i want some advice ><


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
dont flame me either im just wondering....

my girl i was soooo madly in love with suddenly decided to leave 2 weeks ago,we'd been going out for 2 years/the whole time we lived together. It started off as a fling ..... and developed into love.... she wanted marriage,kids(later on) everything ... i was happy with it. Im just an average guy .... im just thinking what went wrong? she told me several things
a) she never really loved me
B) we were kids playing in an adults life
C) she was just being a rebelious teenager
d) she said i was just using her for sex
e) her pregnancy and having an abortion made her realise, we were more like best friends

she had just turned 18 then left me 3 days later, her mother has never liked me....
should i try get her back? even after she said all those things i still love her, she told me on the phone that she missed me but yet still continued saying she never loved me, was this her mother talking ? has her mother made her beleive were to young to be in love or that it was never meant to be?
i gave up so much for her, friends... school etc....

before she met me she was the regular.... town bike ill put it
does the saying once a slut always a slut apply?


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Guy...We're gonna *****-slap that AFC right out of you. :) Might take a while (for both of us), but I'll start you on the path.

Forget everything you know about Women, because let me tell you, I was there. And we were both very, very wrong. Read this...


All of it.

First of all, if a girl breaks up with you, it's over. Don't even bother chasing after her, you're only playing into their hands. Move on with your life, and get a better girl. The only real exception I can think of to this rule is if one of your was forced to move due to school or something else, and distance is what forced you to separate.


Don Juan
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nishbuk
Guy...We're gonna *****-slap that AFC right out of you. :) Might take a while (for both of us), but I'll start you on the path.

Forget everything you know about Women, because let me tell you, I was there. And we were both very, very wrong. Read this...


All of it.

First of all, if a girl breaks up with you, it's over. Don't even bother chasing after her, you're only playing into their hands. Move on with your life, and get a better girl. The only real exception I can think of to this rule is if one of your was forced to move due to school or something else, and distance is what forced you to separate.
WHAT IF... she were to come back to me after she'd found out other guys just want her for sex? what should i do? cmon im new here and im new to the whole relationship thing SORT OF....


Master Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rage19
WHAT IF... she were to come back to me after she'd found out other guys just want her for sex? what should i do? cmon im new here and im new to the whole relationship thing SORT OF....
Listen man, I'm pretty new too. But I'm really good at observing people and other things. And I've been through a breakup before (as in not short term). When girl breaks up with you there is a reason for it. There's not much you can do about. If she were to come back to you, you should have the self-respect to say, "NO." Hard isnt' it? I'm still grappling with the idea myself.
But I mean, what kind of a guy does it make you if a girl can break up with you, and you aren't moving on with life and building your future? When she comes back she finds out you've been there the entire time for her to just come back to.

It tells her that she can do whatever she wants and you'll be there when she gets back. What's to prevent her from breaking up again to go and have some fun, and then come running back to you when she's done? That's disrespect.
Walk away dude. Just Walk away.