If you ain't got a girlfriend or have trouble getting a date...


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
K2000kidd said:
How about replying with "nothing in the pot right now but i'm always looking"
this would probably at least get you a few random hookups from well intentioned coworkers

2nd girl i ever dated was a coworker's daughter
Sounds like a cool way to answer, just gotta be careful of da ugly chicks being around...they may pounce at the opportunity.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Warrior74 said:
Its not being single that's the problem. It's the image that your projecting thats the problem.

At my workplace, when I first started alot of the ugly and fat women put me to the test right away asking if I had a girlfriend. I told them no. When they asked why...I told them the truth. I'm out of a LTR and I'm working on getting my finances in order to buy a house. I work three jobs and I don't have time for a girlfriend. Of course they offered themselves up as candidates and I politely declined by LJBFing them. They became my base of female attention. As I continued to work and just be social, speaking to everyone I've seen alot more looks coming my way and other women paying me attention. I've had the hardcore sluts crew start in on me now. but I've met a decent girl there who I get along with and we have been slowly starting to see each other. We keep it strictly platonic at work though.

I always projected an image of somene who is focused on why I am there. I'm there to make money and to do a great job.

I'm there to be social and enjoy my time.

I dress well every day and I'm courteous. I do flirt with all of the females, occasionally. And I do talk to the other guys about the girls there. The fellas all shoot the ****, we trade war stories about women we dated. We talk about our weekends.

I think you may be putting off a weak vibe? Possibly? The vibe I put out is that I'm a fun social guy who is just working hard and enjoying his life.

Talk about what's good in your life and what's fun. Nothing wrong with being single. Don't lie. That's like lying about being a virgin. You are not obligated to tell people your business. I was a virgin until I was 19 and was scared to death of anyone finding out. I lied about it alot. Looking back, it was stupid. After I lost my virginity I didn't run around telling people I wasn't a virgin anymore. Nobody really cared but me. The guys who bragged about all the poon they were getting...nobody really cared but them. And as an adult nobody cares what you are doing, they only care about what benefits or hurts themselves.
Damn, this thread got more views and replies than I thought.:crazy:

I never thought of it that way before. Powerful advice bro! I appreciate your support. I did get a couple of fat n' ugly chicks wanting to be my gf, but I friendzoned them. It didn't stop them from chasing me (btw if you saw these chicks you'd get nightmares)

I didn't want to put out an unattractive image, that's why I had to lie. I admit, most of those gay/virgin jokes were getting to me, and too many people were up in my business daily. Everybody bas a private life, and not everybody's invited in it.

Thanks again for your wonderful insight!:up:


Master Don Juan
May 26, 2006
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Belle Vernon, PA
wow you are a total dumbass..

I went to work the other week and informed my guy coworkers that I just broke up with my gf and it was high fives all around. We kept talkin about how i'm a free man now haha. It's how you make of the situation ur in, that's how other people will make it into also. If you see being single as something so bad, which you obviously do, other people will call you out on that.

As for everybody laughing at you, hell i laughed when i read ur thread. you just need to straighten things out in your head first.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
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nismo-4 said:
You should be happy? Well, you don't have to worry about having to spend money on the girl or if she's a golddigger or flake. This makes more time for you to make some more money! Save for something really nice!
This is true ... the only piece of decent advice in your entire post.

But of course there are some things of note if there's no girl in your life.

1. You may become more secretive. Over time, you may not even let girls come near you. Hopefully, that doesn't happen.
Says who?

2. If you hear guys at work talking about they have girls in their life, STAY AWAY FROM THE CONVERSATION! Keep to yourself.
3. (Tied into #2) If you get asked about your love life at work by guys, telling the truth will make you the laughing stock of the workplace and only the ugly girls will want you. Lie your butt off, to save face and avoid humiliation.[/quote]

You seem to think that all the guys at the work place are knee deep in vagina. Well, statistically, it's extremely unlikely that they are. Probably at least half of them are single themselves, struggle to get a date, have an unfaithful girlfriend. Most will be AFCs.

4. Don't make it obvious that you're single. :nono: It turns a lot of women off.
As long as you don't come across as desperate, woman couldn't care if you're single. Probably around half the male population are single.

5. If a girl asks you if you got someone, find out who wants to know. Telling the truth here can f**k up your chances with other women around, especially in a club or party. That sh*t gets around very quickly and you'll get shot down before you can start.
No, not at a club or party. Usually, people attending such things are single themselves and/or looking for something casual. Especially clubs. They are synonymous with sex. Most people in relationships don't feel the need to go there because they already have someone; sex on tap.

6. If a party's coming up and you know a bunch of guys will be there with their women, and you don't have one, DON'T GO! Going alone will make you an object of humiliation real quick. If you get asked why you didn't come, LIE. Don't say you didn't have a date, or you will be humiliated. It's like having to go to prom by yourself. Stay home and play Super Mario 3.
Well most people at my prom went themselves. And, from what I've seen, most people will go to parties themselves, in an attempt to pull.
Oct 18, 2008
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If I have a GF or not does not matter to me. Why should I give a sht what people think? Most relationships aren't worth a sht anyway. So if I have one or not is of no concern to me. I want what is best for me, so pleasing other clueless people doesn't even come across my radar.