I think girl got jealous. Handled bad. should i say something? or is she drama queen


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
This is about an hb7 that i met in august. We started talking in Dec/Jan. Basically Im trying to figure out if i said something wrong to piss her off or is she just a *****y *****.
Here's our dialogue:

Me: Hey, lets see avengers thursday night!
Her: If i can(she has a kid and might need a babysitter)
Me: Ok, let me know so we could meet up with moses(a mutual nursing school friend of ours)
Her: You're Kidding.......
Me: is that a you're kidding :) or an you're kidding -_-
Her: It's ok, you all don't need me there to have fun.
Me: I dont see how you can wreck all of my nice gestures..
Me again: Do you want to do something that includes other people or not? we could have solo time if you like.

No reply...

I got pissed because sometimes I think she believes that she is prettier than she is and gives me sh_it for no reason. We have never went out while hanging with other people so its not like I'm that guy that always brings his buddy along.
What do you guys think?

I honestly think this girl is trying to sh_it test me to dead. Thinking about banging everything in site and continuing my search for a new girl.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
If that's your text game, do yourself a favor and never, ever, ever text another woman again...that was so bad it was painful...

and if that's how you are texting, the only thing you are going to be banging is your hand...

But by all means, keep blaming the woman because you come off as a total lame @ss...remember, its not you, its her.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, Marmel75.
How would the convo had gone if it was you talking to her.

Try adding some actual helpful advice


Thanks for clarity ruler


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, you are right man. I just read one of marmel75's post. I like his style.

I need to hold my composure and play it cool.

Once again, Thanks for the clarity.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Well, for one, I would never initiate with a date offer that shows you are thinking of her(at least for a woman I wasn't banging on the regular).

Me: <some random thought> ie, Love going to the gym, but hate waking up early in the morning to do it...how's your morning/day going <name>?

Her: <response>

Me: Whats your schedule looking like this week? I was thinking of going to see a movie, and was thinking you should join me. (Notice no mention of a 3rd person...why would you c0ck block yourself???)

Her: <Response>

If positive(she will tell you when she is available) Me: OK, let's meet at <name of place> at 7:30 on Thursday.

Her: Sounds great

****Date is set, the end****

If Negative(she tells you she isn't available or can't): Me: Its cool, maybe some other time then.

***Stop texting for a week and see if she initiates with you. If not, she likely isn't overly interested, although I would still follow up after a week. Sometimes being persistent works to your advantage.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Pretty terrible text game.. But don't worry, just take it as a lesson.

Personally, Avengers isn't a movie I would take a chick to. It can make you look childish (cool movie for the Bros though) So adding that you wanted to bring a dude too (Moses) made it all feel like one dude get together (not sexy at all)

Her first response was somewhat cold, so you got scared and backtracked to make it a gathering (fear of rejection) She sensed that and sent you a sh1t test for which you went into meltdown, double guessing, approval seeking, neediness (basically all the attraction killers) She then cut you off (no respect for you) Then you come here because deep down you know your inner game is poor and need advice (only good thing that can come of this).

My opinion is we could give you the perfect script but you will fall at another hurdle, so use these types of experience to shine light on your deficiencies but don't get hurt just approach, game, eject on repeat and work on your inner game. Learning is what we are all here for, my inner/outer game has improved dramatically over the last year but I keep finding new holes but that is all part of the development process.

For now, go ghost and hit a bunch of new targets.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
I think he means to work on self confidence.

So basically no second guess, neediness and basically reading the dj bible.