I use Murrays Pomade
I can't really explain how I comb it.. but theres a link where a guy shows how he does his but i do it a different way.. check it out anyways (note: he parts his hair. parting your hair or not is your peference)
Is it stiff when im done? It depends on the temperature cause of the grease
If its hot it melts down (bad!) if its cool/night/cloudy than it'll stay stiff and wont melt
charm was right its a f**kin ***** to wash out depending on how much you put it.. I put in gobs of grease so I dont try washing it out often but I run shampoo through it every 4 days or so. to get it out.. uhh theres some sh!t called Dax's vegitable oil shampoo i havent found it yet though
my hair is wavy/straight so it comes out f**kin clean
curly hair styles usually come out looking not so great
but depends how curly your hair is i mean if its out of control curly than your gonna have a problem