I want to go back!


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
After being in all three positions with the cheating thing, I dont have a opinion either way anymore.

Almost everyone is capable of cheating. People suck, just something we have to come to deal with. You just have to go with it and feel the situation out though, not much else you can do.

Wouldnt you rather know than not know? I sure would...


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
and if you fullfill a womens desires she wont cheat on you.

dont date the mainstream pop cool women.

go to a church or something..or a classroom where a girl is working her arse off....you will have a much better chance for a good girl there.

to many guys go pick up the mainstream American AW..and want to turn her into a LTR.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ( . )( . )
Your giving chicks too much responsibilty for YOUR happiness. Its not chicks fault for the misconceptions you used to have. Your life should be drama and romantic comedy free now and this inturn should make you happy not the other way around.

Men are driven by logic, not emotion remember?.
every healthy human being is driven more by emotion than logic just the extent differs. damn right about being happy not having the romantic drama though. life has already enough drama without it =)

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
i believe that women will always upgrade. The only reason they dont is that they dont meet that man that brings out of them. Women are emotional creatures and seducers get their power from emotions.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Dear god this post is pathetic (no offence)... Man I never thought I see the day if hear someone say they want to be an AFC (which you probably still are... again no offence it all depends on how many lays you got in the last 90 days)

Look you are moaning because you think women are easy b1tches, and they are not. They basically are doing what we do; they are trying to (The rules) find a guy that will satisfy her. Anyway as far as fairy tale ending in movies goes, they are a bunch of fictional cr@p. If you are a pvssy and become predictable anyone is gonna get bored of you.

If you wanna find your "fairy tale princess" keep them entertained and guessing, get more hobbies and try to live your life for you not just for women...

What most people are forgetting is that this whole scene is about us building up our confidence, not a little b1tch house where we slag off women and try to feel hard done by.

Remember the game is there to teach you how to become interesting if you lacked the Social skills in the first place… I like challenging girls because they fulfil part of my fantasies of conquest. It’s definitely not about thinking of women as slvts and b1tches.

Anyway bro hope it all works out, and remember knowledge is power depending how you use it...


P.D. Sorry about the bluntness :p LET THE FLAMEING COMMENCE!!!
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Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
About 2 years ago I found this site.. read the bible.. posted for a bit - then I stopped coming on here.. I'm just returning now to offer any wisdom that I've gained in the "field" ... I read the material - it works like a charm... After perfecting the science, my attitude in engaging women.. I realize that I am the "prize" and that any women would be lucky to have me.. and that any woman is attainable -- but most importantly what I've learned is this..

Quality before Quantity


I've been through the cheating stuff _ I cheated, I regret it. Did all I could to fix it. But through that experience I gained a deep hatred for "EASY" women... A more indepth understanding of religious rules and past societal arrangements that dealt with how a man and a women would meet and marry... I mean, thank god I learned this lesson before I got married ---

like I get why adultery is SIN.. afterall - most religious doctrine is just a prescription for healthy and happy living...

Now I'm super selective in the women I engage... I only hunt for very attractive, and intelligent women -- that aren't easy, (if a chick lets me fvck them very early in the relationship.. I **** the hell out of them, and then I lose all respect for them, and move on...) a girl with values, and morals.. a chick with a head on her shoulders!.. .in the long run guys, it's not about how many chicks you can bang, or how hot your last fvck was... do you really still want to be fvcking like a rockstar when you're 35? ... 40? ...

But knowing the game gives you the edge you need to bring in those super hot intelligent women that your family will love, and that your friends will envy you for...

Although people do cheat... find that girl that you truly think is VERY hot, interesting, and trustworthy..(so that you won't cheat on her).. and then go from there.. if you're careful not to do things that will encourage her to cheat (i.e. being a jealous controlling fool).. then live your life without paranoia that shes going to fcuk around.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by thederekeffect1
I want to go back to being "AFC", man.
You have entered our world of "Djism" and if you go back to the old world we will have to circumsize you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
Duluth, MN
Originally posted by amethyst
Dear god this post is pathetic (no offence)... Man I never thought I see the day if hear someone say they want to be an AFC (which you probably still are... again no offence it all depends on how many lays you got in the last 90 days)

Look you are moaning because you think women are easy b1tches, and they are not.
1) I just want to explain something real quick. "AFC" has nothing to do with how often you get laid. There are many PUA's/Don Juans (whatever you prefer to call them) out there who don't use their knowledge to get laid. The term "AFC" means Average Frustrated Chump. This is a guy who can't even get a girl to notice him because he doesn't have the knowledge, training, skill or mindset to attract them to him.

How many lays I got (or anyone else got for that matter) in the past 90 days is irrelevant. Proof of PUA can come in forms of numbers, lays, make-out sessions or even successful conversations.

I'd also like to emphasize once again, (I've stated many times) that this website did not make me. Nor did David De'Angelo's E-Book, Neil Strauss's book or Mystery's Method.

2) "Look you are moaning because you think women are easy b1tches, and they are not."

I don't know how long you've been working the field. I don't know a thing about you. What I know is from my own experience. I've been working the field sense I was 16, man. I turn 21 in February. If you do your math, that's close to five years on the field. I learned and picked up quickly on "the game". Minus one year when I fell into what you guys would like to call "oneitis". And another month or so when I went through an emotional breakdown. That's still three (close to four) years on the field.

I'm not bregging or trying to prove to you how "Don Juan" I am. I bring this up for one reason alone. Over the years, I've gained a lot of experience. And I know this. The longer you're in "the game", the easier women become. Once you know what you're doing out there, women aren't very complicated at all. In fact, they're quite easy. They're not even a challenge anymore.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
I've been grappling with the same dilemma ever since I saw Jarhead. The sad reality is this: your wife or your girlfriend will not be waiting for you when you come back from the desert. Even the most faithful ones.

Derek, it depends on how far you came. I've been gone fro this site for ages, and slowly reverted back to my old afc self. I still knew the stuff I learned, but it strangely stopped mattering. It was placed in the back of my head in a form of a little voice speaking through a mental gag. Ignored. It was a huge mistake on my part.