It all depends. You have to pay for hosting and a domain name. Usually, the domain name comes with the hosting plan, but you can buy it separate so they aren't tied together. If you're going to pay for someone else to actually do the coding it also depends on what exactly you're looking for. A static website (ex: landing page) is pretty easy to do, and so is pretty cheap. The harder it is to code, the more it'll cost you. You've got a range of options though. You can pay flat-fee, or you can pay hourly. Its a buyer's market.Fatal Jay said:How much does it take for one to make a website (have someone to make them a great website)
and how much is the monthly's on keeping the site up?
The reason why I am asking this, is because I want to make a website.
Eph said:It all depends. You have to pay for hosting and a domain name. Usually, the domain name comes with the hosting plan, but you can buy it separate so they aren't tied together. If you're going to pay for someone else to actually do the coding it also depends on what exactly you're looking for. A static website (ex: landing page) is pretty easy to do, and so is pretty cheap. The harder it is to code, the more it'll cost you. You've got a range of options though. You can pay flat-fee, or you can pay hourly. Its a buyer's market.
What type of website were you looking into creating?
Don't put the cart before the horse. Start a free blog on wordpress or blogger, it's got everything you need to get started.Fatal Jay said:Like a mixture of blogging, but also doing reviews on certain media, such as movies, games, music etc.
My blog/website is probably similar to the one that you're looking to design.Fatal Jay said:Like a mixture of blogging, but also doing reviews on certain media, such as movies, games, music etc.
Agreed 100%, and this is exactly how I did mine. There's a lot of popular blogs out there that don't pay 5hit. It all boils down to necessity. For me, it became absolutely necessary that I have webspace to store all my 5hit because all the free services were too unreliable and it was pissing off my readers. Get what you need out of necessity instead of dreaming big and wasting money.taiyuu_otoko said:Don't put the cart before the horse. Start a free blog on wordpress or blogger, it's got everything you need to get started.
THEN start blogging and build your audience. Once you've got a decent audience, you can then spend some cash to build your own site.
If you want to talk, talk to your friends. If you want a girl to like you, listen to her, ask questions, and act like you are on the edge of your seat.
Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.