Interesting input fellas.
I have nothing to lose if the woman has my number. I lose control? No big whoop. The control issue is all in your mind. She doesn't control me, I'm already busy with my career, workouts, and DJing other women. The only control she gains is if I put her on a pedestal. Fat chance of that happening.
I'm also on the side that a woman asking for your number isn't doing it just to avoid confrontation and a blantant rejection of you. Women are coy and love to play the game. Let her play. Of course, you must try all senerios to get the number, if it doesnt work, why are you going to next her? It maybe an option that can open up in the future. If you hard next her, you've killed any possibility.
For all you guys saying you'd next a HB9 if she asked you politely for your number instead. If you sensed that she was truely genuine about wanting to call you because she didn't like giving out her number until she had a chance to get to know you first -
You guys are telling me if the girl you hit it off with at the nightclub - the girl who gave you major green flags - the girl who you KINO'd all night, looked like this --->
And she refused to give her number, yet, asked for your's - You'd give her a hard next??? Pssshhhh. I think ya'll are bullsh*ttin.
If you hard next a girl like this, I'll be MORE then happy to take her home with me for you