If you aren't married by 26, can you still be happy for the rest of your life?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
The answer is no. You see, all the HB8+ are young and get married at a young age to guys around their age. If you still haven't gotten married yet, then that means you have failed. Your parents are disspointed in you. Your extended family are dissapointed in you. And you are dissapointed in yourself. They might not neccesarily come out and say it, but behind closed doors they'll wonder why you are a loser in life.

You say you don't need a girl to make you happy? Who are you joking? If I told you that living with DJ principals meant never getting laid again, would you be a DJ? Ofcourse not. It is still means to an end.

If you are old, it doesn't really matter how much skill you have, because your talent pool has shrunken. That hot 20 year old cheerleader won't want to date an old guy. You will have to settle for older and uglier girls. This process will continue until you are really old and un-attractive which will spell the end.

The moral of the story is that it is already too late. You can improve, but chances are, with each ticking second, you are one second further away from where you were supposed to be. Your success will be limited and reading message boards like this will not help.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
This post is meant for people who can face the truth in a constructive manner.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
WRONG, quite the opposite in the west. Especially with the anti-man bias in western courts (hello divorce laws?) you have to be careful. This is the bull**** girls feed guys to guilt them into marrying sooner.

A man's stock value goes up with age and does not depreciate as quickly as women (no offence). A guy can get married and settle down at any time. I personally think 35ish is probably a better number - assuming you find someone worth your time. I know guys who refuse to get married and cohabit instead.

Seriously, if you think getting married is the only means to happiness, you are in deep ****ing trouble.

(edit: I had a brain fart excuse the terrible grammar)


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"This post is meant for people who can face the truth in a constructive manner."

No, this post is a prime example of trolling.

I 2nd the call to ban Consent.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
If you think I'm making this up, then ask yourself this question: How often do you see a 30+ guy going out with a hot 20 year old hb9? Unless you're rich like Donald Trump or good looking and famous like Tom Cruise, it just doesn't happen.

Here is a thread I saw recently that illustrates this point: Dating Life by Spider_007

You say that my post is an example of brainwashing right? But if you believe in the main principals of Sosuave, doesn't that just mean you are brainwashed by a different source?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
you sit there on your pc and think for us ok while the older guys who actually are getting those hot girls go out and get them mmmkay ???

And you've been reading too many chick mags or listening to too many AW girls who givce worthless advice.

I third the ban ......... hell ip ban him.

And no sosuave does not brainwash you, it gives you both sides of the story and leaves you to decide what to do.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
Uhmm the problem there is that if you feel you NEED someone else to be happy, you are already screwed...

So what if you don't marry a "hb8", so what if you never got laid for the rest of your life? IMO a person should be able to deal with that if it came to be, there are other things in life.

I see a lot of others with your view around here, although not as extreme... but let's face it anyone who thinks like that might aswell get on their knees before a woman and kiss her damn feet. Too many people obsessed with hb10 this and hb9 that, just like the "afc" they end up completely obsessed with women.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Yes you still can be happy... what a retarded thing to ask.

Though i do agree with you to an extent about not being married at a certain age and it then becoming a bit of a problem. I dont think that age is 26 though. Id say when you reach 28 or 29, thats when you should be settled and be a married man.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Well first of all why are you your disagreeing with me, first off go spend a year living on dj principals then go back to your normal life, I bet you a bucket load of money ( that I dont have ) that if you stick at it for a whole year you wont want to go back.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
daddyc, yeah that's along the lines of what I'm getting at.

typical, I'm disagreeing with you because this is a forum. Not a place that bans people for not believing in your point of view.

Pook once had a poll on here asking people if they lived in a parallel universe where being AFC got you girls, would you be AFC or a DJ? Most people chose to be AFC.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
hmmm I'd have to think about that one, but if being what I used to be like meant getting girls and being what I am now meant less girls, I'd have to say this life would be harder but in the long run better.

My life does not revolve around getting girls, I like getting them but if its not my day its not my day, plus they are better things to do.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
consent, what gender are you and how old are you?

If I were to be married at 26 it would have been to the LTR that I ended when I turned 25. Would I be happier? No way in hell. We were not compatible together at all in the long run and after 2 yrs I figured that out. Most guys dont figure that out and have the same attitude as you which leads them to marry the first piece of pvssy that they can find.

Why in the world do you think that the dating pool of 30 yr old men is limited? A really large number of the women that I dated when I was 20-22 ended up with guys who were 28-32 after we were done. Kinda defies your logic doesn't it.

If I keep up with work as I am I should be easily breaking 100K/ yr when I hit 30. So I'll be very comfortable, well established, and able to have the fun that I want without a wife nagging at me, or spending my money. Now that I think about it I cant see getting married until I'm around 35.

My final problem with this is that I dont think that I've meet a single 18-26 yr old girl who is actually ready for marriage. Not that it will stop them, but they want to get married for all the wrong reasons: kids, quitting work, moving out of their parents, having a princess wedding, whatever.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
it's not that you are disagreeing... you don't even have any evidence to back up your thoughts other than what you procieve to see, which is to be blunt, wrong.

Let me give you some FACTS (sort of):

about 80% of all marriages that take place when the parties are under the age of 25 FAIL.

Hell, about 50% of all marriages anyway end up in divorce anyway

Yet you come back and say that if you aren't married by the age of 26, you are a failure?

****, it's the EXACT opposite.. you can't truely be happy, given thoose numbers, unless you wait until at least 30 to get married.. Bare minimum.

Let's go a little father.. thoose guys that are 25 and married, with "HB8s" or whatever. In all honestly... how happy do you think they are?

There is a post by Pook about this subject in the DJ Bible... read it.

Let's take your prototypical 22 year old in his "serious relationship". He probably meet her when he was 20. What the **** do you know about relatioships, sex or anything important at 22? Hell I am almost 23 and I still in the grand scheme of things, will admit I don't know too much of ****, and I get around.

She is say...20. She puts it on you.. well not really, but it's the best you have so far, and you have yet to see just how good some good sex can be. You are whipped. You do everything together. it then becomes "easier" to live togther. Then she starts to mention marriage (it's hardly ever the guy that starts this) and you agree it's "the next step". You **** around and have a kid. YOu go from 22 in a LTR relationship to being 23, 24 years old and having a kid, with a 22 year old wife, who is probably good looking, but nevertheless...

All is well, until she a) gets tired of you becuase you have no backbone.. you are by this point spineless and will do whatever it takes to keep the peace or to get some.

She has already started withholding sex.. you don't tap it anywhere near as much as you used to. You think this is normal and apart of being marriage. Yes, everything looks great when you are out at the movies or at a resturant, holding hands, smiling....

Then one day it clicks on her... WTF am I doing? I am 25 (now) I never got a chance to have fun... I miss going out, I miss getting drunk. I have a damn 3 year old and a spinless man for a husband.. this is my life. She then resents you, or starts to.

Then a guy comes along, and pushes the right buttons, or hell he might just be in the right place in the right time. She gives it to him, while she is still with you, and you find out one day, wondering WTF happened to my princess ?

So yeah, if you think that that's the way to go, have at it. About 2 years ago I was messing with a girl that was in that situtation verbatum execpt a year younger... The guy, well besides being an AFc that got suckered into marriage at an early age, did nothing wrong. After I got done with her (at leat at that time) she left him and took the kids


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
I fourth the ban.. This is absolute bull****.. You shouldn't be starting threads with such idiotic advice when you have nothing to back it up. You are misleading people. My dad told me that he met many beautiful women when he was 32 that would have made good wives. These women were liek 26 but beautiful, intelligent, and seemed quite trustworthy. My dads advice to me is just wait till you're after 30... Doesn't mean you can't date before you're 30 though!

I'm willing to bet that the HB's that get married at a young age probably are not wife material anyways and that their marriages will probably end up bad, although there are exceptions. Just be patient and wait. The right person will come. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, it is not something you just jump into!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
ask yourself this question: How often do you see a 30+ guy going out with a hot 20 year old hb9?
A few (some with a greater age gap). But let me ask you this question: How many guys are willing to TRY getting a woman 10+ years younger than them? Most of them won't try for the very reasons that you've stated.