First of all, it is not a good thing to be involved in. But I can understand that there is certain necessity for their services.
So here's all the info you need.
Prostitution is Legal in Mexico, Canada, and parts of Nevada. In general, it is extremely cheap abroad, around $80. It is extremely expensive in Nevada, around $500.
Prostitution is decrimilized in most states. In general, it is a mistamenor. Beyond that, it is the prostitutes that get arrested 90% of the time, not the clients. it is a very low priority crime for most police forces.
Most strip clubs are bordellos. Don't let them lie to you, Strippers are prostitutes. They make their big $$$ by giving private dances where at minimum they are going to get you off in some way or another. Despite what Chris Rock said, there is plenty of sex in the champagne room. You just have to ask for it in the right way. Many strippers also see their regular clients "off the clock" so to speak. The reason Clubs can get away with this is that they pay off the cops very well.
Any place that calls itself a oriental massage parlor, modleling studio, or health spa is also full of prostitutes. Usually refered to as a "Jack Shack" where either you can self service yourself or have some hands on assistance. Most of these place will also provide the big nasty once they feel comfortable with you (IE spent enough $$$).
Escort Agencies listed in Phone book are fronts for police sting operations. Legitimate escort agencies usually advertise on the web or in the back free public weeklies. Most do business through referal only. The name of the game is discretion.
The last is actually independent call girls. These are the hardest to find as they usually do business only through referal and will screen you ( background check) for their safety.
If you want more info ( and pictures to ogle at), type Eros NY into google and go to their site.
The reason I know so much about this is two fold. One, a good friend is a prostitute, while very cool is also very ****ed up. Two,when I was younger and dumber, I used to go to a lot of strip clubs. While fun, they are very expensive financially and emotionally.
Please be strong and don't do it. Yes it may seen hypocritical to say don't do it and yet give you all the info you need to start into it, but you have free will. It is your choice whether to be strong or not.