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Most men end up doing that.Follow warm leads and don't just spam cold call.
Which is what I think is stupid and doesn’t work. Running up to women in the sidewalk or the grocery store doesn’t work!Most men end up doing that.
How do you suggest men approach women in a grocery store, park, or walking/hiking path?Which is what I think is stupid and doesn’t work. Running up to women in the sidewalk or the grocery store doesn’t work!
I don’tHow do you suggest men approach women in a grocery store, park, or walking/hiking path?
True, I always make a point to chit chat/make small talk with cashiers regardless of what the woman looks like.Talk to people wherever you are. No need to label it “cold approach”. It feels alien.
Once you get into the habit of talking to people you’ll notice patterns on how they respond.
You’ll be more sociable even if you don’t get dates.
It’s a great skill to have.
Approaching strangers is a bit of an unpleasant experience in general. Most conversations fizzle out in 30-60 seconds without a date arranged.I don’t
Do you have proof these guys are legit? They look like fukin clowns to me. As far as people in the PUA industry goes, they seem like reasonable and nice guys, but I feel like if you were to look behind the curtains you would see these guys are clowns that don't pull sh!t like the rest of people who do cold-approach.Troy Francis and James Tusk. Thay are legit
Sure it works...if you look like Harry Styles or something. If not? Lol. Women are conditioned to use OLD, SM, and their social circle for finding men these days. Trying to approach a woman as a rando, especially during the day...is akin to playing the lottery unless you're just overwhelmingly attractive. If not you're deemed "weird", "creepy", or "intrusive" and at best you'll just get a fake #. There are too many factors and variables against you to have any semblance of a realistic shot UNLESS it's a social venue or even and she at least expects to be approached.
If this was the case more men would do it and simps and betas wouldn't be a current epidemic. Maybe that's all it required in the 50's or something, but now the requirements are much more than "don't be a dork" and "bE atTrAcTiVe". If guys(that aren't chads or pretty boys) were getting IOIs during the day, sites like this literally wouldn't exist and everyone would just be out getting laid. The issue is women are more closed off and shallow/particular/entitled than they've ever been, so the only guys getting those IOIs are the very top 10% of men. Just being social for the sake of it is all grand and dandy but that's usually all it will amount to if she's not keen.
Day game works if you are not a dork. Basically, be sociable. Be attractive (you don't have to be tom Brady attractive, but if you are skinny as a pole, and have acne.... not going to work.) Look for women who are checking you out. If they are not checking you out, then just be social.. don't be social to get laid. Be social to have fun talking the shiet.. chewing the fat, etc.
If she doesn't find you attractive, she doesn't find you attractive and no amount of voodoo is going to change that. Putting emphasis on getting laid isn't going to work, it's just going to make you look creepy to a majority of women.
wow, that’s a doozy of a story. 2,000 approaches, 0 instances of sex, 0 extended relationships, 8.5 rating on photofeeler. You’d think a guy rating 8.5 physically could get a lot of vagina. Then again, @sangheilios is 6’4” with big muscles & the struggles have been real for him too. Both @momentomori & @sangheilios have stats indicating elite level looks indicating that they should be top quality seducers.I can chime in and say I have definitive proof cold approach doesn't work. I approached over 2,000 girls and had roughly four girls come back to my place and I had sex with none of them. Part of it could be attributed to the fact that I may have lacked skill in being able to seal the deal, but regardless, those are horrible numbers, and all in all the endeavor was a tremendous waste of my time. And for your reference, I am good-looking and rated about 8.5 on photofeeler.
Other guys in my area who I have approached with almost never get laid as well. A lot of them are delusional copers and talk a big game about how big of a player they are, but at the end of the day, have nothing to show for it. Cold-approach is a terribly low ROI activity. You will be demoralized with rejection from aint-sh1t-bitches who are well below you on virtually every meaningful metric and will reject you with a level of indignation that is almost incomprehensible. You will post on cold-approach forums and will be told by guys that you're doing this and that wrong when in reality their advice has no impact on producing results.
I am now strongly of the opinion that cold-approach is cancer. It also inflates the egos of bitches who are undeserving of having their egos inflated.
The dating market in the US just sucks man, I don't know what else to say. I guess you can settle for a less than good-looking chick... It's always something I've considered beneath me, since I am in shape, fashionable, and good-looking, but I recently read a book indicating that scientific data suggests that how good-looking a girl is has no bearing on how happy/satisfied you are with the relationship. It's food for thought, but I want a girl that's at least 1 point below my looks level, but apparently, even that's asking for too much.
Precisely why we had that thread about why guys like Mystery regress the moment they get a girl. They never had the foundation of being socially aware. Fake it till you make it has consequences.
Day game works if you are not a dork. Basically, be sociable. Be attractive (you don't have to be tom Brady attractive, but if you are skinny as a pole, and have acne.... not going to work.) Look for women who are checking you out. If they are not checking you out, then just be social.. don't be social to get laid. Be social to have fun talking the shiet.. chewing the fat, etc.
If she doesn't find you attractive, she doesn't find you attractive and no amount of voodoo is going to change that. Putting emphasis on getting laid isn't going to work, it's just going to make you look creepy to a majority of women.
That's mostly because they aren't telling us all of what their flaws are. I'm honest about what I am and am not. I probably have some stuff I don't even know unless someone told me. The fact that I'm not their size and still manage to pull means they are lacking somewhere.wow, that’s a doozy of a story. 2,000 approaches, 0 instances of sex, 0 extended relationships, 8.5 rating on photofeeler. You’d think a guy rating 8.5 physically could get a lot of vagina. Then again, @sangheilios is 6’4” with big muscles & the struggles have been real for him too. Both @momentomori & @sangheilios have stats indicating elite level looks indicating that they should be top quality seducers.
Girls stare at me or sneak glances sometimes on trains, busses and the subway. Occasionally when my eyes meet with a random girl in public I smile and she smiles right back.guys(that aren't chads or pretty boys) were getting IOIs during the day, sites like this literally wouldn't exist and everyone would just be out getting laid.
You opening those girls devil? These are the one's you want to be going for, fhe one's that are giving you the "green light"Girls stare at me or sneak glances sometimes on trains, busses and the subway. Occasionally when my eyes meet with a random girl in public I smile and she smiles right back.
We would still need sites like this to teach inexperienced guys what to do to take it from there, since not everyone is good at learning from trial and error.
I don't blame you for giving up or thinking it doesn't work if you got those results with those numbers. Although not being able to sleep with the 4 girls who came to your house sounds like a game issue.I can chime in and say I have definitive proof cold approach doesn't work. I approached over 2,000 girls and had roughly four girls come back to my place and I had sex with none of them. Part of it could be attributed to the fact that I may have lacked skill in being able to seal the deal, but regardless, those are horrible numbers, and all in all the endeavor was a tremendous waste of my time. And for your reference, I am good-looking and rated about 8.5 on photofeeler.
What is a 7/10 girl for you? What qualities does she have that make her a decent girl?The dating market in the US just sucks man, I don't know what else to say. I guess you can settle for a less than good-looking chick... It's always something I've considered beneath me, since I am in shape, fashionable, and good-looking, but I recently read a book indicating that scientific data suggests that how good-looking a girl is has no bearing on how happy/satisfied you are with the relationship. It's food for thought, but I want a girl that's at least 1 point below my looks level, but apparently, even that's asking for too much.
I agree with you, there's probably some details we're missing about their situations.That's mostly because they aren't telling us all of what their flaws are. I'm honest about what I am and am not. I probably have some stuff I don't even know unless someone told me. The fact that I'm not their size and still manage to pull means they are lacking somewhere.