I Think I've Messed This Up Beyond Repair [Long][Friends Zone]


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Alright I'm first month of University , however I feel it just better to post this in highscool.

I met a girl who lives in my dorm building and we started talking. I began to really like her , we hung out all the time ..ate all our meals together. I was normally ****y and funny , she was always laughing. I teased her , and complimented when appropriate. However , anyways I got to the point where I told her how I felt about two weeks ago.

She told me she just wanted to be friends in a nice way. The problem here is she genuinely meant it , and wanted to consistently continue to hang out. Don't get me wrong it's fun and stuff but the problem is I can't just be friends with a girl I like. I told her I might need three weeks of just space from her.

Then came thanksgiving weekend. I made out with a girl and was feeling pretty good about myself and thought I was over her. SO this resulted in probably the biggest mistake I've made..I told her it was ok for us to hang out again. She was excited , and I was too , shes actually a very good friend and person to hang out with.

Problem is though after a week of hanging out again , I've begun to like her again. And now it's worse because she's cried in my arms about how hurt she was by her ex boyfriend , and other secrets about her. I've moved into the worst of friends zone... one of her best.

I don't know how to stop liking her , or breaking a friendship without seriously hurting her. It is fun and torture being this girl's friend. One-itis is owning me here.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Why would u put her needs in front of urs..

Ur the one being tortured hearing how she banged other guys but not u.. so who cares if she gets hurt just cut all contact.. or cut it slowly but dont stay as friends cuz it will only get WORSE...

maybe later when ur over her u can be friends again... maybe


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
your in friend zone dont even bother with her..,move on.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
I like this, I was in a similar situation I liked this girl and thought itd be a fantastic idea to tell her how I felt, that went awful (as it always does) :p yesterday.. about 4 months since that happened shes acting pretty into me..

what I did.. first started talking about other girls, used C+F, stopped any sort of casual complimenting, and got her to think I didnt like her that way anymore, after a while I just switched from the "just friends" type of comments to mixed signals, either play games or get over her. getting over her is good advice too :p

yesterday she started talking about how a girl liked this guy first, som lyrics in a song, but the guy got to like her after, tsk tsk