So I sent this girl a message from a dating site and she took several days to respond, I had already said f her, but all of the sudden thursday she responds, I seem nice... sense of humor... she is "very interested" but she doesn't spend much time on that site so here is her number and she'd like to talk a little before we meet. I responded back with my number but told her I was pretty busy this weekend but I'd probably have some time to talk towards the end of the weekend or the begining of the week. I'd be more tempted to call sooner but I really am busy with work and the ufc tonight, that worked out well so I dont look too eager.
I don't want to spend too much time on the phone without meeting her nor am I much of a phone person so how much do I talk to her before I push to meet up? I'm thinking a couple of calls that I try to not let drag on too long and then try to pin her down but she seems suspicious and is a single mom so I don't want to be too pushy. However, I'm already a bit perplexed by her since I am relatively sure that she got my message the next morning when the site showed her logging in and then she doesn't respond for several days which would seem to indicate a lack of interest and now all of the sudden she says she is very interested and gives me her number.
I don't want to spend too much time on the phone without meeting her nor am I much of a phone person so how much do I talk to her before I push to meet up? I'm thinking a couple of calls that I try to not let drag on too long and then try to pin her down but she seems suspicious and is a single mom so I don't want to be too pushy. However, I'm already a bit perplexed by her since I am relatively sure that she got my message the next morning when the site showed her logging in and then she doesn't respond for several days which would seem to indicate a lack of interest and now all of the sudden she says she is very interested and gives me her number.