jophil28 said:
Experiencing strong emotions in the presence of a woman is not the problem. Filtering out your old, habitual self defeating behavior and replacing it with productive actions is your mission.
To expand on this excellent quote, let me just say that it's AWESOME to experience these emotions, and we should really enjoy them for all they are worth. The longer you are in the game, the more rare it is to find someone worth getting excited about.
The problem is never the feelings themselves - it is only when we become dominated by these emotions and let them control our behavior unchecked.
That last part is bolded for a reason - it's okay to act on your emotions, as long as they are tempered by reasoning and discernment. When your feelings direct all your actions, you essential become a woman with a penis - and even your best initial game cannot save you in the eyes of a woman who does not regard you as a man.
And thus enters the first level of womanly defenses - the SH*T TEST.
Women will always test your mettle, often stepping out of line and doing things to deliberately mess with your head. We wonder why they try to sabotage a perfectly good vibe, and the simple answer is that (a) they CAN and (b) women have seen/heard it all from guys. They get actively hit on CONSTANTLY and must construct filters and litmus tests to see if they have hooked the "real deal". (c) They also use it as a way to frame expectations, and see how much they can get away with. If you've ever dealt with small children you will recognize this behavior right away.
Of course there is a world of difference between "kicking the tires" and smashing a windshield with a golf club. It's up to us to lay down the ground rules of what we will/will not tolerate and not compromise that for ANYONE, no matter how hot, famous or desirable they may be.
Anytime you find yourself losing clout or feeling out of control, just remember the attitude and mindset that got you that girl to begin with. Don't fall int the typical trap of believing the game is over when sex begins. Quite the contrary! From the moment you slide up in that, the ante is upped, stakes get higher, and the game gets a LOT more challenging/interesting. Too many guys let their guard down and forget themselves when p*ssy is involved!
At the end of the day you made the right choice - but let this experience serve as a lesson on what your personal boundaries and limitations are. Having a clear idea of that and sticking to it will save you from a lot of drama in the future.