If money is the root of all evil...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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King James Bible
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
Money is just a tool. Its the love of money that's the problem.


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
Yes there is a saying that money is root of all evil. There is even a joke for that, money = evil^2, that means evil is square root of money. But very few people know what is money and how it's made.

Watch this short film that explains money. Money A$ Debt.

The creator(s) of money believe they are God and it is their mission to control the destiny of humanity, that includes wars, genocides, genetic engineering, amount of freedom, everything under the sun.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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Money is not the problem, it's the solution. And love of money is not the problem, to love money is to love the expansion of life.

The desire for unearned money is the root of all evil.

What evil can you find in the man who makes a better motor, or invents a new medicine, or plows the earth to keep you alive? Is this what you consider evil?

"It was the only country in history where wealth was acquired not by looting, but by production, not by force, but by trade, the only country whose money was the symbol of man's right to his own mind, to his work, to his life, to his happiness, to himself. If this is evil, by the present standards of the world, if this is the reason for damning us, then we-we, the dollar chasers and makers-accept it and choose to be damned by the world. We choose to wear the sign of the dollar on our foreheads, proudly, as our badge of nobility-the badge we are willing to live for and, if need be, to die.

Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns-or dollars. Make your choice-their is no other-and your time is running out. The rotter who simpers that he sees no difference between the tyranny of the whip and that of the dollar ought to learn the difference on his own hide."


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Drdeee said:
Yes there is a saying that money is root of all evil. There is even a joke for that, money = evil^2, that means evil is square root of money. But very few people know what is money and how it's made.

Watch this short film that explains money. Money A$ Debt.

The creator(s) of money believe they are God and it is their mission to control the destiny of humanity, that includes wars, genocides, genetic engineering, amount of freedom, everything under the sun.
I have watched that several times. It is an eye opener. :nono:


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
Julius_Seizeher said:
The desire for unearned money is the root of all evil.

But respectable. That means usury is the root of all evil. The most aggressive form of usury in our world is FIAT monetary system. Watch this eye opening video to understand that money is debt. Money As Debt.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
Julius_Seizeher said:
Money is not the problem, it's the solution. And love of money is not the problem, to love money is to love the expansion of life.

The desire for unearned money is the root of all evil.

What evil can you find in the man who makes a better motor, or invents a new medicine, or plows the earth to keep you alive? Is this what you consider evil?
The love of money is the root of all evil and those who love money will never have enough.

Most rich people have made their money through the back of the poor, ain't it funny that while energy companies record more than 200% in profits, the common people are suffering. The greed of man has compelled businesses to charge exorbitant prices for their products and/or services whilst paying the employees minimum wages and you consider that to be fair?

Or maybe you consider this to be fair: companies that slash workforce to 'manage cost' while posting millions in bonuses for the management?

He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the poor.Proverbs 28:8
The current way this is going will only lead to the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer. This is the world we live in:

-banks charge unusual high interest loans to borrowers and should these banks fail (usually due to incompetence by the management), the taxpayer has to bail them out.

-Most business owners get rich through the 'blood and sweat' of the employees. I watch how most people in this world work for the rest of their miserable lives while struggling to pay of their mortgages etc and then die without even really enjoying the fruits of their labor. Is that not a serious tragedy?

-The poor are always oppressed by the powerful.

-Most people are scared of taking initiative in life because of the fear of failure, doubt and disbelief in themselves. Most people would rather choose the security of a normal paying job rather than risk it all. This is the reason why the ratio of the rich to the poor is heavily lopsided in this world.

I guess what im trying to say is, some deserve to be rich and some do not.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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The same people that say sh*t like this believe in "soul-mates" and other feel-good ideas they learned from TV.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Money backed by/exchanged for real value is essential for and beneficial to society.

Businesses are beneficial to society. People think the rich "do no work and get paid for everything". Truth is, it's their capital and their ideas that create value.

When a farmer plants an appleseed, does he do "any of the work"? No, the tree does all the work of growing, of sapping the nutrients from the ground and bearing forth fruit. Sure the farmer has to tend the environment and reap the harvest, but the tree pretty much grows itself.

Irresponsible finance is the root of all evil. Treating credit like money with no plan for paying it back, lending more money than you have (especially to high-risk debtors) and then securitizing it as an excuse to lend MORE money, security prices based on hype and paranoia rather than REAL value, treating markets like a lottery and trying to "grow money by shaking it from side to side"...those kinds of things will destroy this civilization.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
squirrels said:
Money backed by/exchanged for real value is essential for and beneficial to society.

Businesses are beneficial to society. People think the rich "do no work and get paid for everything". Truth is, it's their capital and their ideas that create value.

When a farmer plants an appleseed, does he do "any of the work"? No, the tree does all the work of growing, of sapping the nutrients from the ground and bearing forth fruit. Sure the farmer has to tend the environment and reap the harvest, but the tree pretty much grows itself.

Irresponsible finance is the root of all evil. Treating credit like money with no plan for paying it back, lending more money than you have (especially to high-risk debtors) and then securitizing it as an excuse to lend MORE money, security prices based on hype and paranoia rather than REAL value, treating markets like a lottery and trying to "grow money by shaking it from side to side"...those kinds of things will destroy this civilization.
Your last paragraph pretty much sums up the financial mindset of our Federal Government. They love to grow money and incur debt.


Jan 9, 2011
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outskirts of myville
Here is a simple scientific test that you could perform.

Take a 100 dollar bill and lock it into an air tight safe for one year. After a year it will worth less, and each year it is worth less and less, exponentially.

This proves that money is sh*t and demonstrates the evil. Usury.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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I think the fact that money = power and that the human ego is in a never ending quest for power, encourages people to seek money by all means necessary, including violence and crime.

Money is not the root of all evil, but unchecked egos are.
Call me an idealist or a *****, but I believe the only way to get rid of evil is by getting rid of the human ego. In other words, the battle for good and freedom will be perpetual, just like our slavery to money.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
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You who call yourself a slave to money-you are exactly right.

Your thoughts are those of the typical modern leftist rotter, who lives by pretending that he is a victim and deserves to instead become a vampire on the producers who keep him alive. Sure, you invent a childish and retarded system of half-baked pseudo-philosophy to allegedly support your ridiculous beliefs, but your credibility reads: Account Overdrawn. Every time some barefoot bum in some pesthole of Asia makes some sweeping spiritual statement, too broad to be held to any standard of truth and too indiscriminate to be bothered by anything so trivial as rational meaning, you swoon like a barmaid and swear that you will never again blame yourself for the conditions of your life. Yours is the psychology of thieves and kidnappers, who use the virtues of another as reason to steal from him. You say, "There is no ego; we are all one" and in the same breath denounce all those who have made your life possible and kept you alive all these years.

You say capitalism is evil because it forces men to compete in order to be their best. Can you imagine a system where men compete in order to be the worst? You already have. In socialism, the winners are the people who do absolutely nothing and have nothing to offer to the world, their needs are held up as crowns of glory and the men of ability are thus enslaved to those "needs". Can you imagine the rotten squalor that would result from a country, or a world, where everyone tried their best to do nothing? You, who would call yourself a slave in a free society, have absolutely no fvcking idea what it would really be like to be a slave.

If you really think that providing for your own means of survival is a burden unjustly posed upon you, or that the conditions of your life are truly the result of offhand decisions made by some unseen tyrant in some corporate boardroom, GROW THE FVCK UP. Stop watching television, the rotter's box, the liberal stink tank and get out and live in the REAL WORLD. It is not a grand conspiracy, it is not a matrix, it is very simple: you do you. You do whatever you can do, to the best of your ability, and live with your reward. If you want more, do more; if you want less, do less. Money is the only exact metric of the value of your life; everything else is arbitrary and melts like butter under the light of objectivity.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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Julius_Seizeher said:
You who call yourself a slave to money-you are exactly right.

Your thoughts are those of the typical modern leftist rotter, who lives by pretending that he is a victim and deserves to instead become a vampire on the producers who keep him alive. Sure, you invent a childish and retarded system of half-baked pseudo-philosophy to allegedly support your ridiculous beliefs, but your credibility reads: Account Overdrawn. Every time some barefoot bum in some pesthole of Asia makes some sweeping spiritual statement, too broad to be held to any standard of truth and too indiscriminate to be bothered by anything so trivial as rational meaning, you swoon like a barmaid and swear that you will never again blame yourself for the conditions of your life. Yours is the psychology of thieves and kidnappers, who use the virtues of another as reason to steal from him. You say, "There is no ego; we are all one" and in the same breath denounce all those who have made your life possible and kept you alive all these years.

You say capitalism is evil because it forces men to compete in order to be their best. Can you imagine a system where men compete in order to be the worst? You already have. In socialism, the winners are the people who do absolutely nothing and have nothing to offer to the world, their needs are held up as crowns of glory and the men of ability are thus enslaved to those "needs". Can you imagine the rotten squalor that would result from a country, or a world, where everyone tried their best to do nothing? You, who would call yourself a slave in a free society, have absolutely no fvcking idea what it would really be like to be a slave.

If you really think that providing for your own means of survival is a burden unjustly posed upon you, or that the conditions of your life are truly the result of offhand decisions made by some unseen tyrant in some corporate boardroom, GROW THE FVCK UP. Stop watching television, the rotter's box, the liberal stink tank and get out and live in the REAL WORLD. It is not a grand conspiracy, it is not a matrix, it is very simple: you do you. You do whatever you can do, to the best of your ability, and live with your reward. If you want more, do more; if you want less, do less. Money is the only exact metric of the value of your life; everything else is arbitrary and melts like butter under the light of objectivity.
Capitalism does an aweful job as a measure of talent.

For example, a talented artist who is poor because he is in the first years of his carreer. In the eyes of the capitalist world he's a loser because he doesn't have enough wealth. But once he gets his lucky break and earns money, he's suddenly seen as a great member of society. So this person, this very same person was seen as garbage by you while he had no money (based on your argument), but you now see him as a valuable individual because he has acquired wealth, even though HE HIMSELF DID NOT CHANGE, he simply received that break that his talent deserved.

Now do you see why money is not a true measure of talent? This is seen much more often than the other way. YES, even in the USA. Talented individuals live in utter poverty and stupid people get rich all the time (refer to the financial engineers at Bear Stearns, Lehman, etc and all those no talent rich kids who graduated from prestigious schools because they were born from the right families).

The reason why capitalism doesn't work as a measure of talent (or as a measure of anything at all) is because we humans have emotions, and capitalism can not exist in such environment. The law of suppply and demand say that an individual who does not have the means for the expensive product will chose the cheaper product . In reality does this happen even 70% of the time? Have you ever seen a broke person drive a BMW? Yeah, me too. The law of supply says that high supply = low prices. There's currently a surplus of crude, is this reflected in its price? No, because the current price of oil is based on fear of future higher prices.

Capitalism and emotions are not a good mix. When things are good, we get greedy, when things are bad, we get fearful. Economics does not take this into consideration. AND get this, there's never a middle ground, because, as it has been pointed out, the ego (our emoitons) can never be fullfilled. It always wants more. If things are good, they MUST get better!! I agree, this unfullfilling thirst motivates us to do our best, but at the same time, our best can never be achieved, because our ego says we can always do better. Because YOUR EGO WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED with THE PRESENT MOMENT and what it brings. So we are slaves to our ego, and we look to the future to fulfill it. But joke is on us because the future will never satisfy you. WHY? because when the future comes, its the present moment again!
Right now its the future of yesterday, I'm sure yesterday you were looking at the next day for fullfilment, but as you can see the fullfillment hasn't come because, liike i said, the ego can not be fullfilled with the present moment.

Lastly, the history of this western world makes for great evidence to support everything I've said. The USA was a true capitalist country for sometime, but our ego was not satisfied and said "Hey we're doing good but the lets go for more" so they took out the gold standard and started printing money, but it was still not satisfied so they said "Hey capitalism is working so good lets see if we can incorporate a little socialism" and entitlement programs came about. So our ego kept pushing the envelope until voila, the economy imploded.

If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Don't bother Julius, there are hordes of closet-communists on here (and in all walks of life).

They want nothing less than you to toil away as a slave to create their little utopia.

It's not malicious benevolence though is it? All they want in their utopia is for life to be fair.

Fair ... At your expense.

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
The reason why capitalism doesn't work as a measure of talent (or as a measure of anything at all) is because we humans have emotions, and capitalism can not exist in such environment. The law of suppply and demand say that an individual who does not have the means for the expensive product will chose the cheaper product . In reality does this happen even 70% of the time? Have you ever seen a broke person drive a BMW? Yeah, me too. The law of supply says that high supply = low prices. There's currently a surplus of crude, is this reflected in its price? No, because the current price of oil is based on fear of future higher prices.
Supply and demand is based on the law of diminishing marginal returns, which assumes component goods being equal in the eyes of the actor. The diminishing marginal utility only comes from the obvious fact that the first good is used for the most urgent need, the second one for the next most urgent need, and so on. Which is implied by the action axiom. About the oil example, the high reserves or idle oil is not supply if it is not being offered for trade.
Capitalism and emotions are not a good mix. When things are good, we get greedy, when things are bad, we get fearful. Economics does not take this into consideration. AND get this, there's never a middle ground, because, as it has been pointed out, the ego (our emoitons) can never be fullfilled. It always wants more. If things are good, they MUST get better!! I agree, this unfullfilling thirst motivates us to do our best, but at the same time, our best can never be achieved, because our ego says we can always do better. Because YOUR EGO WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED with THE PRESENT MOMENT and what it brings. So we are slaves to our ego, and we look to the future to fulfill it. But joke is on us because the future will never satisfy you. WHY? because when the future comes, its the present moment again!
Right now its the future of yesterday, I'm sure yesterday you were looking at the next day for fullfilment, but as you can see the fullfillment hasn't come because, liike i said, the ego can not be fullfilled with the present moment.
That is the very starting point of economics.. the action axiom.

"It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a 'dismal science.' But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance." -- Murray N. Rothbard


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
n00bPimp said:
Capitalism does an aweful job as a measure of talent.

For example, a talented artist who is poor because he is in the first years of his carreer. In the eyes of the capitalist world he's a loser because he doesn't have enough wealth. But once he gets his lucky break and earns money, he's suddenly seen as a great member of society. So this person, this very same person was seen as garbage by you while he had no money (based on your argument), but you now see him as a valuable individual because he has acquired wealth, even though HE HIMSELF DID NOT CHANGE, he simply received that break that his talent deserved.
Talent alone is bullsh*t. I know a lot of people who are mountains of talent.

Your "starving artist" relied on "luck" to get his big break. Why did he rely on "luck"? Why wasn't he at least TRYING to promote himself, or find someone who COULD promote him?

Talent doesn't entitle you to a damned thing...you have to do the footwork to expose that talent to the world. Or else you're leaving your fortune to "luck"...and as anyone who's ever played a game of poker knows, "luck" has no special interest in seeing the best players succeed.

Now do you see why money is not a true measure of talent? This is seen much more often than the other way. YES, even in the USA. Talented individuals live in utter poverty and stupid people get rich all the time (refer to the financial engineers at Bear Stearns, Lehman, etc and all those no talent rich kids who graduated from prestigious schools because they were born from the right families).
Those "rich kids" that you hate so much are again, benefactors of "luck". They just happened to be born to a father or grandfather who DID have "talent" and "drive".

You can argue that the decision to pass on an inheritance to a lousy kid is a bad decision in SOME cases, yes. (i.e. Paris Hilton for example) But now you're talking about the unusual devotion of a parent to their child, which is a completely different subject.

If Bill Gates gives a billion dollars to a homeless man, it's considered "charitable". If he gives it to his own child, it's "spoiling". Why is that the case?

The universe doesn't owe you a damned thing. Luck has no concept of "fair" or "deserving". All the energy you're spending whining about how "unfair" it is that you didn't get the break that other guy did is energy wasted, energy that could be used to identify the next "break", be looking for it, and put yourself in the right position to take advantage of it.

The same thing applies for women...you can be handsome, brilliant, rich, fun...the most "eligible bachelor" in the world. That doesn't mean women are going to come knocking on your door looking for you if they don't know you exist.

That's why the half-ass Jersey Shore douchebag walks out of the club with the hottie you were eyeing up while you stand there wondering "what does he have that I don't??". He doesn't have crap over you. He just does the work and doesn't leave it to "luck" that she's going to "notice him" and give him an excuse to start a conversation.

He's probably just some broke-ass retard prick...you probably have just as much if not more money than him, you probably live a much more interesting life. His life is getting sh!t-faced in bars on the weekend and bringing home girls. But you know what...he took the time to get DAMNED GOOD at it. He's taken that turd of his life and put such a polish on it that when he speaks, women acknowledge him.

A sh!tty hand played well will win more chips than a good hand poorly played. If you have talent and aren't finding a vector to introduce it to the world, you're wasting it. And you deserve to be broke.

See sig:


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
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I'm aware that you must work hard and not live off other's success, I'm aware this is like stealing. My point is that, IN THE LONG TERM, our ego will not allow capitalism to succeed and to benefit THE MAJORITY of people. There will always be a few extremely rich and the majority of the world will be extremely poor, in relative terms. There will always be phases of prosperity as well as phases of economic depression. At least as long as the ego exists, it will be such. I'm not even advocating communism or socialism, because these will also fall victim to the human ego.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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n00bPimp said:
I'm aware that you must work hard and not live off other's success, I'm aware this is like stealing. My point is that, IN THE LONG TERM, our ego will not allow capitalism to succeed and to benefit THE MAJORITY of people. There will always be a few extremely rich and the majority of the world will be extremely poor, in relative terms. There will always be phases of prosperity as well as phases of economic depression. At least as long as the ego exists, it will be such. I'm not even advocating communism or socialism, because these will also fall victim to the human ego.
Definition of ego = The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.

So your saying that we all should be robots and do what ever the government or our leaders tell us. Eliminating the ego is what communism and socialism is all about and your advocating it. God gave us free will to make our own decisions in life but when you have the belief of eliminating your own ego and giving away your power to others, then you are just repeating the mistakes of past history. Your belief of eliminating ego is a very dangerous one and also a belief that the rich and powerful want the public to have, because it gives them more power.

By the way phases of prosperity and economic depression didn't always exist, it originated in a scheme by goldsmiths in the 10th century where extra profits could be made by rowing the economy in cycles of easy money and tight money. When people couldn't pay back their loans, they would go bankrupt and end up selling all there assets on pennies on the dollar.