I Want To Be Popular,so I Can Be Invited To These Huge Party!!!!


Mar 22, 2006
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Hey guys I need some more advice,its I really really want to be popular.I'm tired of my friends,everyone calls me and my friends dorky,nerds and losers.I mean all we do is hang out at the comic store,but I want to do something else,like get girls but they all think i'm dorky.Like yesterday at school,these one guy and girl,they are brothers and sisters are throwing a HUGE Party! Theres gonna be everything alot of girls,going there,theres also gonna be liquor,alchol,marjunna(sorry for spelling those stuff wrong,lol plus those stuff are bad for anyone)anyways so the brother and sister are handing out invitation cards to the party,which is on a friday(tommorow).They pretty much gave it to the popular kids and cool kids.They gave it to like the whole,school,expect for me and my friends.When there were at lunch handing the party invitation,they just looked at me and laughed and were like"huh,you losers are never going to be at anyways party,its for us popular people,were cool,huh huh".Thats why he pretty much said,his sister was laughing.Then my social studies teacher(his really smart,I want to be like him someday),he even mentioned about the party,I think he is going!Wow weird,so everyone who is popular or cool is invitied.So it really has me down,I never been to a party in my entire life,I'm f*cken errr 17years old,still a virgin,never been or done anything these sucks,I want to be popular,make friends with the cool kids,How do I become popular so everyone can like me and I can be invitied to parties,how do I become popular&cool????????


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
Your 17 but you sound like your 5. That could be a problem, anyway, something has been posted that was in relation to this and rtfb.


Mar 22, 2006
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dude,its sooo unfair that i'm a dork and a loser.Give me some advice on how I can popular,I really want to go to the party.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 3, 2005
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dreamx said:
dude,its sooo unfair that i'm a dork and a loser.Give me some advice on how I can popular,I really want to go to the party.
Do not speak the way you do, speak in standard grammar. (If you speak the same way you type)
Get some proper interests, like fashion, sport, culture, cooking, finance, and no, 17 is not too young for this; it is too old for comic books.
Once you have attracitve interests, and thus an atractive personality - it all falls into place.


Mar 22, 2006
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Trust me,dude the way I type is not the way I talk.Dude but it sucks being in highschool and being called a loser everyday damn day.I'm called a dork,nerd they call me anything.Everyone in school is going,all the cool kids are pretty much going,expect for me and my friends.Even some of the teachers are going,I want to have fun and enjoy life,before I get all depressed again,I mean maybe going to the comic store at 17 is too old,thats why I want cool new popular friends so I can be one of them,how do I do that?

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Due to time restraints I can't give you the whole spill on this popularity thing. I will give you some advice on how you can change your situtation to make it better for the next school year.

1) Start working out NOW!!!! Have your parents buy you some weights and USE THEM!!! Also start doing some cardio. Run or jump rope. If you can't afford some weight set, get a curl bar and two 25 lb plates. Work with that weight for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, buy some 1/2 lbs, after the end of that two weeks, buy the 5's, the 10's, etc.

Start running. If you live near your school, run around the track twice. That's a 1/2 mile, in two weeks, add two more laps. Decide on what your want your goal to be. Be it 3, 4, or 5 miles. Be mindful of what your eating. Cut back on fast food and eat properly. By September when school let's back in, you'll have some size on you. Just like men like attractive women, women like attractive guys. Women will be more inclined to talk to you if your built like Spidey, Batman, Supes, or The Hulk.

2) Do Bootcamp and read the DJ Bible. I also suggest, "How To Succed With Women By Louis and Copeland. If you follow those tips in those books, you'll be more successful with women.

3) Eff the party. Why do you want to be around people who don't like you? Why don't you and your buddies go to another town where nobody knows you and score those chicks and get invite to their parties.

4) Post a picture of yourself. Then we can give you some advice on how you can be more appealing to chicks. You might need to get a haircut, change your wardobe, or clear up some acne you might have.

5) Go to the dentist. Do you need a teeth cleaning, have bad breath, have crooked teeth. If you do fix those things.

Your problems are small and fixable, the thing is: ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE THE STEPS NECCESSARY TO FIX THEM???


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
Heck yeah! Im willing to take the steps to fix them,dude I really like your advice.My dad who doesn't like me calls me a sissy so I don't want to be working out with him,he might push me too far.But another problem if I go the gym won't the guys make fun of me and call me skinny or a wimp?


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
WDF?????? I dont get it!! There will be marijuanna and teachers are coming? WDF?? seriosuly man, u bettter write something that makes sense. Becouse the way I see it, u probably 12 years old that has nothing better to do.. And if u really are who u say u r then u should get ur ass of the computer and do something about it. No one here will change the way u r and who u r. And it doesnt matter what they think of u. Just so u know, being cool is not something u get in a day, its something u get in a while. Plus being popular is same thing as being someone else. And to tell u the truth, I am kinda tired of being someone else. And if u wanna become popular then get some style kid, Speak more clearlly, act like u dont give a dam, always hangout with chiks, and just live a life like there is no tomorow. JUST DO IT!

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
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Then my social studies teacher(his really smart,I want to be like him someday),he even mentioned about the party,I think he is going!
Yeah, this guy is definitely lying.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
The word is THIS, not THESE. You do this in every one of your posts. Stop it.


Mar 22, 2006
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Dude,first of I'm not lying about anything,I seriously do think my social studies teacher is going,I'm not 100% sure if is but he was talking about the party.Shydude,good stuff but yes I do want to become somelse,I'm really getting tired of my life,it sucks.I mean I don't hang around with any girls,so yes I want to change being me right now sucks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, dude is such bad grammar


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
If you are here to just critize me,insult me or think i'm lying or even to critize my grammar or the way I type,then please leave and don't post anything.Seriously because I really want advice,I'm tired of sitting on the computer and being a loser,so far Maximus Rex has been the only person giving good advice,I'm not trying to sound like a child,but I need more tips on how to be popular,as what I said it sucks being me right now!


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
advice: "Dude" is bad grammar, you type the way you think, so stop typing with bad grammar, and your mind will magically manifest mature thoughts. Do you let your words flow from your mind to your fingers, or do you let it flow IN your mind, than out your fingers?

Start talking to mkore people. Go up to a random person, ask what they are doing. Play around a little, if you have NO experience in conversing with strangers from an even stand point(insta-friendship) use some C0cky on them. Screw the comedy, they should be able to get that going. If they don't give you what you want from your c0cky, which is comedy, than throw the comedy in and laugh about it. Ask some more what they are doing, ask if you are being annoying, ask what their doing after work... play the game until he/she tells you to leave. Go back the next day and ask if they liked how you were screwing with their head(you weren't, but they'll believe you) and tada, you just became popular with a new person.

There are tons of tips out there... literally hundreds. Everything you read in the DJ Bible can be reworded to mean making friends, being popular, working hard, having fun, talking to family, talking to your boss, talking to bar staff.

Of course all the material is based on prior experience, and generalizations about people who think logically and are willing to do the work.

Tell me something you want, something you are scared of, and something you need and are willing to never fvck up and most people can give you an answer that is hiding from you... It's human nature to help, to lie, to hide, laugh, and cry... so people have thought along nearly the same lines as you at some point in life and are willing to let their words of wisdom speak to you if you are willing to listen...

learn to appease people's emotions. Learn to respect their actions and motives. Learn to read people's words and movements. Than speak to them about it... ie become an excellent conversationalist by talking to them about themselves.

Otherwise, you just talk to lots and lots of people, and always have a happy face on. Ask for things that you want, and if they can give it to you. Try to act cool about everything you ask for to not seem desperate and you should get what you want.

That's on top of having wearable clothes, speaking the same language(grammar) as other's, and taking care of your personal health(hygiene and physique)


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby

it will be great

i think you could be the biggest loser the forums has ever seen. read the bible, it helps. if you've read it and nothing changes, thats because you havent applied it. dont sit there and wallow in your own self pity. quit being a ***** and start working your life to meld it into what you want.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
If you are here to just critize me,insult me or think i'm lying or even to critize my grammar or the way I type,then please leave and don't post anything.
Don't you get it? If you'd stop doing the things that people are calling you on, they wouldn't have anything bad to say to you, would they?

Seriously because I really want advice,I'm tired of sitting on the computer and being a loser,so far Maximus Rex has been the only person giving good advice,I'm not trying to sound like a child,but I need more tips on how to be popular,as what I said it sucks being me right now!
Alright. First off, it is YOUR CHOICE to sit on the computer, hang out at the comic shop all the time and do nothing. YOU are making your OWN LIFE HELL. Do you understand that?

How about YOU leave instead.
I'd agree with you, but I do understand what it's like to be hated by the general populace of the school. I understand that a lot of it is his own doing, but at the same time, I feel for the kid a bit, if only because I know what it's like to be in his situation.

i think you could be the biggest loser the forums has ever seen. read the bible, it helps. if you've read it and nothing changes, thats because you havent applied it. dont sit there and wallow in your own self pity. quit being a ***** and start working your life to meld it into what you want.
I agree that he's got a LONG way to go, but I do think that he can do it, if he starts to apply the teachings of the Bible, and our advice as well.

I agree that posting a picture would be a good idea, if only so we can tell him where he's going wrong. I just know there will be endless heckling of him for anything wrong.

I guess my point is this... As annoying and clueless as this kid is, can't we still help him get his **** together? Maybe I'm being overly sensitive, but I don't think that he's so far gone that he can't be helped.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Mr_rogers said:
I guess my point is this... As annoying and clueless as this kid is, can't we still help him get his **** together? Maybe I'm being overly sensitive, but I don't think that he's so far gone that he can't be helped.
we've been trying, but all i hear him talk about is still how lonely/a loser he is. he doesnt try, he just whines and so he isnt worth the time.:down:


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
dannowillbookem said:
we've been trying, but all i hear him talk about is still how lonely/a loser he is. he doesnt try, he just whines and so he isnt worth the time.:down:
Fair enough. I suppose it comes down to his choice then.

So... What'll it be Dreamx? Are you really ready to try, or would you not and have things stay the same?


Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
finally someone has helped me,thank you Mr_rogers when you said"Don't you get it? If you'd stop doing the things that people are calling you on, they wouldn't have anything bad to say to you, would they?" Thats very true so your basically saying by changing my way,they won't have anything to make fun of me.Because people on these forum make fun of me,just like people in real life,which sucks.dannowillbookem the only reason I whine alot is if you was in my position you would do the samething.And I do got pictures of myself,but errrrr if I post on here everyone would laugh at me.