Ideas For Dates


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
Hey fellow DJers,

Have not posted here in a while, I check back on this site every once in a while. I've been a member since 2000, back in my dark, lonely, AFCish college days.

Anyway, after reading the DJ bible, working on your game, and getting those numbers you need to find a place to go out too. Here are some tips on places to go. how to find those places, and some places not to go:


The AFC Way: Expensive Dinner

Do not make my mistake and the mistake many other AFC chumps make on the first or second date: The Expensive Dinner. No matter how special she may seem to you at first, or how excited she sounds, there is a 95% chance that she is going to next you if you take her some place fancy too early in the relationship. They'll eat the food, they watch the show, and be polite, but when they get home they will think you that you are a tool for spending that much money on them. It also is unoringinal( women get taken out to nice places all the time) and also pushing to hard to fast.

The DJ Way:

If your grabbing a bite to eat, find a moderately priced, but cool causal place to hang out. I have a Thai place ( among others) that I like to go to because: A) Its relatively inexpensive and b) It has a cool, casual look( Avant Garde kind of place) that looks impressive but not imposing( like candlelit tables). It makes me look sophisticated without going overboard. I also suggest hip coffe bars that serve food and give off that same artsy, sophisticated look. DO NOT USE STARBUCKS IF YOU LIVE IN A BIG CITY. Its the McDonalds of coffe. Be above that, and look for nicer places.

The Activity: AFC Way Movies

Avoid movies on a first date if at all possible. Movies take away from the conversation and also kind of trap the women in a confined place. Wide open spaces are preferable and will make you both comfortable. Plus movies are as typical as a guy brining flowers. Women DO NOT WANT FAMILIARITY. They want something unique.

DJ Way: Unique, Active Date

Museams, dance lessons, and cooking classes have all been awesome in my expirecne in impressing women on that date. These are also great avenues to start using kino. This is a chance for you to show that you are sophisticated as well as keeping your body and minds active. Intelligence and talent are signs of strength. Too often we look at a musclebound guy and think wow that is strength. But how many of those gym rats( no offense guys, I think keeping in shape is awesome and I am picking on the those who are AFC gym rats) also use intelligence and talent to show that they are the alpha male? Cooking, Dancing, and knowing your way around a museum is as much a sign of strength to women, and also is a lot of fun if you give it a chance.

ALso, and this is gold for me too, keep yourself on Young Professional listserves if you live in a large city or pick up a local arts paper. Always look at events going on in your area and plan ahead for potential dates for the next few weeks. This will make you look like that guy who knows places, who has his finger on the pulse of whats going in his city, and women find that exciting. Women want a man to pick the place and impress her. Its your job to show her how you are different from the 9 other chumps shes dating. You will look spontaneous while you have actually planned ahead.

Good luck guys.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
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Nothing against Starbucks. My point was to be unique. A trendy coffe shop looks more impressive than a Starbucks, and makes you out to be more bohemian. Maybe it depends on what your looking for too. I tend to like women that are sophositicated and this is a good test for me to find out what their tastes are.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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I agree with this, but please try not to be too wordy or instructive of how things should be.


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
yea, def. no expensive places on the first date. I was new to my area about 8 months ago, met a girl, and made the mistake of letting her decide where to eat.

She brought me to some Italian restraunt with like a $33 bill. Don't think I'm cheap but that steep on a girl who wasn't interested.

The Real Ice Man

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
If you both like music, go to a record store...endless conversation topics plus to a degree the music she likes could reveal some information about the type of personality she may have, COULD not WOULD...sometimes there is little or no connection between what people listen to and how they are. Bookstores work as well for the same kinds of reasons. A bookstore with a built in coffee shop is even better...for some reason they're easy to relax in, at least in my experience. They're also usually pretty quiet, but not TOO quiet if you know what I mean. I've had good luck with both.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
i really like dates where we do alot of little things throughout the night, constantly changing the enviroment and where we are.
i once took out a chick to a moms & pops ice cream joint with the tightest dipped cones,then we headed out around town just cruising (in her NSX) then headed to a thrift store to check out what they had ( we are both into retrogear and retrowear so it worked out great!) we then cruised around downtown for a bit and went into a porn shop (she was quite comfortable and was going along with it , we had fun playing and making fun of all the weird toys and gizmos) ended the date in my room where i put the moves on her and things got hot & heavy really fast.We only spent about 4 hours together ,but after all those places and moving around soo much-it seems like alot longer and the rapport it created was much stronger then say, if we just did go karting and hamburgers in the same ammount of time.
i always do 'extended dates',i try to stack four or five different things all once right after the other.It's like 5 dates in one night :)

my favorite is taking the day off and taking a road trip to explore a completly different city,maybe staying there overnight! hows that for action date! :rockon: