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I refuse to play games anymore - GAMB


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Ofcourse you need the basic principles of having self confidence and self worth as a real man! This is not game, this is self respect.

Be a man, go for what you want. Have your sh*t together, have a decent job, work out, have hobbies and a normal social life. If you want a normal women around you. But as an business owner I grew a lot as a man. I see jealousy when you are succesfull, I see people sh*t test you (clients for instance) or personnel or whoever. But you can only let people play games as long as you let them and accept that. I became an even harder man mentally.

Now to the point: I got more fit due gym, diet and kickboxing. I take very good care of myself, my teeth, my health, hair and skin. This all helped me to attract better women and it worked.

I have a hb7 plate who I met on a party and I can f*ck her whenever I wish, she texts me, calls me, is basically my b1tch. She's a bit too fat and smokes cigarettes. I keep her around for dry spells but I would love to next her for good.

Now the other two are younger. 19 and 23. One is really nice but plays games hardcore. She has such a big ego. The other one is even hotter but she has a kid.

To the point like I said: The 19 year old, had two double dates with her. She was very interested the first two dates but after the second she flaked on me when she was coming to my home (first time) so I could try to get phisical with her.
Anyway saw her in a shop working next day, accidentally. I waved, laughed and bailed. I was like you flake I'm not coming for small talk. And I was with a friend anyway.

So 1 week later I asked her out again and she says yes sure. I ask when and she ignores me for a week. Then I meet her in the club this saturday but I act like I don't see her. She was with her friend out and 2 boys. She's hot, she gets attention.

She comes to me once gives me 3 kisses and says I be right back to never come back. I focus on other women, already gave her up a week ago lol. Not even one time I look in her direction or look for attention, just dancing and having fun with other people.

Then today she replies. Hey hey, I got time this week, which day suits for you for a drink?

I waited 9 hours to reply and said, tonight or sunday evening. She didn't reply. I got a feeling that this chick has some interest but that interest drops again when I be availble for her. Ofc she got other options, but hey I am Thegambino.

I refuse to play games that I am not availble while I am. I refuse to ignore her for a week again to come off stronger, I refuse to say I am busy while I have the time and mind to have her around. I be direct, straight a man. I reply and if she wanna play games I bail. That's me now, no games.

That night I took the 23 year old home I mentioned earlier. Met her, she looked interested. Danced had some fun and told her to after party at my house. She was drunk. We kissed a little bit but at my home, I tried everything. Kino, in my bed, play with her tits, as, even try to finger her. Nothing. She didn't want to make out or anything anymore. We did a little bit earlier.

Next morning she sees me very clear and well and she looks interested in me asking me 1000 questions. I drop her off, text her next day, she adds me on whatsapp and I ask her for drinks. She says next week on saturday. I say no, i have plans then, any other days ? She says no then saturday in 3 weeks. (because she has a kid she says she cant meet me on another day). But she says we see then okay its far away.

This also doesnt sound to good, I think she would drop the kid at her parents for one day or so to meet me if she really wanted. Kid is only 3 though and she was talking to her on the phone the morning she woke up at my house wanting to make her baby daddy jealous I guess.

She says that she acted bad I told her no you were respectfull.

Well I don't talk to her now and wait for 3 weeks to ask her out that saturday and she if she shows up. To be continued.

Moral of story: Don't be played, be a man. And TheGambino refuses to play games anymore. I reply when I want, I call her 5 mins after back or 9 hours, whenever I want. Just be man.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
Ofcourse you need the basic principles of having self confidence and self worth as a real man! This is not game, this is self respect.

Be a man, go for what you want. Have your sh*t together, have a decent job, work out, have hobbies and a normal social life. If you want a normal women around you. But as an business owner I grew a lot as a man. I see jealousy when you are succesfull, I see people sh*t test you (clients for instance) or personnel or whoever. But you can only let people play games as long as you let them and accept that. I became an even harder man mentally.

Now to the point: I got more fit due gym, diet and kickboxing. I take very good care of myself, my teeth, my health, hair and skin. This all helped me to attract better women and it worked.

I have a hb7 plate who I met on a party and I can f*ck her whenever I wish, she texts me, calls me, is basically my b1tch. She's a bit too fat and smokes cigarettes. I keep her around for dry spells but I would love to next her for good.

Now the other two are younger. 19 and 23. One is really nice but plays games hardcore. She has such a big ego. The other one is even hotter but she has a kid.

To the point like I said: The 19 year old, had two double dates with her. She was very interested the first two dates but after the second she flaked on me when she was coming to my home (first time) so I could try to get phisical with her.
Anyway saw her in a shop working next day, accidentally. I waved, laughed and bailed. I was like you flake I'm not coming for small talk. And I was with a friend anyway.

So 1 week later I asked her out again and she says yes sure. I ask when and she ignores me for a week. Then I meet her in the club this saturday but I act like I don't see her. She was with her friend out and 2 boys. She's hot, she gets attention.

She comes to me once gives me 3 kisses and says I be right back to never come back. I focus on other women, already gave her up a week ago lol. Not even one time I look in her direction or look for attention, just dancing and having fun with other people.

Then today she replies. Hey hey, I got time this week, which day suits for you for a drink?

I waited 9 hours to reply and said, tonight or sunday evening. She didn't reply. I got a feeling that this chick has some interest but that interest drops again when I be availble for her. Ofc she got other options, but hey I am Thegambino.

I refuse to play games that I am not availble while I am. I refuse to ignore her for a week again to come off stronger, I refuse to say I am busy while I have the time and mind to have her around. I be direct, straight a man. I reply and if she wanna play games I bail. That's me now, no games.

That night I took the 23 year old home I mentioned earlier. Met her, she looked interested. Danced had some fun and told her to after party at my house. She was drunk. We kissed a little bit but at my home, I tried everything. Kino, in my bed, play with her tits, as, even try to finger her. Nothing. She didn't want to make out or anything anymore. We did a little bit earlier.

Next morning she sees me very clear and well and she looks interested in me asking me 1000 questions. I drop her off, text her next day, she adds me on whatsapp and I ask her for drinks. She says next week on saturday. I say no, i have plans then, any other days ? She says no then saturday in 3 weeks. (because she has a kid she says she cant meet me on another day). But she says we see then okay its far away.

This also doesnt sound to good, I think she would drop the kid at her parents for one day or so to meet me if she really wanted. Kid is only 3 though and she was talking to her on the phone the morning she woke up at my house wanting to make her baby daddy jealous I guess.

She says that she acted bad I told her no you were respectfull.

Well I don't talk to her now and wait for 3 weeks to ask her out that saturday and she if she shows up. To be continued.

Moral of story: Don't be played, be a man. And TheGambino refuses to play games anymore. I reply when I want, I call her 5 mins after back or 9 hours, whenever I want. Just be man.
I think where you're going wrong is by letting women put you in situations where they can play games. The double date is a classic example of this - having anyone else around is a kokblock. Public places are a kokblock. With messages she's using the phone network to kockblock you. All of this allows her to get attention whilst giving you nothing and keeping you on the hook.

You have to move quickly on these girls - as soon as you meet them get them alone and make a move. If they don't want to play ball then get rid of them and forget them. Don't be getting to know them or sending a bunch of messages back and forward. Even acknowledging them in public is giving them attention that they don't deserve.

Paper Crane

Mar 6, 2021
Reaction score
I honestly think you're lacking the abundance which is causing you to feel emotionally about these two situations you wrote out for us.

With the girl with the kid, she's always going to be thinking about her kid first.. so if she doesn't put out always, shes probably in her head thnking about whether you're goin to be in it for the long run or if she wants to keep you in her life as some excitement. Of course, if you're not exciting enough for her, she might still keep you around to see how you treat her.

With the younger girl, you can't expect much even though she's a bit fat.. There are so many dudes young girls have access to who will smoke them out, party with them and give them the D. You're probably not that special to her.. and its embarassing that you're kinda emotional over her..

I would say with both of these women, I would say start telling them what you want then to do rather than expecting sht. from them. and if they don't comply, then stop wasting time on them.. That's real boss moves.

Overall man it sounds like you're thinking too much , or a bit too invested in these nobodies. If you're "The gambino" move around and look for other opportunities. you need to constantly be playing the game, not trying to cook the same eggs twice. Theres girls' worth keeping and girls that aren't.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Chicks are going to play games... it is in their nature to do this. Men are human beings, not robots, this game playing emotional manipulation can and WILL effect you. Chick inspired game playing bugs the cr@p out of me. Yes... it ticks me off when a woman I really like starts doing this sh1t. Any man normal sane man that says this sort of thing does not bother him is lying. The only men that can honestly say game playing doesn't bother him is likely a sociopath with a narcissistic personality disorder.

Game playing BS is going to bother you... just like when you stand in rain without an umbrella you will get wet.

The key to a successful life is to not be controlled by your emotions. Do not allow a chick to pull you off center... do not let a woman's issues and problems become your issues and problems.

Look.... it is really easy for women to do this, they are emotional... this is their world... when you get in these emotional wrestling matches with chicks, you are wrestling a pig in THIER sty. You can not win these matches... she is going to play her game, and if you are not willing to get in the ring with her... she honestly does not give a flying fvck... because she will find another dude that will.

Do not let your emotions control your actions. When you say to yourself "I'm tired of game playing, I'm not putting up with this anymore... and THIS is what I'm going to do about it!" You have already lost... because you are allowing your emotions to control you behavior. You have to get to a point where you could not care less about her attempts at manipulation.

You will not get this unless you find yourself with a woman you REALLY love, I mean REALLY REALLY love... that you walk away from because she is not going to be good for you. If you haven't been through this you are still an amateur.

I know a guy that is dating a chick... she is a complete fvcking mess... flaky, a mountain of credit card debt, has some serious emotional damage... she's on a bunch of anti-depressant meds, and you has to go in once a week to get an injection of something that just puts her on a high all day... Recently he spent a bunch of money planning a trip to take her overseas to meet his extended family. Because she is a fvcking mess, she couldn't get her sh1t together to get ready to go, this cost him several thousand dollars... she is unemployed (but she has a couple of side hustles which doesn't make her enough money to meet her expenses). So what does he do? He moves her into his place.

So people might ask "Ranger Mike... what are you doing to help this dude?" Answer: NOTHING... I'm not doing anything, I am not going to get sucked into some stupid situation even when it doesn't affect me... I DON'T CARE what happens to him, If I don't care what a chick does to try and manipulate me, why should I care about a situation that doesn't effect me at all. This dude has lost ALL emotional control. If he ever asked me for my advice I would just say two words... "dump her", but he won't because he thinks he can fix her... because he loves her.


Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
These women aren't playing games. Its called low interest and you're not picking up on it.

You're not allowing them to play games. You're allowing them to use you for free attention. When it comes time for them to ante up (coming to your house), they bail. They are using you as long as they can for free drinks, food and attention until they have to pay the piper. Then they bounce.

There are many things that you can do to avoid this. First thing is no double dates and escalating.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Not necessarily true Mike. (Kinda saying if your not like me your lying)
Its a phase for me that I went through. You get through by experiencing a bunch of behaviors that previously pisssed you off that do not anymore.
Its part of the anger phase from BP conditioning to being RP.
Its like you burst out laughing your ass off because you can set your watch to its mathematical precision.

Dude my wife does this shyt too. Its actually funny af at times.
But. I definitely would have went right for the insta invite on that text.
Nothing fcking shocks me with these women these days. Nothing. I realized getting pisssed is better energy spent on me.
Really all we are talking about here is method. How you control your emotions is not relevant. My point is that you are going to feel what you feel, but you can't let your feeling dictate action.

DO you let your wife control you emotionally... well no. You turn your angry into humor (which is an effective method) and you don't let it bother you... you never let things get to the point where negative emotion is going to tempt you to action.

Emotion is biological it is a stimulus response to external conditions which guide us to favorable action which has evolved over eons to where we are now.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
I dont stew like that. Women don't make me angry anymore. My alone time is way too peaceful to let a girl manipulate that.
That is really the key to having a healthy mental attitude which isn't really discussed much on this forum. You have to be comfortable being alone. Really, if you get to the point where you know you are better off being alone then to be with a woman that is going to make you miserable you will be much happier. But really this is just a man being more emotionally committed to his well being than hers.

I'm like this as well... truth is I am VERY selfish (which is an emotion based survival response). I am not a particularly generous person with my money, I am generous with my free time and do more volunteer work than your average person... but ask me for money... well... then it becomes personal really fast. The truth is I care a great deal about my money, A LOT more than your average person.... which has it's roots in my poor up-bringing.... and the fact that my father was a bloody idiot with money and was generous to a fault. He would give money to relatives that he did not have... once he stole my car title which I bought on my own, and used it to secure a loan so he could give money to his god-child. When he died, he was completely broke... after we settled his life insurance, there was nothing left... now my mother has to live with her children and no control of her life at all.

My emotional challenge is not women, it's parting with money. And it is something I have to recognize whenever I have to make a purchase of even things I really need. So when I talk about emotional control... I am talking about ANYTHING, not just women... but since this is a So Suave forum, and the prevailing topic is chicks... well that's what people care about.

It is possible a man might have a emotional block that keeps him from approaching women... these men have to get to the point where they control that emotion or getting with women is never going to happen.