I just called again. I tried to follow the boot camp outline for the first date conversation.
Me: Hi, I'm calling for HB9
HB9: Yes, it's me
Me:This is static
HB9: Hi, how are you doing?
Me: Good, You?
HB9: Good
Me: How was your day?
HB9: Good, I actually had a good day.
Me: So what have you been up to lately?
Her: Just work. They're working me a lot.
[The following details I shouldn't have asked got nervous and felt like I had to expand on a topic]
Me: How many hours a week
HB9: This week, 42.
Me: Oh, I thought they'd have you working 60 hours a week [freakin' stupid of me to say this on many counts]
HB9: OH, that's illegal!
Pause [At least I did not further screw it up by trying to rationalize why I said it]
Me:What are you doing tonight? [I began diverging from the boot camp outline here]
HB9:Well, actually my girls and I are having a girl's night and were going ice-skating. Then after that we're going drinking. You know [laughs]
Me:Oh, that's cool [probably should have omitted the "Oh," don't you think?]
Pause again
At this point I wanted to ask what she has planned for tomorrow, but I didn't because that would have sounded desperate.
HB9: Is that number your calling from callable?
[I'm called from my house and she saw the number]
Hb9: I'm leaving from work. I'll call you when I get home, which we'll be around an hour from now. We'll figure out when we have free time so that we can hang out together.
Me: Ok, that's cool
Me: bye