drZaius09 said:
You people want neutrality? I have yet to hear anyone point out that the only reason the original poster knows ANY of this information is because he snooped in her phone to find it! Oh, are you serious?! This is a disgrace. I can only imagine that his life is a desperate wasteland completely void of purpose or satisfaction of any kind. What a sad, pathetic, miserable way to live out your days. This kind of person deserves to be cheated on. They WANT to be cheated on. It's the same mentality as the degenerate gambler. They WANT to lose-- it's how they find their release. Even when they win money, they CAN'T leave the table until it's all gone. Why do you think they call it "taking a bath?" Losing is how they feel clean!
This guy wanted this. He asked for it... He begged for it... And then he sought it out and found it. So I am going to say everything that needs to be said about that-- firstly, that the girlfriend did NOTHING wrong. She merely complied with the version of destiny that HE wished for in the first place. If anything, he should send her a 'thank you' note. Second, he should definately consider remaining in the same household with her. Living with her will give him the bottomless source of despair that sustains his fix. I find this to be just as useful as the two-bit, regurgitated bullsh#t advice he will get here. Why not? I read these posts and it sounds like people recommending heroin to a crack addict. If you won't make the effort to actually get better, why not just smoke the damn crack?
Dude...thankfully I have NEVER had to deal with this situation. But it is a situation that can happen to you or I. It can and would possibly happen to BOTH of us, before we die. No matter how great we behave in a relationship. No matter how many DJ skills we have...it can happen.
Would men lose respect for us if a woman cheats on us? YES. Can we regain that respect? YES. How? By dumping her. No second chances.
But I would tell you one thing...he did NOT prohibit her from having a male co-worker to engage in conversation (and even be nice enough as to wake her up in the morning). And no man should prohibit a woman from having a male co-worker do that. There is NOTHING wrong with that.
But when the thing goes from co-worker to friend...then it is the woman's reponsibility to introduce her boyfriend to her male friend. Same responsibility of a man to do the same if the roles were reversed.
And that's how HE failed. He allowed himself to be disrespected that way. If she has male friends living near by or working with her...then he should meet them. After all, they are LIVING TOGETHER for TWO YEARS!
Furthermore, it is not a woman's fault if a man hits on her. Not her fault if a co-worker or a male "friend" wants her. But, it is her responsibility to put a stop to that. And if the male was a "friend" (knowing she has a boyfriend), then she should consider dropping that friendship (after all, her "friend" is acting unfriendly by trying to sabotage her relationship). If the advances continue, then is her responsibility to let her man know (assuring him that she will take care of business).
Here is the thing...he suspected something was wrong. That something was SERIOUSLY wrong. So...
1- If he talked to her...she would have denied everything. You know that. And I know that. She would have accused him of being "controlling" or "insecure". We both know that. And then, she would have been very careful.
2- So, he must find PROOF. And, although, I preach that RESPECT FOR PRIVACY as a very important thing...there are times that I believe touching the surface is appropriate. Especially if he sense that something is going very wrong. But, once that is done...more likely than not...things are about OVER. Personally...I prefer to ask her a question here or there...and study her reaction. But that's me, that know how to read people. I wouldn't go into private stuff like that. But if she acted DECEIVING after talking with her on general terms (never accusing her of anything)...then I would have not choice but to find prove that will lead me to a drastic decision. He betrayed her trust by looking at her cell phone. However, he made that choice...and found out that she was betraying his trust all along. So...why even be together?
3- They have been living together for 2 years. That's like almost being married, IMO...but without the "marriage contract". So, any advice given should consider that. The advantage of being in a Mature Forum is that MANY of us understand what is like to be living with somebody as most of us have been married, are married, or live(d) with girlfriends.