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I still look at pictures of my ex oneitis, a source of Power.

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Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I'll probably Never get over her. She was/is just That so amazing. I'm trying to find another gal Just like her, and have, but not her age.

I Know that there's gotta be another girl out there just like her in looks and personality (naive doll of a girl, but Smart). I'll look at old pictures, and derive some sort of calibrating of what Target I'm aiming for. She was/is Really rare, a diamond in the ruff, etc etc.

Because of her, I became much more attractive to most women. Before her, I did horribly with most women. Her radiance just jumped in me. She was/is a church girl. Her church is kind of LDS/Mormon, though it "claims" to be non-denominational. I've never set foot in an LDS or Mormon temple, though the girls there are pretty dang hot from meeting them at football games and such.

My church has NONE girls with the characteristics, looks, "light," she seemed to possess. It's just a different strength and love that I can't find very many places in the world. I've Always viewed Mormons or LDS or charismatics etc etc as cults though. A danger. Unhealthy, to the people in them.

But where am I gonna find one just like her if I keep "looking for love in all the wrong places." MY church certainly does NOT contain this woman I seek.

I can only go on my experience and knowledge of her. I guess I keep referring back to the Source of my happiness that zapped me 4-5 years ago. It zapped me into shape, no doubt. Before her, I was in bad shape, AFC to the core, and Did Not understand women. Did not see them for who they really are. I see them Now as fragile, something to be protected, to be loved, and looked out for, much like you would a little child.

They're very vulnerable creatures, women are. Their peripheral vision is bad. They stumble a lot. And lean on each other and their cellphones. They're definitely nothing like us, guys, no matter how much the media and entertainment tries to confuse the two sexes' functions or attributes.


Aug 31, 2009
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This is officially the most sympiest thread on sosuave.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
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Don't post here looking for a shoulder to cry on, we only give out backhands.

If you ever do meet this imaginary quality woman you're whimpering about, she will just dump you the same as the last one probably did.


You'll be too afraid of losing her; you'll walk on eggshells in your quest to keep her. She'll sense your insecurity and neediness, and throw you out like the weak excuse of a man you apparently are.

With 1200 posts and 2.5 years on this site, you should know better. If you don't, read old posts by Rollo Tomassi, because you need to desperately improve your Inner Game.

AND THROW THOSE FVCKING PICTURES OUT!!! Holy ****, get out of the past.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I'll probably Never get over her. She was/is just That so amazing. I'm trying to find another gal Just like her, and have, but not her age.

I Know that there's gotta be another girl out there just like her in looks and personality (naive doll of a girl, but Smart). I'll look at old pictures, and derive some sort of calibrating of what Target I'm aiming for. She was/is Really rare, a diamond in the ruff, etc etc."

If you get one "just like her" you'll be re-living history and those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Your diamond wasn't a diamond at all but just a great big ol hunk of coal or maybe a great big ol hunk of nasty smelly sh!t that you are better off having flushed out of your life and mind.

A rare diamond would not of left you, she would of been by your side "in sickness and in health" or so goes the marriage phrase. Through thick and through thin through your low AFC times to your high DJ times a diamond, a girl who really loved you would stick around.

Again this girl was no diamond, she didn't really deeply truly love you.

So don't look for another her look for something better.

"My church has NONE girls with the characteristics, looks, "light," she seemed to possess. It's just a different strength and love that I can't find very many places in the world. I've Always viewed Mormons or LDS or charismatics etc etc as cults though. A danger. Unhealthy, to the people in them."

All organized religion is unhealthy to the people in it, all of them are cults, the most mainstream of religions such as Islam or Christianity (whatever denomination) are no different in this regard. No different from the Krishnas, Moonies or Branch Davidians they are all cults and they all fvck up a person's mind in one way or another. The seeming peace or rather "light" that you saw in the girl was from her experiencing one of our basic human needs that being "certainty". Religion can provide that certainty through belief so that is one of the unfortunate things about our needs as humans. Meaning someone can get the same "peace filled" benefit out of believing absolute bullsh!t as they can out of believing something absolutely true based in facts, logic and reality. The reason you meet women that act how women are supposed to act in such venues is because the dark specter of feminism hasn't penetrated these womens minds so deeply as of yet and they still hold to tradition in keeping with their religious doctrine but it will only be a matter of decades or less before these women too are polluted by Sex in the City garbage skank culture feminist entitlement groupthink and subsequently ruined like the rest of western society's females.

"But where am I gonna find one just like her if I keep "looking for love in all the wrong places." MY church certainly does NOT contain this woman I seek."

There is no such thing as a "quality" woman in the sense the morality crew thinks of the term that being the woman who will never cheat on you or never behave badly. In reality women will do what their conditions require of them to get what they want. Women like we men operate on base human animal selfishness and will work at aquiring scarce resources including desireable mates for themselves so if you want a woman to view you as her master and behave how you want her to behave you are simply going to have to enflame with desire that ancient part of her brain that worships alpha caveman type of behavior so work on your confidence, energy and alpha dominant attitude and in so doing become a better DJ. Going to the library or churches and looking for a so called quality woman is no different than going to a bar to find one. In both venues the women still require the same things to be turned on by you and want to remain loyal to you as they are women and thus have the same animal desires and same buttons to be pressed. None is different than the other in this regard. Learn that, accept that and you will end your suffering. Learn it not and you will continue on starry eyed retardedly chasing your one true love whom god above apparently put on earth just for you.

"I can only go on my experience and knowledge of her. I guess I keep referring back to the Source of my happiness that zapped me 4-5 years ago. It zapped me into shape, no doubt. Before her, I was in bad shape, AFC to the core, and Did Not understand women. Did not see them for who they really are. I see them Now as fragile, something to be protected, to be loved, and looked out for, much like you would a little child."

LOL, funny you say this as this is the sort of thinking most AFC's come here to be unplugged from including myself.

Understand this: Women are the opposite of sugar and spice and everything nice.

They are mentally strong, callous, manipulative, unethical, amoral and visciously compete with other women even their girl friends for men. They are the opposite of weak though they put on a good act of frailty to sucker would be knights such as yourself into becoming willing and obediant wage slaves for them in marriage or relationships. So don't be an idiot. Don't be a walking talking ATM machine for some ruthless b!tch. Thump your chest and collect whatever courage you have left in that AFC bag of bones you call a body and throw off this retarded thinking and begin a new.

Also I get the sense that she filled your mind with this bullsh!t right after dumping you. Probably laid some guilt rap on you about how you don't love or listen to her enough blah d blah d blah...

She was just digging the knife in brother.

That sort of sh!t is why when a b!tch dumps you, as a DJ you are best off walking away and not attempting to get a reason for the breakup out of her. The b!tch wants you to hurt at the end of the relationship because in typical amoral entitled fashion she is p!ssed off at you for wasting her time when she could've been with a real alpha instead.

Chicks understand deeply how you think they are even if they are not really that certain way and they will use how you feel about them to tailor a response to you that will be most hurtful during a breakup.

You thought this b!tch was diamond and a precious special angel for example so thats why she probably ran that whole guilt rap on you about how frail, gentle and loving she was and how undeserving of her you are and now in your guilt you believe what she was saying to hurt you is the truth about women lmao.

B!tch please.

Who are you trying to fool skank?

So yeah don't believe that end of relationship breakup talk bullsh!t, infact don't even try to hear it if a girl insists on you hearing it, walk away and go cold no contact everytime.

Sh!t the no contact is what usually brings the b!tches back to you anyway.

"They're very vulnerable creatures, women are. Their peripheral vision is bad. They stumble a lot. And lean on each other and their cellphones. They're definitely nothing like us, guys, no matter how much the media and entertainment tries to confuse the two sexes' functions or attributes."

When a woman you are in a relationship with sleeps with another guy she did not make a mistake or have bad peripheral vision nor was she naieve. She wanted to do this. It was a cold hard callous and calculated animalistic lust based decision. A choice thought through and acted on. Women don't trip and fall and land on some guy's d!ck. Neither did the alcohol or the drugs or the situation force her to do it. They ride a guy's d!ck because they choose to be on top of that guy's d!ck or on the end of it.

When a woman tosses you in the gutter its the same as my above teaching about what it means when she screws someone else. This was also a cold calculated callous decision not a mistake and its not the media that began the confusion of gender roles it was feminism. The media with Sex in the City and other garbage programming simply helped the destruction of the western female along with not only that show but all of the negative culture rotting degenerate garbage shown on MTV.


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
evoken said:
This is officially the most sympiest thread on sosuave.
what the hell is sympiest ? Am I that stupid and missing something ? lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
I'll probably Never get over her. She was/is just That so amazing. I'm trying to find another gal Just like her, and have, but not her age.

I Know that there's gotta be another girl out there just like her in looks and personality (naive doll of a girl, but Smart). I'll look at old pictures, and derive some sort of calibrating of what Target I'm aiming for. She was/is Really rare, a diamond in the ruff, etc etc.
I don't think she herself was really that great per se - but more like you two just *clicked.* There will definitely be other girls that you will *click* with. Don't bother putting that ex on a pedastal - she herself wasn't that great - what was great was the *fit* that you two had

Poonani Maker said:
I can only go on my experience and knowledge of her. I guess I keep referring back to the Source of my happiness that zapped me 4-5 years ago. It zapped me into shape, no doubt. Before her, I was in bad shape, AFC to the core, and Did Not understand women.
Pook made a great point. It's not that the girl is your source of happiness per se, but that the girl was somehow able to bring out the best in you. You totally changed for the better because of her. You are the source of your happiness - it just so happened that your ex *unlocked* the happiness. No wonder there is that saying that a girl either makes you, or breaks you.

Poonani Maker said:
Did not see them for who they really are. I see them Now as fragile, something to be protected, to be loved, and looked out for, much like you would a little child. They're very vulnerable creatures, women are. Their peripheral vision is bad. They stumble a lot. And lean on each other and their cellphones. They're definitely nothing like us, guys, no matter how much the media and entertainment tries to confuse the two sexes' functions or attributes.
Yes - girls really are weak. Just like a little child. Strip away that feminist conditioning of 'I must be strong and independent' and underneath is just a fragile child. I view all girls as children.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Man are you alright? You've been acting a bit out of character lately..

Did some big lifechanging event happen, or are you just trolling now?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
I had something written but it got erased accidentally. To sum up, it was basically more praising of this woman I knew/know.

I believe, in my mind, that she still misses me. She married a police captain i.e. numerous power connections (can protect her to the hilt).

She contacted me Last before she got married in '07, but I didn't answer.

I see her sister through work every now and then. She Tries to be like her, but her she is not, plus she's fat, unacceptably so, or I might go after her.

She is Not your average Girl. She's Never lied to me, or to anyone that I know. I kind of wish that she HAD lied to me before. That way, I would have had just cause to dismiss her out of my mind, but as it is though, she Never lied to me. I never caught her in a lie, even though In My Mind, I accused her of lying or deception on a couple of occasions (in my mind, I even once accused her of being an escort or wh0re on the side). I was saying to myself, "No woman can be This good" because I myself had a problem lying at the time, I thought Everybody lied. All my accusations (in my mind, not to her face or behind her back) of her wrongdoing turned out to be false. This drew me even More intoxicated with her. I'm still, to this day, under her spell - the way she looks, the way she just IS. I wish there were more women like her.

She was purely honest to me up until the end, and I can't find another woman like that, who is almost manish in her authenticity, you know, a Woman you can RESPECT. It's Very hard for me to respect most women. I don't care how many children they've bore.

My experience with women, especially within the past few years in business has been that they, and only they (not guys in business) will Complain, try to order me around, get pissy, go ballistic, over the most ridiculous minor insignificant things. In a sense, I, the male, am always wrong in these women's eyes. It's like their eyes turn red, and they Try to control me from A to Z from there on out.

Women's lib has gone Way too far.

This oneitis had none of that lib, she was so innocent, so faithful, and from another time really. She dated cowboys and loved country, farms and such.

She may appear freakish to some in looks and speaking with her, yet she still fronted the look of a Doll, like she was stuck in adolescence, arrested development. I think that something must have happened to her before I met her. Her mom died when she was 9. She looks like she may have done some crystal meth that fvcked her up at one time in high school or something, but I just don't know how she, as Trader says, "unlocked" the happiness in me that had been dormant for 2 decades. She put a powerful spell on me, which made me pursue and focus on her harder than I've pursued any chick.

Everything she Ever said to me "clicked" as well as whatever I ever said to her, she understood.

A lot of women I don't understand, and a lot of women don't understand me for very long periods of conversation. Yeah, they'll nod their head, but it's just vacant. With her, even if texting (which I hate), she always made the convo interesting, and gave me hope to look forward to being and talking with her.

Other women seem just so jaded or half-hearted or just temporary to me everywhere I go. They all use the same words, and yap about nothing.

Whenever she spoke, there was meaning or weight to it, that could really only be understood by us both, and maybe her sisters, who she would tell everything.

She always thought (like a man would) before she spoke to me, very rare for most girls I talk to these days. Most girls come sooo pre-programmed. She was Free. She was very good at poker too. I couldn't believe how she beat all us guys, with her being a petite innocent, even naive-looking blond-haired blue-eyed girl?

I think that she was even more of a man than I was. She led me. She could probably teach Any low-life AFC like I was, to be a real man. She created real men out of nothing. I guess that's why I loved her, and could see myself married for life to her. She made me feel like a man, like a cheerleader she was to me. I love that kind of woman who can inspire me to do the right thing.

I know that sounds like the Chicago song "You're the inspiration" but that's just what she was to me, the inspiration to grow and be better. From the most unlikely of sources though, because she's fvcked up, no doubt about it. She could go from smiley nice to MEAN real fast. It was like I was dealin with the exorcist sometimes, like Reese Witherspoon's portrayal of June Carter, she'd turn on you quick.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
I think Vlad hijacked Poonani's account.


Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Poonani Maker said:
I know that sounds like the Chicago song "You're the inspiration" but that's just what she was to me, the inspiration to grow and be better.
This thread has just jumped the shark.

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