the f*ck they want.. regardess of how the women in their lives feel about it. If your only purpose in life is to be someones b!tch so you can bust a nut somewhat regularly.. then you are living a truly pathetic existence. And that is exactly what a man does when he gets married.

Set yourselves FREE men. Its the most liberating thing you can do.

You want to give women something special? Give them the gift of knowing they are one of the FEW women you would even CONSIDER dealing with. And remind them how easily they can f*ck it up. :up:


Jun 12, 2015
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Poon King said:

When I observe most modern relationships around me I mostly see men pandering to their women. I see women mostly doing what they want and throwing their men a bone here and there.

Another interesting thing I see is women can often make "demands" and most men will go along to avoid upsetting her. What I almost NEVER see is men making demands and women going along to avoid upsetting him. In fact, the only time I see men making demands is when they are in non-commitment player mode OR when its a very old couple.

Why is this? Simple.. women are smart enough to only get into long-term relationships with men they can control. So, if a woman finds she cannot control you, she will usually leave (eventually).

In order the reverse this pathetic situation.. men need to do a few things:

1. Stop needing female commitment. You should not care if a woman wants to leave.

2. Make commitment a rare thing. Something so rare that when a woman gets it she actually appreciates it! Spin f*cking plates.

3. Completely boycott marriage unless the woman is rich.

White knights and other pandering losers are what create and allow modern women to be entitled, selfish, abusive, rude, etc. In other words.. the quality of women out there would be fare better if men weren't so quick to give every woman the earth, moon and stars because she is cute.
Why are you worried about making demands in a relationship when you've supposedly chosen to walk away from women and relationships going your own way? If you are going your own way it's by yourself. Not with a woman so you aren't in a relationship.

Other men will go their own way doing what they want. Going their own way doesn't mean you or anyone making demands telling them how to to go that way unless they are your b1tch.

Liberate yourself if you want to come out of the closet. It's 2015.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
As much as I think Poon Kings' post can sometimes be too extreme, This post is a direct bullseye. Women today want to control Men as much as possible. Like ive said before, They ultimately want some kind of cuckold society where she can do as she pleases while her Man stays in place. Fvck outta here with that.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I totally agree with this post. My recently ex LTR made all sorts of demands about my time, my lifestyle, sex, who we hung out with, what we did in our spare time....I stood up for myself when necessary but she just blatantly ignored me.
When I made demands of her, she brushed them aside and did whatever she wanted. I was intoxicated by her beauty and let most things slide but - as I should've realised from being on SS for so long - this made her lose all respect.
I'm glad though because she gave me real-life practical lessons in the theories espoused on these boards, and I won't make the same mistakes again.
A woman who refuses to compromise and consider your needs and happiness is a woman not worth your total commitment.
Unfortunately, all but one of my five LTR have proven to be mercenary, selfish and arrogant. It's as though men's feelings don't matter! We've just got to shrug our shoulders and adopt the "happy wife, happy life" mantra.
Seriously, fvck that. What does SHE do to make you happy? Does she ask? Does she even care? Does she wake up each day thinking of ways to endear herself to you or to make your life better?
If not, find one who does or suffer.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
I totally agree with this post. My recently ex LTR made all sorts of demands about my time, my lifestyle, sex, who we hung out with, what we did in our spare time....I stood up for myself when necessary but she just blatantly ignored me.
When I made demands of her, she brushed them aside and did whatever she wanted. I was intoxicated by her beauty and let most things slide but - as I should've realised from being on SS for so long - this made her lose all respect.
I'm glad though because she gave me real-life practical lessons in the theories espoused on these boards, and I won't make the same mistakes again.
A woman who refuses to compromise and consider your needs and happiness is a woman not worth your total commitment.
Unfortunately, all but one of my five LTR have proven to be mercenary, selfish and arrogant. It's as though men's feelings don't matter! We've just got to shrug our shoulders and adopt the "happy wife, happy life" mantra.
Seriously, fvck that. What does SHE do to make you happy? Does she ask? Does she even care? Does she wake up each day thinking of ways to endear herself to you or to make your life better?
If not, find one who does or suffer.
Yes sir. This boils it all down into a condense format.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK
Amen, Poon said it first.

Greasy Pig summed it up perfectly.

Find someone who cares as much about you as you do about them. Anything less is doomed to fail.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Poon King said:
When I observe most modern relationships around me I mostly see men pandering to their women. I see women mostly doing what they want and throwing their men a bone here and there.

Another interesting thing I see is women can often make "demands" and most men will go along to avoid upsetting her. What I almost NEVER see is men making demands and women going along to avoid upsetting him. In fact, the only time I see men making demands is when they are in non-commitment player mode OR when its a very old couple.
Sadly enough, this is also being taught by fathers.

Poon King said:
Why is this? Simple.. women are smart enough to only get into long-term relationships with men they can control. So, if a woman finds she cannot control you, she will usually leave (eventually).
I disagree. If she can control you, unless you're filthy rich and essentially buying her security, she will eventually leave you due to lack of respect. It may not be immediate, but once someone comes along of higher value in her chick mind, she's gone.

Don't get me wrong....women value security. But they'll never be happy in a marriage without security AND attraction.

Poon King said:
White knights and other pandering losers are what create and allow modern women to be entitled, selfish, abusive, rude, etc. In other words.. the quality of women out there would be fare better if men weren't so quick to give every woman the earth, moon and stars because she is cute.
Agree. We have to fix ourselves and unite. That's the power we have. Easier said than done. Honestly, at this point, we really can only change our sons so their generation will be better. Change isn't immediate.

But how are you going to have a son if you are anti-marriage?

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Yes, I agree that Beta philosophy is taught by today's citizens. Many guys do it because they think and are taught by women it's the thing to do.

And the gals, love it. For obvious reasons...they hold the keys to relationships that way.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
Reaction score
Queens, New York
Poon King said:

When I observe most modern relationships around me I mostly see men pandering to their women. I see women mostly doing what they want and throwing their men a bone here and there.

Another interesting thing I see is women can often make "demands" and most men will go along to avoid upsetting her. What I almost NEVER see is men making demands and women going along to avoid upsetting him. In fact, the only time I see men making demands is when they are in non-commitment player mode OR when its a very old couple.

Why is this? Simple.. women are smart enough to only get into long-term relationships with men they can control. So, if a woman finds she cannot control you, she will usually leave (eventually).

In order the reverse this pathetic situation.. men need to do a few things:

1. Stop needing female commitment. You should not care if a woman wants to leave.

2. Make commitment a rare thing. Something so rare that when a woman gets it she actually appreciates it! Spin f*cking plates.

3. Completely boycott marriage unless the woman is rich.

White knights and other pandering losers are what create and allow modern women to be entitled, selfish, abusive, rude, etc. In other words.. the quality of women out there would be fare better if men weren't so quick to give every woman the earth, moon and stars because she is cute.
Solid post. :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
Reaction score
London, UK


Don Juan
May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Poon King said:
What I almost NEVER see is men making demands and women going along to avoid upsetting him. In fact, the only time I see men making demands is when they are in non-commitment player mode OR when its a very old couple.
Betas make demands when the woman doesn't respect him. The woman should do what you want without having to demand for it. Raise your value if women aren't doing what you expect.

Poon King said:
Why is this? Simple.. women are smart enough to only get into long-term relationships with men they can control. So, if a woman finds she cannot control you, she will usually leave (eventually).

Basically you're saying that every man in a relationship is a beta being controlled by a woman. Read up on what an alpha is then get back to us.


Poon King said:
3. Completely boycott marriage unless the woman is rich.
Poon King said:
White knights and other pandering losers are what create and allow modern women to be entitled, selfish, abusive, rude, etc.
Marrying a rich woman is the best way to make demands?

Ok, so you want men to marry a rich woman and you don't expect her to be entitled, selfish, and rude? A guy that doesn't have much money will be kissing her rich ass not making any demands. She will be the one making demands of you. Try making $50,000 and make demands to a multi millionaire woman. She would tell you to fvck off with her b!tch attitude. Awful post and thinking you have.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2015
Reaction score
We are not on this board, speaking together, by accident, gentlemen.

We are here because each of us has self-worth issues. Maybe not in the field of career, maybe not with our friends and family, but what unites us is that, in the face of female beauty, we forget our self-worth and invite others to also forget our self-worth.

When you speak about 'women', realize that you only know a small percentage of the pie, no matter how many you've dated, and they were all attracted to you because of who you are inside. A man with self-worth issues.

I've recreated this dynamic in enough relationships at this point that its clear that I'm the one doing it. The women who come into these relationships are OK with being semi-domineering and putting themselves above you. They also have personal difficulties that make them behave in this unbalanced matter, but its we who karmically/energetically attract them, and not some immutable rule of society. I see relationships where the man does as he pleases in plenty of my friends.

How do we realize our self-worth? How do we realize we have value? How do we not forget this when faced with a breathtakingly beautiful woman creature, who is perhaps also pretty smart, enlightened, and can articulate her thoughts beautifully and is living an interesting life? How do we not be blinded by the light of another, to our own beauty and worth?

That is the question. I wouldn't worry about "women", or "society" -- the problem lies in ourselves. Find the worth, and waiting until another sees it in the same way will be easy and straightforward. That's what I'm learning right now. We are no different than those women who let themselves be smacked around by abusive husbands -- we do it because, deep down, we do not feel that we deserve any better. It hurts to realize this.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
speed dawg said:
Sadly enough, this is also being taught by fathers.

I disagree. If she can control you, unless you're filthy rich and essentially buying her security, she will eventually leave you due to lack of respect. It may not be immediate, but once someone comes along of higher value in her chick mind, she's gone.
That is a assuming a few things:

1. She can attract someone of higher value
2. She is at an age where attractivness is top priority

Your statement is only true for young attractive women. Once a woman gets older or loses her looks.. she is more interested in stability which only comes from a man she can control and trust to never cheat or leave. In other words.. a beta b!tch.

Women are highly shallow and they are happy to have a beta b!tch as long as he makes her look good in public. What they don't want is a beta that makes them look bad.

Having an alpha is the best look in public, but very few women can lock down an alpha permanently. Which is why most women who have dated alphas stay bitter for life. :crackup:

Anything less than alpha is settling and 99% of women end up settling OR becoming cat ladies.

speed dawg said:
Don't get me wrong....women value security. But they'll never be happy in a marriage without security AND attraction.

But how are you going to have a son if you are anti-marriage?
WRONG. Attraction is primarily a male need. Women don't need attraction, they need utility. Women go for attraction mostly between ages 18-28 when they ride the c0ck carousel.

I plan to reproduce outside of marriage and use my primarily relationship (a hand picked woman who I can trust to be a nurturing good mother) to raise the kids while smashing other women on the side. The kids will get their "family unit". Unless of course the woman refuses to cooperate. But that's on her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Women like to control you and demand things from you. Once you give in to their demand they know they have the power and you will be toast. Golden rule: Never be afraid to walk away. If you give in to their demands then they will know you ARE afraid and by that time you might as well be the biitch for life. Why? Because she will dump you and you will do the same in the next relationship. ALWAYS, ALWAYS STAND YOUR GROUND.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
mikey2012 said:
Women like to control you and demand things from you. Once you give in to their demand they know they have the power and you will be toast. Golden rule: Never be afraid to walk away. If you give in to their demands then they will know you ARE afraid and by that time you might as well be the biitch for life. Why? Because she will dump you and you will do the same in the next relationship. ALWAYS, ALWAYS STAND YOUR GROUND.
Which is why I constantly preach freedom and tell men to live however the f*ck they want at ALL TIMES. Men must completely ignore women's rules regardless of the outcome. If you have to be a woman's b!tch to keep her then she ain't worth sh!t to begin with.

As men we all have certain values and beliefs. YOU SHOULD LIVE BY THOSE 24/7 and completely ignore anything a woman says, does or demands that goes against those values and beliefs.

Pretty simple.