Adding Scion (Scioff) and Trader (Traitor, Hader, Infiltrader) this bring's the negative reps to 5. :rockon:
What's funny is that is has been observed by Psychiatrists, and some spiritual leaders that when someone is against something, they are secretly for it. It is the homophobia model (you have gay inclinations, and you hate yourself for it, so you direct your anger at some homos and go beat up f@g)
When you are truly neutral about something, it doesn't bother you if other people are into it. For example, you are a casual drinker, and it doesn't bother you to see others having a drink.
Now, if you're an ex alcoholic, and for some reason it ruined your life and you were forced to stop, you are pissed about it. You see others drinking and having fun, and you hate them because you cant have a casual drink. So you act like you are against alcohol, and you spew off moral reasons why it is wrong, but deep down you are dying for a drink.
To be against something, you have to be secretly for it and feel guilty and hate yourself about it, other wise you wouldn't care. You have to hate it in yourself before you can be against someone else doing it.
That being said, obviously the guys who went out of their way to neg rep me, and leave an angry comment, have some deep seeded guilt around this issue.
As for me, because I dont subscribe to societies contrived religious and moral logic, the mark of a true Don Juan, if I did **** my cousin, I wouldn't feel weird about it at all. I have no opinion about it being right or wrong, because what makes something wrong other than peoples BELIEFS, which are not a valid resource for ethics.
These guys who are so against it, are no different than a Hitler or a Stalin. They think THEY know what is right, and they are going to judge and condemn you for it. This is the seed of tyranny, "knowing what is right or wrong."
Out of curiosity, because I have no opinion, what makes fvcking your cousin wrong? Were not talking about having a kid together, just safe sex. What harm could this do to society?