If you are good looking then you will get #. If not, then you wont


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Goddam bunch of morons. Jeezus. :rolleyes:

YES, being unattractive physically DOES severely reduce your chances of being successful with women.

Especially in a "cold approach", where all she has to go on is your looks...your social game needs to be on-point. And I'm not just talking a few SoSuave tips...if you're ass-ugly you need to be a social MASTER to make up for it.

The uglier you are, the better you have to be able to project something BEYOND physical appearance, and the quicker and more efficiently you have to project it, before she blows you off.

Being ugly does NOT mean that you can't get chicks.

But it's NOT unimportant...so while personality DOES count, looks do as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
there's not an absolute truth... if a 5 with a lot of personality approaches a hb9 who is with her friends, she dumps her right away. if the same scenario takes place, like at the seaside, with both alone, she's going to have a great conversation with him and, if he can close, even sex. i mean, always if he's not hideous.
i've got a friend whom is hated by almost everyone, he's considered the biggest loser on earth (although he's grades are incredibly high), has got an ugly body (he's not fat at all, but he looks like he is), 5'9, considered reeeeeeally ugly, with lots of acne on his face, smelling bad, shy with girls, with no experience tryin' to fake confidence, but reaaaaaallly extremely awesomely (does this exist?:)) intelligent... of course 99,9999% of women don't even think about givin' him a chance. but i've seen a 7/8 babe going mad about him... she became the greatest afc in the world in order to be liked by him... she even tried to kiss him, but he was too stupid (girls-relating) to take the chance... she called him all the time, and lots of other afc's things. when i asked her why she was so in love with him, she answered "well, he's the most intelligent guy i know... and he has a great butt!"...

nowadays, he's steady datin' a 6... well, what can we learn from him? that it's really hard for a hideous to get girls, but not impossible:)

p.s.: i have to say another thing: he looks like a 3-4, but if he developed his body, got rid of acne and did some facial exercise, he could even be a 8, since he's got azure eyes and blond hair... this is to say that u can look really ugly, but u could always improve your looks, just ask for some suggestion... he's too bold to ask, fùck him


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
UK London
What you are saying is bull****. If you have a face like the elephant man then maybe.

I was in the hippodrome a month ago with a mate. My mate is reasonly handsome looking, was well dressed at the time. He went over and attempted to chat to these two birds..he came back with to me unsuccessfull.

20 mins later I saw this bloke who was unshaven, below average looks begin rapport with these two girls. Within 30 mins both girl were following him out of the club.

My mate said "Oh they are just snobby *****es"..I pointed out look that bloke has pulled them my mate thought that they were high class prostitutes..maybe but I doubt it very much..

Originally posted by Happiness Renewed
*This from a university student perspective*

This is the harsh reality of things. It doesnt matter if you have tons of game, if you are ugly, you wont get a #, or interest from a girl at club, or on a cold approach. End of story.

I actually asked a few girls today and they confirmed this.

You can try to come up with some intelligent bullsh*t to prove otherwise but dont even bother. Its pretty universal.

I will admit though that confidence does add SLIGHTLY to your attractiveness(posture and body language and such) but its not everything. I know damn right if Brad Pitt walked around without confidence or mediocre confidence, he would still get more ass than any of us even if he wasnt famous.

If you have a hideous face then I suggest you do not cold approach.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Looks Looks Looks!! *sigh*

How the f*ck did i miss this post?!?!?! :eek:

Anyways.... Put it THIS way...

If you are young and at the age when u are not thinking of marrige (and so arent the girls) then maybe what the original poster said is right, up to an extent, because the truth is, is that at a young age (teens till early 20's) looks is what the majority of poeple look for in the opposite sex....


When you are older and the girl is thinking about LTR and marrige etc, THEN THATS when looks dont matter even NEARLY as much, because THATS when personality plays a big part in the attraction in you.

Think about it... At that age a woman will know that in a few years both you AND her will be getting old and ugly, and whats left after the looks are gone? PERSONALITY!!, So a woman that will marry an a$$h0le for his looks, then when they are like 50 years old and he doesnt have his looks anymore, then chances are that the marrige wont last, or she wont be happy, because she is married to an a$$h0le! ..... I think u get my point;)

So overall... When we are young, looks DO play a good part, becauser thats the MAIN thing that the opposite sex looks for in us... But when we get older, then PERSONALITY is the MAIN thing that the opposite sex looks for in us.

Now i am not saying that if you are young and ugly you wont be able to get any chicks, because there ARE many girls out there that look for personality even at their young age, and if you can show them a good time and make them enjoy being with you, then your chances for success are already high... So dont let your confidence be affected by being ugly, because if u feel insecure etc about it, it will show, and your chances for success will be minimal. So go out there, no matter WHAT you look like, and be all that you can be!



Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
To the original poster:

If that was true then I wouldn't be here. I am prettyboy, probably 8.5-9. When I am walking around campus I notice that 90% of the girls look at me. I have cold approached around 12 girls and asked them for their number and only one of them gave me their number. She was ugly though....

I did have girls come on to me in high school, but I was too stupid to understand and I had a fear of approaching/talking women. And that is why I am doing this bootcamp.

If you don't have game, you ain't getting ****!

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Being tall makes playing basketball easier-but spud webbs was short and an excellent basket player.
Large muscles makes fighting with power easier-but Bruse less at 110 pds could whip almost anyone.

Easier means just that, easier. The only thing that matters is if what you are doing can be done, not it w'ould be easier if:' Living in the "if"world is foolish. The only thing that matters is "now", not the past (except as a learning tool)not the future (future only exist in your head, it is always now to you), but "NOW". Now means I' dont look like Brad Pitt now but what can I do to get her number regardless". All the ifs ands and buts are useless, only now matters. Everything in the world is easier or harder depending on the person trying, so dont focus on that, focus only on how can I, because that is the only person you can be is you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
so you join the site, a few weeks of reading an no doing and then you decided ahh well this stuff does not work.

You then go and ask some girls what they think.

I odnt know what girls you asked because in most cases they say many things before they even talk about looks.

now you are trying to tell us that confidence and attitude and what you say, will not get you laid.

you are totaly wrong, just because its not working for you does not mean its not working for us.

sure if you are repulsivly ugly then you have little hope and you do need to be in shape and looking better is always a help, but fact is if you look average and got your game together you can do very very well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
if u are atleat a 5 or 6 in the face..and get a great body you..with confidence you can bag a 10!

i mean the only way ur ****ed is if ur deformed or very very ugly


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
pretty good looking guys without game dont still get the digits full stop. im one of the guys that believe that too some extent good looking guys also have it tough trust me iv experienced all this lol. as for ugly guys not getting digits i dont belive it.
because iv got friends who aint even that good looking get some decent looking girls well even though i wouldnt date them but atleast decent enough for a shag . they were succesfull because they were persistent thats the way the average looking guys score they dont give a ****, if a good looking guy is rejected his ego will be so broken, that why some girls hate on guys with good looks becuase they think these guys would never take them serious. you wont believe how majority of hot model looking guys are single many many that why you see some good lokking guys with average looking girls cos these guys dont care anymore, iv done some modeling b4 and interact with these guys so know this 1st hand
(but still dont get me wrong good looking guys have it easy too some extent). besides who wants to be with a shaloow hoe anyway not me. cold approachs mainly work when these girl give you a signal or something but for most parts go for a girl within your reach. if anything id say average looking guys are more succesful.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2003
Reaction score
Q) Whats the only thing better, for a girl's fragile ego, than pulling a hot guy?

A) Rejecting a hot guy.