4 things ALL women want in a man:
Tall height
Big d1ck
White skin
All the things that SEA men DO NOT have and all the things that western men DO HAVE
Westerners are statistically 4 inches taller on average compared to SEA men
We statistically have 1.5 inch bigger d1cks
Usually white skin
and ALWAYS more money. In vietnam the average person makes $300 per month. My minimum wage 20 hours per week online job in the UK makes me $1200(already quadruple their avg). you can live like a ****ing king out there
And you will be appreciated 100x more for the things you were born with.
62% of women in the UK are overweight. And every single woman in the UK is extremely unappreciative and entitled. In SEA they are all slim, its their standard there. there is a lot more fat shaming. and the girls are 100x nicer in SEA. they act like actual feminine females instead of entitled alpha females
Why would u not go to a place where your money, height, ****, skin colour is valued 100x more and the women are way skinnier? AND they are beautiful countries with perfect weather. Logically, why wouldnt u do this?
What are the downsides? Only think I can think of is that corporate guys cant do this. But with the age of online jobs and people working from home, it wouldnt be hard to transition to online work and get paid a western wage while living in an extremely cheap country