Thanks for all the feedback!
She's almost at the point where she says she loves me. Just waiting for her to drop the hammer on her ex. No we haven't had sex
yet. I'm having way too much fun with this to risk prematurely pulling the cord. Plus, this is like fishing for a different kind of fish than the typical rules apply for. If I pressure her or attempt to escalate too early I'll get shut off and I'll lose the fish. This relates to Rollo's initial concern about the extended
texting, chat messaging, and phone conversations. Normally I wouldn't waste so much time and would have escalated already. We're talking about a 20 yr old though. Much more groundwork needs to be layed in order for my opportunity with this particular female to come to fruition. It needs to come naturally for her and considering our ages, etc - that's gona take a more unorthodox approach and a little more time than normal.
So far, I'm enjoying this as more of a learning experience than one where sex is the ultimate goal. These days sex is not so difficult to come by, especially if you take care of yourself and have access to the internet! Its passion that is rare. You know that feeling people get when they cuddle? Imagine being able to cause someone to feel that all day long. Does anybody know the name of the chemical released in romantic situations when we were at
that age? Adrenaline or something?
Onto the "she's taken"debate.
Squirrels pointed out when I first met her I had no intent to get anything from her. I had other plates (and more importantly I'm at peace with myself), so I didn't feel desperate or have a sense of urgency to aggressively sarge. I accepted that she was unavailable.
Note: what I learned in Lab was that by not showing interest (and having it be genuine) I won over her interest.
Rollo's side of the debate is that consideration needs to be taken for the
context of the situation.
She's only 20, engaged in a LTR, but its a LDR where she is unhappy. Her bf (also 20) is barely ever around to do things with her yet she can't do things on her own for the sake of him, so she feels hand-cuffed and finds herself sitting around alone a lot. There are no kids involved.
I'd bet a large % of relationships and marriages start as a branch swing. I believe the scenarios that Jitterbug described where the first branch flips out and does
something crazy may occur more often when the female is more deceptive than normal (and bpds etc) or where the guy has his own deep rooted issues.
Granted, my being on that end of the equation is what originally brought me here. It felt like I was in hell. With all the red flags this girl is kicking off, and the fact that nothing has changed in their relationship, doesn't it follow that her ex has had ample opportunity to do something about it?
That being said we've hung out 3 or 4 times now in the 3 weeks we've known each other. Only once by ourselves at the park where I met her dog and the rest of the times were with her girlfriends.
As an interesting side note: I've battled trying to quit cigarettes over the years and have had huge success in the last 3 months. Now that I'm hanging out with girls this hot I find it a lot easier to not smoke. Their breath smells kind of like bubblegum even though they're not chewing gum. Their tits have that visible firmness that tends to disappear in females around 23 or 24. Regardless, I'll report back once we've had sex.