Don't act serious with women, lol. Especially when they try to shame you! I'd just reply:
"Sorry about that, but I always get thrown out of real restaurants coz I burp and eat like a pig
Hopefully, she gives up her shaming attempt, starts to laugh about your response and the convo will turn fun and joking. If she continues with her entitled behavior, just make fun of her remarks and show her that you really don't care about her opinions.
Like, she might respond negatively, telling you she finds that disgusting and is now doubting if she should even meet up with you AT ALL... You just respond with something like:
"I know it's a bad trait but don't hold it against me, it's just my animal nature. But I also act like an animal during sex, that's the positive side of it
Just keep up this attitude indefinitely, no matter what. It's just like playing chicken, who caves first? Even if she tells you she lost all interest to you, just keep it up and say:
"Lol, okay bye!" and stay silent until she texts you again. If she likes you, she will eventually give up her foolishness, start laughing about your remarks and the conversation will get a positive mood. If she doesn't then it means she truly is a boring, annoying, stupid CVNT and you don't want to be with one of those anyway, so to hell with her, NEXT!!
Just keep acting playful, keep being ****y&funny, don't give any serious answer, don't take any of her remarks seriously but treat her like she's a child.
Think of a father doing groceries with his 10 year old daughter. The daughter wants to have some expensive product from the store and expects daddy to buy it for her. Of course he's not gonna buy it for her and he doesn't take her ridiculous request seriously. He just calmly deflects her constant demands to buy it for her and keeps putting the neccesary products in his shopping basket in the meanwhile. Then he pays the cashier and tells the child to come with him to the car. She might make a stand and tell him she won't come with him unless she gets what she wants. So daddy just tells her
"Okay, you stay here then" and calmly walks to his car.
The little girl will panic, thinking daddy will leave her behind and she won't be able to get home, so she starts crying and runs after daddy as fast as she can
"No daddy, don't leave me behind, I don't need that thing anymore! Just take me with you!"
As he hears his daughter catching up behind him, daddy just smiles to himself and opens the car door...