i set myself a challegne to be able to walk a mile grininig naturally

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
hello. i have troubles smiling. i cant do the dj bootcamp because i cant smile. once i can smile properly and be happy i will d o the bootcamp. so tomorrow wen i finish work, i will go from my house towards a supermarket which is like a mile away and try to smile and also smile wen i am going the mile back. i wil repeat this every day until i am able to smile.

teach me how to smile and be happy while walking before i do it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
Think of something funny.

Also, before you go around practicing your smile, make sure it looks good. Go smile in front of a mirror.

Also remember that the smile is not just your mouth, it also involves your eyes and various other aspects of your face.
Mar 18, 2006
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Last edited:


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
Reaction score
From this post:
Great post, It's on the DJ Bible for a reason.

How to smile::crackup:
1. Taking left side of face and raise it 15 degrees
2. Take the right side and do the same on 15 degrees
3. Open mouth exactly 3” centimeters
4. Top lip should be slightly curved while the bottom far more curved
5. pull up cheek muscle up slightly until it has indentation right near the mouth.
6. Make sure top teeth are showing for the most part
7. A little bit of the lower teeth should show too


If the top of your lip doesn’t curve upward we you failed steps 1 and 2 so please try again
Now how to really smile.

Do this in the mirror right now.

Now relax your face and I want you to think of the funniest experience you’ve ever had in your life. Look in the mirror again.

Hmm same results eh? Although your first try might have been very awkward and uncomfortable looking. Not to mention people who can read body language very well (typically women) could sense it was a fake smile but the other was natural. In anywhere in the world facial expressions are exactly the same cause it is not a cultural mechanism but a natural one.


BECAUSE ITS NATURAL TO SMILE! It is ingrained in us naturally. Just like when a baby comes out of the mother and has a scowl facial expression not a smile or a smirk or a toungue sticking out while it cries. WHY? Because it is natural ingrained in us through evolution!

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
i did this yesterday. i walked the mile and back. however it was not real and still not natural, in fact i think i cheated. i downloaded these mp3 files of a comedian which i like onto my ipod, and listened to this while i was walking. as a result i was smiling 80-90% of the way, but it was the type of smile which one uses when he is laughing at something, in fact twice i actually laughed uncontrollably. when it got to parts i didn't find funny, i stopped smiling and the regular unexpressionless depressed-looking face took over. so really the 'think of the funniest thing ever' thing u said to me didn't work at all. the only thing this is good for, is something i have not heard before, and after i take them out therr is still like 20 seconds of residue smiling at what i have heard.

btw i only passed one attractive women the whole time, there was not much people, just lots and lots of cars and traffic. she did not make eye contact.


Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
eddy fox said:
i have troubles smiling.

That's a side effect. Of you being uncomfortable with yourself. Such as you're do not feel physically comfortable, fat, titties, etc.. Could also be you're not comfortable with your own sexuality. Etc. Etc. It's a problem with yourself.

Here is what to do.

Improve physically. Be absolutely the best you could be. Study PU/DJ. Improve your game. Give it time. With training you will realize how much you love yourself. Once you love yourself, you will smile when you walk that mile and see things that make you smile.

eddy fox

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Stuntmann said:
That's a side effect. Of you being uncomfortable with yourself. Such as you're do not feel physically comfortable, fat, titties, etc.. Could also be you're not comfortable with your own sexuality. Etc. Etc. It's a problem with yourself.

Here is what to do.

Improve physically. Be absolutely the best you could be. Study PU/DJ. Improve your game. Give it time. With training you will realize how much you love yourself. Once you love yourself, you will smile when you walk that mile and see things that make you smile.
game and pickup says u should smile, therefore smiling comes first? i want to be able to smile. how can i smile? im not fat, i don't have titties. what is it about my writing that you guessed i was fat? is there a fat-person-like nature to the way i type?

i dont know whether im comfortable wiht myself or not. i have a bad concentration in everything even stuff i enjoy like computer games(hence why im still not pro and making money off it) and in past month ive been realy trying to learn for my driving test but im getting barely anywhere. i dont like this because i am embarrassed about this. really i shold have started working at it like 2-3 years ago.

when im walking i dont like being around certain people who know me or knew me. there are two areas beside mine i could have walked to. on one side is a middle class area which ppl know me from a school, the other side is a working class area which tbh i dont like walking in.